Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: PotsieWeber on April 23, 2019, 05:20:32 PM

Title: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 23, 2019, 05:20:32 PM
The ad when up around dinner time on Easter.  Fortunately, I had an early Easter.  Messaged the guy pretty quickly.  Got the address & a time to meet.  Couldn't make it on Monday, so I had to schedule for Tuesday.  No doubt, I was nervous the entire time wondering if they would back out.

Did the drive & picked it up today.  He mentioned getting a lot of contacts after mine and that a lot of people were interested because it was yellow.  One guy even asked him to pass his phone number on to me in case I ever sell it (I thought it is a good chance it was someone here).  The guy I got it from was an older man & he said it was from his mom's house.  Him & his wife (I spoke to her on the phone) both seemed very nice.  Him & I yapped for about a half an hour, or so, (including looking at the grill & loading it, which didn't take long) before I got back on the road to go home. 

Looks to be in nice shape.  I'll have to clean her up all purty.  Lots of ashes inside, a bit damp so I'll hit the caked on stuff pretty quick anyway. 

I'm tempted to swap on some metal wheels on her, even though it wouldn't be correct since the patent number is on the vent.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: JPotter on April 23, 2019, 05:22:45 PM
Congrats looks to be in Grate shape .

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Title: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: michaelmilitello on April 23, 2019, 05:54:02 PM
Beautiful "gourmet" yellow!   It'll clean up well!  Rare to see them without any crazing.  That bowl and lid look very nice.

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: RRRanger99 on April 23, 2019, 05:56:52 PM
Congrats, Hal! Great color, grate score!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 23, 2019, 06:04:20 PM
Thanks guys. 

The pics are just cropped ones from the listing. 

I didn't inspect it carefully, but it does look in nice shape.  None of the daisy wheels on the bottom wanted to turn, but once I clean her out & heat her up it should be fine.  Also had to leave the front leg on because it didn't want to come out of the socket, so I'll work on that. 

Basically, I'm ecstatic.  I recently scored an 18" MBH yellow, but it had a number of pock marks on the lid & a bit of issues on the bowl.  I was happy with that one.  This one looks really pretty nice so far.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Mr.CPHo on April 23, 2019, 06:09:19 PM
Congrats, beautiful Gourmet you scored. 

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: AnyThingGrilled on April 23, 2019, 06:23:20 PM
Nice score!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Walchit on April 23, 2019, 06:57:19 PM
I got the correct phone number for you though if you sell it, that guy gave you the wrong one.

Looks really nice, I'm jealous over here
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 23, 2019, 07:21:34 PM
THAT is funny!

Quote from: Walchit on April 23, 2019, 06:57:19 PM
I got the correct phone number for you though if you sell it, that guy gave you the wrong one.

Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: ABROB on April 23, 2019, 07:23:38 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: RottiGuy on April 23, 2019, 11:14:20 PM
Beauty score!!!!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Bertl on April 23, 2019, 11:39:20 PM
Very nice 75 Gourmet, congrats!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Kain on April 24, 2019, 12:22:45 AM
Awsome catch

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: bladz on April 24, 2019, 02:20:42 AM
That is a beauty. It's gonna clean up real good! 

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: KPDesjardins on April 24, 2019, 03:45:26 AM
Congratulations!  She's a beaut!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: JEBIV on April 24, 2019, 04:18:06 AM
Grate score
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: LightningBoldtz on April 24, 2019, 04:53:09 AM
That was the one north of Grand Rapids MI?
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 04:59:19 AM
Good eye on catching the large vent on the bottom in one of the pics.  But, is there a way to differentiate a '75 from what I'll otherwise insist is my, bicentennial edition, '76 kettle?

Quote from: Bertl on April 23, 2019, 11:39:20 PM
Very nice 75 Gourmet, congrats!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 05:04:24 AM
When I went out to pick it up, part of the time I was trying to scan backyards that were visible from the road, but couldn't do too much of that.  When I got close & going down some small roads, I went really slow with my eyes peeled.  Only saw a couple newer black ones.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Red_5_Wrangler on April 24, 2019, 05:26:38 AM
Glad you got it! Now make that lady like Little Caesars.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 05:45:38 AM
Grate score!!!  Definitely worth the road trip.  Congrats!!!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Raindog on April 24, 2019, 06:04:42 AM
Oh yeah, that's nice...
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 06:11:33 AM
You have me stumped.  Make it like Little Caesars?  The first thing I thought of was "pizza, pizza".  The second thing I thought of was cheap & crappy.  Although I admit that although I have not had them in decades, I'm tempted by the bacon wrapped pan pizza or whatever it is.

