Just looking for general tips on cooking with it. So far, I purchased a rotisserie, a mini vortex, and the Adrenaline charcoal basket, and am planning on building a little tabletop "shed" for it like I have for my smoker to allow me to cook on it in less than ideal weather.
An example of what advice I'm looking for would be how long to wait to before putting meat on the grill after the grill's reached a desired temp, where to install a temperature gauge (on the side, top, or "shoulder" of the lid), and so on.
I tried grilling some burgers last weekend, and while they were tasty, they had a bright pink color to them, almost like an exterior "smoke ring". That was unfortunately off-putting to my wife, so she didn't enjoy them too much. I started off by cooking indirect, and moved the burgers directly over the coals after about 10 minutes.
I'm looking forward to all kinds of great cooks in the future - next on my list of purchases are a few cast iron skillets/dutch ovens, some GrillGrates and/or a SS grate from killa, and a rotisserie basket. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Let's start off with saying I'm no expert in the matter but I do have some experience so take this advice and apply the value you wish to it.
As far as thermostat placement goes if you are wanting to do a through lid mount of a analog thermostat I would go in the shoulder between the vent and the Edge. That seems to work best for me. I've done this on my old 3-wheeler my Jumbo Joe premium and my Smokey Joe
The pink red outer band is effectively a smoke ring yes you did give yourself a smoke ring buy cooking indirect at first. Somebody much smarter than me can tell you exactly why it happens but if you're going to cook burgers indirect that's the result you're going to get. If you find that off-putting just throttle the grill back a little bit and go Direct over the coals.
I have done extensive work with the Weber Jumbo Joe and find it one great cooker.
You can find my review with all the modifications, tips, tricks, at my website. http://olddavespo-farm.blogspot.com/2015/04/weber-jumbo-joe-history-options.html
I also have several articles on cooks I have done on the cooker and they start here at my site. http://olddavespo-farm.blogspot.com/2016/05/hot-wings-on-weber-jumbo-joe-kettle.html
I think there are 14 of these cooks or articles at this address.
I think there will be a few things that you can probably use for your cooks with this fine little cooker.
Let me know what you think of the information on the site.
Calling @vwengguy - JJ is your world
I will give my best advice.
learn your grill, try to cook all types of things in it, do not be intimidated by its size.
here is why
I own smokey joes, 18 inch kettles, 22 inch kettles and finally a 26
want to know something, each is best at something and also good at others if you just learn what its characteristics are.
A 18 inch kettle is one of the best grilling sizes out there, doing slow cooks will be a bit of a challenge because of real estate, but grilling is a breeze and does not require to much charcoal.
remember we all live in different climates so a lot of stuff you will read can be local knowledge, the best you can do is go out and cook. take notes, and learn your kettle
Thank you all for the advice!
Are we talking about the tall 22" Jumbo Joe sold at Walmart?
Or the 18" big brother of the 14" Smokey Joe.
Sounds like the 22" if you purchased a rotisserie.
Jumbo joe means 18", jumbo joe premium means 22". I'm willing to bet jmahc is referring to the 18". The rotisserie is more than likely the Cajun Bandit.
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Sorry for not being clear. Yes, as Filibuster says, it was the 18" one, and I decided to go with the cheaper (albeit apparently of lower quality) SS rotisserie on Amazon.
Fair enough.
Now I can follow along much easier.
Quote from: Jammato on August 30, 2018, 01:16:40 AM
I will give my best advice.
learn your grill, try to cook all types of things in it, do not be intimidated by its size.
here is why
I own smokey joes, 18 inch kettles, 22 inch kettles and finally a 26
want to know something, each is best at something and also good at others if you just learn what its characteristics are.
A 18 inch kettle is one of the best grilling sizes out there, doing slow cooks will be a bit of a challenge because of real estate, but grilling is a breeze and does not require to much charcoal.
remember we all live in different climates so a lot of stuff you will read can be local knowledge, the best you can do is go out and cook. take notes, and learn your kettle
That's probably some of the best advice I've heard so far in this form is get to know your cooker in your climate. A lot of the settings and techniques that I have to use here in the overwhelming heat and humidity of a Texas summer don't work very well in the middle of winter here and certainly wouldn't pan out well at all for somebody living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for example. Everyone's got different challenges that they need to face when grilling and barbecuing and half the fun is figure out which is which
Quote from: Filibuster on August 30, 2018, 08:03:15 AM
Jumbo joe means 18", jumbo joe premium means 22". I'm willing to bet jmahc is referring to the 18". The rotisserie is more than likely the Cajun Bandit.
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One problem with that is that not everyone knows to use every single word in the name, nor do they necessarily remember all of them. OP wouldn't be the first one here to talk about a Jumbo Joe, referring to the 22 one sold at Walmart.
