Hello all,
I am sure that the this has been covered before, however I am new here and I have not found what I am looking for.
I am a classic kettle owner and love it to the moon and back. A friend of mine has a performer but its in bad shape. When I was last at his house I saw his Performer and the table top was missing. I asked him about it and he said he loved his grill but the table fell apart over time and he just pulled it off one day.
He has gone out of his way and has done a lot for me lately and I would like to repay him by making a new table top from scrap butcher block as a gift. I have my 22" kettle top for the round cut out template but I want to drill the holes for mounting the table to the original bolt holes so he can just put it on and be done with it. Could a Performer owner here help me out with some dimensions for the bolt holes? and possibly from the tip of the round cut out to the first bolt hole on center. For any clarification on the type of performer, if I recall it had the longer profile for the table and I think I remember that it had the plastic can for the charcoal storage still in it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I am no expert on Performers. I just picked up my 1st one, used, a couple of months ago. I could give you some measurements, but I'm not sure how accurate they would be depending on when his was made and what model it was.
Maybe someone with more experience can chime in.