Thought it might just be a faded black but after looking closer not so sure.
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Looks to me as though 3/4 of it has been spray painted a matt finish silver. It is a single screw, wood handle so it's a 1981 or newer so to new to be that badly faded.
It looks to have been spray painted (badly) a silver color.
Two tone gray? I'll guess a Plainsman.

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Real Grey or not??? Hmmmm
@Craig ?
@MacEggs what'da think duder???
The bowl screams "weathered warrior" faded black.
GRAILS: 1950s era Black or Custom finish 22.5, 1978-1980 Blue 22 MBH, 1974-78 Lime 18.5 MBH
Faded black. No question.
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Look at the handles!
If it's not painted and it's naturally faded it's a nice score for the price.
Here's the ad if anyone's interested.
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Painted silver. The paint looks to have burned off near the charcoal grate area and below.