Just picked up a Jumbo Joe at Lowe's for $29! It is my 3rd kettle, owning two other Weber's at 22".
Perfect size for me and my wife.
Yeah I'm just playing the odds knowing that the 22" jumbo joe is the least interesting of the three/four jumbo joes.
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Quote from: Kneab on August 30, 2018, 06:13:59 PM
Just my opinion... but the 22" joe shouldn't be called a Weber.
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Is it not made by Weber?
Quote from: Kneab on August 30, 2018, 06:13:59 PM
Just my opinion... but the 22" joe shouldn't be called a Weber.
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Why the hate for the Jumbo Joe Premium? I love mine...
I'm just not a fan of the WalMart Joe. I would rather by a used 22 off craigslist, restore it and save a few bucks.
I am ok with the original Jumbo Joe platinum aka the Outrider or the newer 18 Jumbo Joe.
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Comment withdrawn. I will reserve judgement of the JJP. Does anyone know if it's made overseas or here?
Quote from: Kneab on August 31, 2018, 11:02:18 AM
I'm just not a fan of the WalMart Joe. I would rather by a used 22 off craigslist, restore it and save a few bucks.
I am ok with the original Jumbo Joe platinum aka the Outrider or the newer 18 Jumbo Joe.
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Well speaking of someone who owns both a Craigslist find what it would appear you would consider a normal Weber 22 inch kettle and a Jumbo Joe premium I can honestly say but I have no issues with a Jumbo Joe but I can't say as much with the classic kettle. The tripod base legs are much more solid on the Jumbo Joe premium although I'm sure age and maintenance has a lot to do with my classic kennels wobbly stance and I still have to go and take it down and fix it. For what it's worth used 22 inch kennels sell for just about $10 less then the going price of a brand new Jumbo Joe premium. Considering the distance I had to drive to get my used kettle I spent far more than that in gas. But there were some additional add-ins that I felt made the trip worth it including the very hard to find condiment rack.
Long story short Weber felt strongly enough about their production of a thing to put their name on the Jumbo Joe premium.
1) Target copper kettle, an economy model. Everybody wants one in their collection.
2) William Sonoma green outrider. Everybody wants one in their collection.
3) C&B red outrider. Everybody wants one in their collection.
4) Any of the three C&B performers. Everybody wants one in their collection.
This JJP is a store specific model just like the ones I mentioned above, but it bespeaks an uber cheapness that for the collector in us don't want. Even when that sky blue 18" JJP popped up on CL in DC I didn't want it, I looked at it three times and closed the door. Sure it will cook a burger just as well anything weber put out, but for a collector it has NOTHING GOING FOR IT.
Sent from my SM-J700P using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
Yes, @jammato had it down. Every grill type has a sweet spot. That's why most of us own more than one. How many clubs are allowed in a PGA champions bag! There lies the answer.
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Quote from: Filibuster on August 31, 2018, 03:33:20 PM
1) Target copper kettle, an economy model. Everybody wants one in their collection.
2) William Sonoma green outrider. Everybody wants one in their collection.
3) C&B red outrider. Everybody wants one in their collection.
4) Any of the three C&B performers. Everybody wants one in their collection.
This JJP is a store specific model just like the ones I mentioned above, but it bespeaks an uber cheapness that for the collector in us don't want. Even when that sky blue 18" JJP popped up on CL in DC I didn't want it, I looked at it three times and closed the door. Sure it will cook a burger just as well anything weber put out, but for a collector it has NOTHING GOING FOR IT.
Sent from my SM-J700P using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
Well I certainly see the issue now and to be honest with you I don't understand it. For me and at least everyone I know personally owning a Weber grill is about barbecue not about a collector's piece. But people will collect just about anything so I guess it makes sense.
it is without a doubt that the Jumbo Joe premium has zero interest from The Collector crowd. In current budget model. Maybe in 20 years there might be some interest in them but for now none and I get that. But I think it's a little silly to discourage those that are interested in their Weber kettles as good cookers to discourage someone from an excellent entry level 22 in Grill if that's what they want. I would certainly rather see somebody pick up a Jumbo Joe premium then one of those flimsy expert Grill 22 inch Kettle style grills if they even still offer them. The Jumbo Joe premium is every bit as sturdy is a standard cattle it's just a little shallower in the bowl and only has one Daisy wheel down there. For me I'm not worried about collecting I just wanted a good cooker.
T( accessories and conquer my fear of CI. That's the fun of collecting and this forum is not about discouraging someone from using their grill.
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I'm a serious cook, not a collector. My 3 Weber's all do just fine, even though one might be a Happy Hooker Cooker...not sure? The JJ is a perfect size for two. It will be used a lot!
Grilling on the kettle is it's forte. For serious smoking, my Texas Offset Smoker (made from oil well pipe) is employed.
