Has anyone used the products from Adrenaline BBQ? They have some charcoal baskets, and they look nice. Just wondered if they are of any real value?
For indirect / direct grilling, I simply bank the coals on one side of the kettle. This basket does have a water feature that might be nice.
I love mine!
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If you get one, you will not regret the purchase.
I will order this week for my 22/26
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I've enjoyed using them so much that the weber baskets seem foreign to me. Get them
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These are a bit pricey. Looking at the Slow 'N Sear Trifecta, I could almost buy three new Weber grills for the same price.
Yes...I'm thinking about it.
Check out "bigger better basket". Super easy to make out of two regular baskets. I use heavy duty foil as a drip tray and my cast iron for a griddle. I'm a tight wad though.
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A bigger better basket case http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/index.php?topic=28842
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Quote from: HoosierKettle on July 17, 2018, 04:56:46 AM
Check out "bigger better basket". Super easy to make out of two regular baskets. I use heavy duty foil as a drip tray and my cast iron for a griddle. I'm a tight wad though.
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Nothing wrong with being frugal!
I know everyone seems to love the slow n sear. I got one when purchasing a used kettle. I do use it; but really doubt I'd go pay full asking price for one.
True about being frugal!
I have the set shown in my photo and I think ( if you can afford it ) that it worth every bit of the money and is an investment that will pay off with years and years of cooking pleasure. The Sn'S products I have are built like tanks and I am sure that they will out live me to be passed down to the kids.
They also opened up a new world of cooking with improved results.
The set has to be looked at as an Investment and NOT as "Just another BBQ Gadget" that gets used 2-3 times and dumped in the corner of the garage!
Just my $0.02 worth ;-)
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I love my SnS. The drip pan is awesome too. It gets used almost every cook. I am sure glad I own one !
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Quote from: vwengguy on July 17, 2018, 06:23:42 AM
True about being frugal!
I have the set shown in my photo and I think ( if you can afford it ) that it worth every bit of the money and is an investment that will pay off with years and years of cooking pleasure. The Sn'S products I have are built like tanks and I am sure that they will out live me to be passed down to the kids.
They also opened up a new world of cooking with improved results.
The set has to be looked at as an Investment and NOT as "Just another BBQ Gadget" that gets used 2-3 times and dumped in the corner of the garage!
Just my $0.02 worth ;-)
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+1 . It indeed is one of the best investment.
+1 in favor of purchasing a SNS
I was in the "This SNS thing can't be any different than using the Weber charcoal baskets" camp. That was until I picked up a used SNS included with a kettle from CL. Now after using it for a while, I can say there is a difference. Previously I would use the Weber charcoal baskets pushed together for searing. When reverse searing steaks of tri tips, the sear is much more intense when using a SNS. It may be that the SNS allows the coals to be much closer to the grate than charcoal baskets. Another thing I noticed is I had no problem lifting my kettle lid bare handed when using charcoal baskets. When using the SNS, I have to put on a glove to lift the lid. The wood handle is just to hot to grab bare handed and I'm afraid of dropping the lid. The SNS is a great accessory and is well used in my arsenal. I would recommend purchasing the ABC Easy Spin SS grate and the drip pan to go along with the SNS also. I now have both of those too.
One of those accessories I didn't really think I needed in my 26.75" kettle. Now its permanently parked there. I have done some low and slow, high heat indirect, searing, etc.
I'll still prefer to use my WSMs for smoking, but I did a recent smoke with the SNSXL and it did just fine.
The value of the 2 zone for me is if I need to use my 26" like an oven (on these hot summer days) to "bake" (105 here today and going to do enchilada casserole on there this afternoon)....I can pretty much dial it in and get a steady temp and not have to worry about it.
Nice but not needed.
I got one used off clist for 40 dollars and it works well enough. But for a little less convenience you can replicate it with things you have on hand without spending 100+ dollars.
If you have a grill and get it screaming hot anyone can sear. It's best use is low and slow. I've done a few pork shoulders and never had to tend my fire in an 8+ hour cook always hovered between 220-260 without touching it.
Long story short is it nice to use? Yes
Is it necessary? That's up to you my friend
Charcoal baskets concentrate heat. Thicker metal also is an advantage with an S'nS. This allows you to use fewer coals and/or attain more heat. This concentration due to closeness also allows otherwise dead coals to reignite, because they won't be in isolation. There will also be convenience advantages if the basket has a bottom to it.
