Say Weber Wheel Whitewalls 10 times fast, haha. Over time, the whitewalls on my Weber kettle wheels became brittle and began cracking off in little bits and pieces. I finally got tired of it and picked the rest of the plastic off so now I am running blackwall wheels. I've been in touch with Weber customer service over the past day or two and they will not sell replacement whitewalls. If I want new, I have to purchase the wheels also. Can anyone source just the whitewalls?
Thank you.
[mention]Evochuck [/mention] might be able to help you with what you are looking for. You can look on Facebook for Chuck's inserts.
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Perfect! Thank you Lilyankee and RRRanger99!
Whitewalls are so yesterday! Black wheels matter! The wheels on my '79 Happy Cooker are all black. The whitewall chipped off, so they were painted high gloss black.
Red works well also.....
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Those are so cool! I want some!
That looks sweet!
Thanks guys, 3D printer job done by a member that used to be on here a while back. Haven't seen or heard from him in over a year..... he did a white set for me too.(
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I'm definitely going to hit him up whenever I finally start my SSP restore.
@bamakettles Yes, those ARE cool. Mine are on the way, so stay tuned. :-)
Quote from: Babekyu on October 23, 2021, 02:23:05 AM
@bamakettles Yes, those ARE cool. Mine are on the way, so stay tuned. :-)
Awesome, can't wait to see some pics!
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I received my wheel inserts today, courtesy of Chuck's Inserts. They look and fit great.
Very nice! Wow, that was fast....I like the blue!
I just ordered a set for my Happy Cooker. Can't wait to install these!
Quote from: bamakettles on October 20, 2021, 02:36:46 PM
Red works well also.....
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Picked up another set of inserts from Chuck for my new to me Weber Performer. Sometimes it's the little things that bring so much joy.
Nice for reviving an old thread! Will help me on a gift grill. Thanks for sharing!
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I LOVE my Chuck's! He made a pair of 70th Anniversary inserts for me. They look even better with the red cap. I also have his Weber sign and kettle scraper.
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Quote from: cdp8 on September 05, 2023, 03:26:40 PM
I LOVE my Chuck's! He made a pair of 70th Anniversary inserts for me. They look even better with the red cap. I also have his Weber sign and kettle scraper.
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I like those white walls! Looks stunning along with the blue of the kettle.
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Quote from: Babekyu on October 17, 2021, 04:00:24 AM
Say Weber Wheel Whitewalls 10 times fast, haha. Over time, the whitewalls on my Weber kettle wheels became brittle and began cracking off in little bits and pieces. I finally got tired of it and picked the rest of the plastic off so now I am running blackwall wheels. I've been in touch with Weber customer service over the past day or two and they will not sell replacement whitewalls. If I want new, I have to purchase the wheels also. Can anyone source just the whitewalls?
Thank you.
Yeah, we get the wheels with the whitewalls pre-installed from the supplier, so unfortunately we do not have just the whitewalls available separately for purchase/replacement. Looks like you found a great other option though! #IworkforWeber