I apologize to anyone that I may have upset, My comment was not meant to discourage anyone, other than Weber. As I stated I am not a fan of that particular grill, or bolt on handles, tacos, or anything from China. Some people are. Cook on what you want, and collect what you want. But I could see having a taco on one grill. The one I vortex on.
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Quote from: Firemunkee on August 31, 2018, 02:26:02 AM
Quote from: qrczak1 on August 29, 2018, 10:27:02 PM
Calling @vwengguy - JJ is your world
And some people will wonder why I did not jump in on this thread earlier ... the OP asked for tips for his JJ and not a bashing thread about something he does not even have :-(
If the OP still needs tips.. I'll do what I can to help.
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@vwengguy yeah, this got a bit off-topic. I still would appreciate tips if you have any!
I think the best tips are way back on page one.
I'm thinking about a SS grate from killagrilla, but I'm also tempted to buy grillgrates. I have those on my gasser, and they're good. Maybe I just get one panel GG?
Okay since this is somewhat relevant tot he OP's question... For those that use them, are the charcoal baskets worth it? I have some basically fences that clip tothe charcoal grate that I use for indierect cooks, or just pile the coals up on one side and use a drip pan on the other.... But the weber coal baskets look interesting. Maybe a little easier to manage.... What say those with experience with them?
Quote from: dbhost on September 01, 2018, 01:03:00 PM
Okay since this is somewhat relevant tot he OP's question... For those that use them, are the charcoal baskets worth it? I have some basically fences that clip tothe charcoal grate that I use for indierect cooks, or just pile the coals up on one side and use a drip pan on the other.... But the weber coal baskets look interesting. Maybe a little easier to manage.... What say those with experience with them?
Absolutely! I have 4 of them, and use them every time I cook. It makes clean up a little easier too. Plus it concentrates the heat in that location. Use two (on each side), or use one for indirect cooking. Slow 'N Sear? No way! Way over priced, and these baskets do the job!
Spare baskets can also be joined together to create Marty's bigger better basket.
Just made my third one of these.
At least half of my cooks are with it.
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Quote from: dbhost on September 01, 2018, 01:03:00 PM
Okay since this is somewhat relevant tot he OP's question... For those that use them, are the charcoal baskets worth it? I have some basically fences that clip tothe charcoal grate that I use for indierect cooks, or just pile the coals up on one side and use a drip pan on the other.... But the weber coal baskets look interesting. Maybe a little easier to manage.... What say those with experience with them?
Just make your own baskets. You decide the size and shape to suit your needs.
I probably should have done that, but I purchased the adrenaline BBQ charcoal baskets. 35 bucks.
Ok boys and girls.. my turn to put my 02 cents in to this.
My opinion on the New JJ ... love it!
You don't need to go ape shit and buy everything for this grill because it works great almost as it is out of the box.
Things to remember that effect what you can cook and how you can cook in this grill.. the grate to lid clearance is shorter than a standard 18" so I would be careful about buying grillgrates and super thick killagrilla grates as both of these will lower your total height. Both of these are great items but in my opinion are NOT needed in this grill.
I have the SS Slow'n Sear charcoal basket and I love it. SS is no longer offered and yeah it costs a lot at the time but I had 1 chance to pick up ALL my S'nS toys when I was on vacation in Michigan .. so I did it and I'm happy with it. It could have been done with a Weber basket but I never thought about that before I ordered it.
As far a cooking grates go.. get a SS 18" flipper grate from Weber if you can find one. I use this grate 98% of the time and I think it's the perfect upgrade for this grill. It's not super thick so it does not crowd your cooking height.
Another easy trick I have is using a SJ cook grate with 4 SS bolts and washers with acorn nuts to make a raised extra great! This comes in super handy to put veggies on and maybe chicken legs or something under it. It's the perfect size and makes the JJ almost 2x the size and costs almost nothing. Win win in my opinion.
I did change my lid out for a 18" Premium lid with a factory thermometer but this was only for the looks.. I always cook with my charcoal basket on the back side and the vent in front so the thermo is always over the coals and shows way hotter that the indirect side making it useless but looks cool. Another note about swapping lids.. you will have to use a cut off grinder and cleanly cut the lid hook off so you don't end up poking the hook into the foil from ribs or pulled pork !
Speaking of pulled pork.. yes you can easily make a small PP in this kettle. I have done it many times with my Pulled Pork for 2 posts and my Sn'S basket.
I LOVE my JJ with my modded Weber roti ring using my Sn'S basket because the coals are closer to the chicken the skin gets super yummy and crispy!! Rotisserie on the JJ is a Win Win because it makes better chicken and uses less coals than my MT !
A lot of the upgrades and mods I have are not needed for the every day cooks and I did them only because I could get my hands on the parts here.
Over all.. this is one BAD ASS cooker with a little $ upgrade can do it all!
