Got my hands on a 81 redhead. Lid is beautiful twist on ash catcher is there. Unfortunately the bowl has one shot shocket, one that is about to go, web cracks on one side, one daisy wheel is detached and one is seized.
I need to
fix the sockets
Deep clean
Maybe raise it up
Refinish the triangle
Drill out the wheels and fix
Maybe add lid bale
Looks like a good project.
I wondered about what you meant by a 5ft looker. I take it you mean like a block bitch.. Bitch looks good from a block away.
It's actually a nice looking redhead. I really like the color/shade they used back then. Never been partial to the newer reds but that just my taste. Sounds like those are pretty easy fixes and you'll have a beautiful cooker on your hands. Congrats man.
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Very nice! I have a C code red 18 that is the same way! I jst need some period correct bowl vents to finish her up!
Sent from my iPad using Weber Kettle Club (
Congrats on the score!
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Quote from: Travis on November 07, 2018, 06:00:45 PM
I wondered about what you meant by a 5ft looker. I take it you mean like a block bitch.. Bitch looks good from a block away.
It's actually a nice looking redhead. I really like the color/shade they used back then. Never been partial to the newer reds but that just my taste. Sounds like those are pretty easy fixes and you'll have a beautiful cooker on your hands. Congrats man.
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Yep it look perfect till you get within 5 foot. Still doesnt look bad but the more you look the more you notice. I will post some closer pics of the webbed side as I clean it up. Gotta fix the leg 1st there is one leg I can't get out without messing up the one good socket.
Quote from: Lowbrass on November 07, 2018, 06:04:39 PM
Very nice! I have a C code red 18 that is the same way! I jst need some period correct bowl vents to finish her up!
Sent from my iPad using Weber Kettle Club (
I was pumped he still had the wheel sitting on his gasser saw the c stamped there too. He liked webers but I dont think he knows how much I wanted to hug him at that moment.
You will have fun fixing her up
After watching you restore your brownie SSP, this redhead should be a breeze. Nice pickup.
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I live for this kinda RRR!
Gitr done!
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She needs love just like the others!
She'll cook again. Just take your time. Congrats and keep up the RRR.
Got a couple hrs in on this old redhead.
Going with big gasser wheels and a longer front leg.
Secured the bad sockets but it's in worse shape than I thought. I am going to grab some more hardware and secure them all completely. Also removed all the daisy wheels for cleaning and shaping. I think I am going to hit the triangle with some black paint while I am at it.
You can see the webbing cracks in one of the pics but the finish seems well attached for now.
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Here are the after shots. Still got some work to do.
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The lid almost done
new leg
And dampers half way through cleaning
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She is ready for the 1st cook in her forever home.
Mostly you cant see the battle damage till you get right up on it. Lid looks perfect but there is actual a cool looking spider web cracks on the top right by the handle.
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Nice job! Looks great!
Grate restore!!