In many of the other forums I've been on, you need to be a registered user, or have XXX amounts of posts, or simply be granted access to 'special' parts of the forum. In a way, it's kind of a good thing and has nice perks to it.
At any given time, there is roughly just as many guests here as registered users. Is it fair the guests gain access to unique findings posted for other WKC members? Specifically, I'm talking about the Trading Post. How many non-members found out about the off set red Joe on ebay Harris won or other CL postings in their area. The MN guys know this pain first hand.
If something unique pops up, having a place to post it for registered/authorized members would be handy to have.
As an example --- a NIB kabob ring & skewers. Should non-members be rewarded with this info?
Betcha a nickel if we go back thru the old catalog postings, an "S-25" is an 18" kabob set......
only 4 skewers......
Could be an OK thing to have a "limited" section, maybe......I think a lot of the "Guests" are people like me who leave things running after the log-in times out @ 1 hr...............
I see it's in Elgin.
Buckie - it is an 18" as the listing Q&A says so. :D
<<< it's 18.5" In diameter good luck a lot of watchers.... >>>
You time out after an hour? I don't think I've logged in more than twice the entire time I've been on this forum. (per device)
Pretty sure you can set that setting to "never"
That would be an awesome fit for the my Easterner..... or maybe another member's Easterner or Mediterranean or Gardner or 49'er or Yachtsman, Brave........... ;) I hope someone here gets it.
I saw it and hoped it was for a 22. Looked it up and yup, confirmed its for an 18. I have 22" skewers, but no ring.
Rumor has it that Weber is going to sell the ss kabob ring here in the states...probably the same one available only in Europe now. I'll be waiting to get that one if they offer it here.
Sounds good to me. Then it is just fellow diehard weber nutters that we have to compete with. ;)
Restrict to over 251 posts I say. 8)
oh and yeah, so can set it to never log you out.
I like the idea of it but if people have the itis and like to get all there tips from here won't they just become a member?
I guess that's what Kendoll's saying with having a minimum amount of posts before access is granted
Lately when I've seen something cool I'll just PM people who might be interested or live close to the item rather than posting it. Lets face it if you see something you want on eBay your not going to post it in trading post
Anything I want I don't post it until the reveal thread.
Had I wanted the kabob ring set in the original post, it wouldn't have been a thread I started which contained such info. That's not what this is about. I've PM'd local guys about local CL finds. Ebay is a different animal. I'd love to see someone from here win it. Anyone. But we all know non-members will come here and check out the Trading Post as 'we' have already done the leg work and possibly post the into onto other sites. That just drives up the price one of 'us' might have to pay.
Personally, there's a ton of other info on this site useful to guests and I think only (active) registered users should be able to see the Trading Post. In the meantime, I'll just keep posting stuff I'm not going after. :D
When this site began I suggested we make it like the Bretheren site where you have to join to look at it. It cuts down on the lurkers. I'm not sure how all of that works with the software though. Troy's the expert.
This reminds me of my wife's comment last night after she saw my new (and awesome) WKC patch:
"Oh, so you are in the Weber Club. I see the patch. Do you get extra bars (chevrons, etc) for every grill you restore?"
I am an admin on a forum and the software that we use, lets you set up what users can see. You can set up a user group that is a "newbie" status until like 5 or 10 posts. Once they hit the lucky number it changes it to "member" or whatever you want to call it. It then can open the forums up more. Id imagine that this forums software can do the same thing.
I like the idea.
it's certainly possible with the software.
however i believe the negatives outweigh the positives, at least for most content.
i'm not 100% opposed to the idea, but I'd rather not go down that road until the community is a bit more developed. :)
Troy - curious what negatives would outweigh the positives on this one.
Would posting rare items for WKC eyes only really be a bad thing? Like the kabob set above (which wasn't won by one of us) or the vintage blue 18 I just posted in the taking post. I've even posted quite a few estate sale kettles from across the country. Nothing rare like a yellow or blue 26'er ( :) ) but if it were, it's open to the vultures.
- content invisible to non logged in users doesn't bring in search traffic
- content invisible to non logged in users doesn't show the value of the community and entice them to sign up, engage, and be a part of the community. It could be argued that if they KNOW there's more content available if they sign up and log in that they would do so - but it rarely works that way. Today's society is skeptical, a 'join to post' is standard practice - a 'join to get exclusive content' is difficult to pull off without sounding gimmicky.
- the line between what should be exclusive/hidden and what should be public is difficult to define. everyone will have a differing opinion, and human nature will likely err to the exclusive side more often than not. Now we've got average content in an exclusive, hidden forum. A moderator makes the call to make it public, the original poster loses self confidence and loses a portion of his or her motivation to engage.
I've been involved in social media and community development for a long time =D
In my experience, great content and amazing members who contribute it will always be the biggest and best asset that a community can have.
WKC isn't growing because I'm an SEO.
WKC isn't growing because we made some badass shirts and patches.
We're not growing because of the killer weber kettle age guide that I wrote.
We're not growing due to the other site treating us like shit.
We're growing because everyone here is amazing, and we all have the same passions and interest. I'm totally stoked and honored that so many great people are contributing. Everytime I log in I actually feel sad that I don't have much time to commit to talking with you guys and improving the site :(
I certainly agree that we've created a monster that has raised the prices of our hobby - and that sucks.
But realistically, trying to slow down that trend is hopeless and will only hurt the community. (in my opinion)
There may come a time where that changes. Who knows :)
Quote from: Troy on July 24, 2013, 10:31:45 PM
We're not growing due to the other site treating us like shit.
Well said Troy. I'm good with that.
Back to business as usual... :D
Bman are you talking about those jackets from the 80's?
point taken.
Quote from: zavod44 on July 26, 2013, 09:00:15 PM
Bman are you talking about those jackets from the 80's?
Oh man my step dad and grand father had those for our family race team back in the late 80's me and my step bros wore them with pride at the track.. lol to funny!
We need some of these jackets with the wkc logo on the back and with our names on the front. They would be all shinny and everything. Imagine the look people would give you. I get enough weird looks when I load all the smokers and grills up in the back of the truck can you imagine hopping out with a jacket on!