Quote from: Red_5_Wrangler on April 24, 2019, 05:26:38 AM
Glad you got it! Now make that lady like Little Caesars.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 06:15:28 AM
It is the second time I've made a trip out where this was for a kettle. 

Both times they held on to it until the appointed day/time, even though they received a bunch of calls.  The other time, someone (once they figured they were not getting it) actually started telling the guy that some of these are really valuable & claimed that Weber would pay $10,000 for some grills.  You really got to wonder about someone that immature & jealous that they try messing it up for others once they figure out they are not getting it. 

Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 05:45:38 AM
Grate score!!!  Definitely worth the road trip.  Congrats!!!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 06:17:04 AM
I thought so too when I saw the pics in the ad (which are the ones I used).  I was curious if the "bad side" was not shown, but it is actually pretty nice all the way around.  Even though it was pretty darn far, I generally don't like asking a lot of questions or for more pictures because I figure that will peak their curiosity, especially if they receiver a bunch more inquiries.

Quote from: Raindog on April 24, 2019, 06:04:42 AM
Oh yeah, that's nice...
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: cumminfourya on April 24, 2019, 07:05:48 AM
Congrats. Look like it's in great shape!!!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 07:31:36 AM
Quote from: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 06:11:33 AM
You have me stumped.  Make it like Little Caesars?  The first thing I thought of was "pizza, pizza".  The second thing I thought of was cheap & crappy.  Although I admit that although I have not had them in decades, I'm tempted by the bacon wrapped pan pizza or whatever it is.

Quote from: Red_5_Wrangler on April 24, 2019, 05:26:38 AM
Glad you got it! Now make that lady like Little Caesars.

Hot & Ready!!!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 07:37:52 AM
Thanks @brewtownbeatdown.  Now I remember that tag line.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 07:38:47 AM
Quote from: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 06:15:28 AM
It is the second time I've made a trip out where this was for a kettle. 

Both times they held on to it until the appointed day/time, even though they received a bunch of calls.  The other time, someone (once they figured they were not getting it) actually started telling the guy that some of these are really valuable & claimed that Weber would pay $10,000 for some grills.  You really got to wonder about someone that immature & jealous that they try messing it up for others once they figure out they are not getting it. 

Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 05:45:38 AM
Grate score!!!  Definitely worth the road trip.  Congrats!!!

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It's grate when the seller has the integrity, that all kettle fellas SHOULD have.  Be happy for a fella, instead of interfering.  Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same person that tried to mess up my WoodDale score, being that we're in close proximity. 

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: JEBIV on April 24, 2019, 08:04:09 AM
"Integrity" I like that word very much
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 08:08:28 AM
This time, I got more of the sense the guy just had a lot of contacts.  Not a hint that anyone was offering more than he was asking after they found out it was "sold" already (like also happened previous time) & nobody completely messing with it and claiming it could be very, very valuable if it was the right one, yada, yada, yada.

Glad they were not successful messing up your WoodDale score.  Did you wind up having to pay more, or the original price? 

With my previous excursion into the same area, someone had allegedly offered the guy maybe double what he had asked.  The guy was clearly going to sell it for his asking price, which I had previously agreed to.  I just laughed & said a lot of people claim a lot of things over the phone, but when those types actually show, they often seem to beat you back down on the price.  I then mentioned that since he was fair with me & he might have been able to get more, I thought it was fair for me to pay a bit more (but not what he'd been offered over the phone).  I clearly didn't have to do it, but I thought it would be nice.

Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: JEBIV on April 24, 2019, 08:12:07 AM
I clearly didn't have to do it, but I thought it would be nice.

That's called integrity
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 08:21:42 AM
Thank you.  I figured it was a nice way to thank him for having integrity. I could tell he appreciated the gesture, so I got something out of it too. 