I did not even touch on the fact that it's small, portable, cheap & with the lid holder / clamp when you are done cooking you can close all the vents and easily move it as it cools down fast.
Now.. as far as the 22" JJ goes... I would love to see some one put the JJ legs on that and make a Super Sized JJ !
I never checked to see if the leg kit would fit.. but it would be cool to see someone do it.
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My JJ is brand new, never used.
The top damper on the lid is not riveted in place like most Weber's, instead a bolt, washer and acorn nut hold it in place.
When tightened to hold it securely, the damper scratches the lid finish when rotated. And it is very difficult to turn from closed to open.
When the nut is loosened just a bit, the damper plate is very loose, not creating a good contact with the lid for closing the air flow.
Any ideas?
Been there done that!
Best thing to do is pull the vent off and lightly sand the edge smooth almost to the point of polishing the bottom edge and out side edge smooth.
Then before you reattach it to the lid .. lightly push down on the center of the vent to flatten it out just a little bit. I placed the vent on 2-3 layers of shop towels on a hard FLAT surface and using the heat of my hand gently push it to form it flatter to match the lid.
NOT totally flat! By looking at the air gap around the 4 air holes you will know when it is sitting better.
Doing this will make your air control way easier and also help when you shut the grill down!
And do not tighten the snot out of the bolt!! You have to play with it to get the correct feel!
Now is the time to replace the nut and bolt with SS hardware and SS washers!
Hope this helps.
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Just picked up a Weber 18" Jumbo Joe today at Lowe's for $15. That makes two, the other is a 22" Jumbo Joe Premium I got a week ago from a lady on OfferUp brand new and assembled for $25.
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Quote from: pancho2017 on September 03, 2018, 12:33:54 PM
Just picked up a Weber 18" Jumbo Joe today at Lowe's for $15. That makes two, the other is a 22" Jumbo Joe Premium I got a week ago from a lady on OfferUp brand new and assembled for $25.
Sent from my SM-J727T using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
what a score! absolutely love my Jumbo Joe premium although obviously there's not a lot of Love here for this particular model. I'm sure you'll find once you get to using it that it's a fine Grill. I got mine on a sale but nowhere near his cheap is that I think I paid $50 for mine and I had to assemble it!.
Got mine for $29 at Lowe's, and that was half price!
Smoked some ribs and vortex'd some chicken on this grill this weekend. It is definitely a capable grill, and hardly uses any charcoal! I'm already liking this thing more and more.

Something told me you would like it!
Another TIP... when and if the bottom vent acts like it has sand and grit between the vent and the kettle.
You can easily clean it out by flushing the crud out by LIGHTLY pressing the garden hose from the inside on the closed vent and the flowing water will blast the stuff out! Compressed air blasted the same way will work also.
Do this often as hearing the vent grind is the same as chewing on a ball of aluminum foil.. just not cool !
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Yeah, I initially tightened both vents too much, so I had to back them off a bit. I actually drilled a new vent hole and popped on my Heatermeter to see how it would hold up, and it was basically off/closed the entire cook, because I lit too many coals initially. stayed around 260-275 the entire time. It'll be nice to use the ATC or the vent depending on what I'm cooking.
We need photo or it didn't happen ;-)
I would like to see how and what you did to your JJ.
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I'll take some pictures tonight or later this week.
Quote from: vwengguy on September 03, 2018, 08:00:57 AM
Been there done that!
Best thing to do is pull the vent off and lightly sand the edge smooth almost to the point of polishing the bottom edge and out side edge smooth.
Then before you reattach it to the lid .. lightly push down on the center of the vent to flatten it out just a little bit. I placed the vent on 2-3 layers of shop towels on a hard FLAT surface and using the heat of my hand gently push it to form it flatter to match the lid.
NOT totally flat! By looking at the air gap around the 4 air holes you will know when it is sitting better.
Doing this will make your air control way easier and also help when you shut the grill down!
And do not tighten the snot out of the bolt!! You have to play with it to get the correct feel!
Now is the time to replace the nut and bolt with SS hardware and SS washers!
Hope this helps.
I just received a new JJ and this was a very helpful comment to read before assembling it. I rounded the inside edges of both vents, sanded them up to 800 grit, and very carefully tightened the screws until the vents were secure but free to move. They feel nice and smooth and I'm much less worried about scratches now.
Do you have any tips for avoiding chips where the lid bail washers are pressed against the bottom bowl? It seems like it's been a common issue for the JJ since day one.
I replaced the washers with SS ones.. maybe a little larger also helps. And look at the washers edge real closely and most of them you can see where they are punched out.. this side has a smoother edge.. place that side to the kettle and it might help to prevent chipping.
Exact same idea as sanding the vent edge down smooth.
I use my JJ a lot but never looked for chips there... I'll check it in the morning and let you know if I see any chips.
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