Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Uknow on April 23, 2020, 07:31:21 AM

Title: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: Uknow on April 23, 2020, 07:31:21 AM
Hey all,

   I've been grilling on Weber Kettles for about 15 years now. I have two Weber original kettles, one 2004 that I use for grilling only and my main which is a 2008 that I use for grilling/smoking, and one smokey Joe. I found this site through some YouTube BBQ'ers that recommended it while surfing through smoking videos. Once I discovered there was a whole community dedicated to collecting and restoring Weber Kettles, I remembered a family member had an old kettle sitting outside their house for years and they no longer used it. So I called them up and asked them if they still had it and if I could come get it. Using the age guide on here, I was able to determine it is a 1975 model and overall, in pretty decent shape for being 45 years old and left outside. I'll be looking to restore it as best I can without modifying it. I'll make a separate post for some advice on that though.

Here she is!



Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: jhagestad on April 23, 2020, 07:54:14 AM
Welcome from Highland Park, Illinois! She is a beauty! Kettle restoration guidance on the WKC home page. We look forward to seeing how she turns out!
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: JEBIV on April 23, 2020, 07:57:10 AM
Welcome from Doraville,Ga sweet old weathered warrior. She will clean up nice and has family history to boot
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: SteveMBH on April 23, 2020, 03:20:11 PM
Welcome to the club!  Love the patina on your grill!

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Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: randy on April 23, 2020, 03:44:29 PM
Welcome from Toledo Ohio, made our first voyage to the U.P. Last summer it's beautiful country up there.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: foshizzle on April 23, 2020, 03:49:35 PM
That is nice.

You might like this.

"Patina" Appreciation society - Weathered Warriors

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: Uknow on April 23, 2020, 04:23:29 PM
Thanks everyone!

Thanks for the link, foshizle, I'll check that out!
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: jcnaz on April 23, 2020, 08:46:39 PM
Welcome, from sunny Arizona!
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: bamakettles on April 24, 2020, 05:04:29 AM
Welcome from Huntsville, Alabama.  Really nice weathered warrior you have there.....
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: Shoestringshop on April 26, 2020, 04:09:13 AM
Welcome from Melrose Park, ILL
Title: Re: Hello from the U.P of Michigan!
Post by: LightningBoldtz on April 26, 2020, 04:38:16 AM
welcome from the mitten side of the state..