Quote from: JEBIV on April 24, 2019, 08:12:07 AM
I clearly didn't have to do it, but I thought it would be nice.

That's called integrity
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Bertl on April 24, 2019, 08:48:48 AM
Quote from: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 04:59:19 AM
Good eye on catching the large vent on the bottom in one of the pics.  But, is there a way to differentiate a '75 from what I'll otherwise insist is my, bicentennial edition, '76 kettle?

Quote from: Bertl on April 23, 2019, 11:39:20 PM
Very nice 75 Gourmet, congrats!

Sent from my SM-G950F using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
This is what the history say's. Yours is a Bar-B-Q-Kettle

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: jdorn on April 24, 2019, 08:52:41 AM
Congrats, pretty kettle!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on April 24, 2019, 09:20:41 AM
Quote from: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 08:08:28 AM
Glad they were not successful messing up your WoodDale score.  Did you wind up having to pay more, or the original price? 

I then mentioned that since he was fair with me & he might have been able to get more, I thought it was fair for me to pay a bit more (but not what he'd been offered over the phone).  I clearly didn't have to do it, but I thought it would be nice.

Paid original price.  I don't participate in bidding wars, except in an actual auction sale.  Seller could've taken a higher offer, but she had...integrity.  So, like you, I gave a little extra as a thank you.  She texted me about a month later to tell me that the fella reached out again with more "info".

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 24, 2019, 09:48:37 AM
It sounds like he basically was trying to purposely make her feel bad or stupid since she didn't sell it to him and it wasn't like he was going to pay her an auction sort of rate, he probably would have paid her just a bit more than you did.

Kind of says a lot about the guy, doing that after it is long sold.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: 1spacemanspiff on April 24, 2019, 10:02:58 AM
Take one looks awesome.  I'd drive that far for a yellow 18.  Can wait to see pics of it cleaned up.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Rub on April 24, 2019, 11:02:54 AM
That's going to be a head-turner Hal, congratulations!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: RobinS on April 24, 2019, 11:57:52 AM
Wow congrats !
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Travis on April 24, 2019, 02:59:34 PM
Very nice! Congrats!

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Cellar2ful on April 24, 2019, 03:02:22 PM

Congratulations, that is a real nice yellow.  It doesn't have the usual grate strap pops in the porcelain that is so common on yellows.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Kneab on April 24, 2019, 03:09:12 PM
Nice pickup Hal. Congrats on the yellow

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: RRRanger99 on April 24, 2019, 03:12:55 PM
Another 50 miles, and the song: "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)," by The Proclaimers, comes to mind.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: DellJones on April 25, 2019, 11:45:42 AM
Very Nice!! Congrats!!🏾🏾

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Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: greenweb on April 26, 2019, 12:18:07 AM
Congrats! Should clean up nicely.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: james1787 on April 29, 2019, 07:20:36 AM
Congrats, awesome score!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 29, 2019, 07:35:49 AM
People might think I'm crazy, but this is the second time I've made this distance trip to the same area (for different kettles). 

Both times, I had an address and an appointed day & time.

Both times, I just got in the car in the morning & drove out there without calling to confirm.

I just showed up at the door at the appointed day & time.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Darko on April 29, 2019, 09:20:50 AM
So, you drove about 2-3 hours one way to buy an old bbq? Does anyone here think that is completely idiotic?

I didn't think so! Most "normal" people think that would be completely stupid, but us... we think "Great job"

I love this place!
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 29, 2019, 09:48:03 AM
You are talking about the part that people here would find a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

I figured the part that people HERE would find crazy, is that I leave in the morning, drive all the way there, & show up on their doorstep at the appointed day & time WITHOUT calling the seller to make sure they didn't back out of the deal.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Darko on April 29, 2019, 10:25:50 AM
That's not crazy. That is a normal thing for us Weberheads to do.
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: PotsieWeber on April 29, 2019, 10:47:34 AM
I always guessed everyone calls before they leave, "to make sure" it didn't fall through. 
Title: Re: 450 mile round trip for 22" MBH Yellow, "The Gourmet".
Post by: Craig on May 01, 2019, 05:11:23 PM
That's a pretty yellow!