The beauty of banking coals is that without a basket, you have increased fuel and cooking space, and both have their place ... at the cost of ruining a colored kettle (and even black one, eventually).
Mainstream Weber kettles are cheap machines that invite outsized accessories that might seem like odd economic choices. But it's just a canvas. What will you create with it today?
Got one a month ago and never looked back! It's great. :)
If you don't have a 26" kettle, I would buy one of those first if you like to cook entire meals on the grill or have a family of four or more. Best grill I've ever owned.
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Quote from: HoosierKettle on July 17, 2018, 03:37:04 PM
If you don’t have a 26” kettle, I would buy one of those first if you like to cook entire meals on the grill or have a family of four or more. Best grill I’ve ever owned.
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We have a 1979 22", and a new "in the box" 22" kettle. Was giving the 26" serious consideration. Also was looking at those "kamado" grills. Owners swear by them.
99% of my grilling is indirect, with a few moments of searing. I like to use wood also, mostly pecan. For serious smoking, my offset firebox Texas Smoker is what we use.
Banking coals means directly heating the walls of the kettle. The SNS adds a buffer of air and heavy metal between the coals and the kettle wall. I love my SNS, easy spin grate and DNG
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Quote from: TXFlyGuy on July 17, 2018, 03:40:53 PM
Quote from: HoosierKettle on July 17, 2018, 03:37:04 PM
If you don't have a 26" kettle, I would buy one of those first if you like to cook entire meals on the grill or have a family of four or more. Best grill I've ever owned.
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We have a 1979 22", and a new "in the box" 22" kettle. Was giving the 26" serious consideration. Also was looking at those "kamado" grills. Owners swear by them.
99% of my grilling is indirect, with a few moments of searing. I like to use wood also, mostly pecan. For serious smoking, my offset firebox Texas Smoker is what we use.
The 26 is a solid buy. I do 90% of my cooking on it.
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I'm literally using it right now
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The 26 incher might be the ticket. Easier to grill chicken for a group. Add the SNS, and it might be just what we are looking for.
Off topic a bit, but anyone here used a kamado grill, and then switched to the Weber?
I had 3 at one point and still has 1 left but don't remember the last time I've used it. Just moved on with different charcoal holders, cooking configurations etc.
Quote from: TXFlyGuy on July 17, 2018, 05:08:02 PM
The 26 incher might be the ticket. Easier to grill chicken for a group. Add the SNS, and it might be just what we are looking for.
Off topic a bit, but anyone here used a kamado grill, and then switched to the Weber?
I own both Kettle & Kamado, what you thinking?
Thought about adding a kamado type cooker to the inventory. But might get the 26" kettle first.
I've got the SnS plus... now they have the SnS 2.0. Not to debate the merits of those two, but I do wish I hadn't bought the plus 3-4 months ago when I started getting into this, because the 2.0 has some improved features. But that's not the point of this response. They're all great, in my opinion.
As most agree, the SnS is perhaps one of the best additions for a Weber kettle, as it has benefits in more than one area, is well made, and is (in my opinion) not gimmicky. It helps a Weber do what it does... better. I really don't think you'll regret the purchase if you make it, as it will last forever, can be used in all your kettles, etc. On the other hand, $130 is enough to buy 2 more used kettles on CL.
IF you don't want to smoke anything, or are already satisfied with 2 zone cooking through normal means, it might not be worth it. However, if you want to smoke something, or if you'd like to do 2 zone cooking as well as possible, it is great. (I don't use my WSM now unless I'm going 'big' on capacity. The kettle plus SnS is simpler, and uses less charcoal! 3 racks of ribs and under is a kettle + SnS for me.)
For smoking it REALLY helps regulate. It burns the charcoal more evenly/efficiently/slowly... and it insulates it from the walls. The water chamber is great as well. (But you can kinda do that with a pan.) Yes, you can smoke with the snake method... but not as well, and not with as much space. With the snake method, you've always got "some" direct heat applied to whatever you're cooking. Wherever the lit part is isn't THAT far away from your meat. If you're doing ribs, it will be close to the edges, etc. With the SnS, you have about 2/3 of the grill, and a nice divider that really keeps the direct heat away. You end up with more usable space, and a more controlled burn. The SnS REALLY shines for "slow" in my opinion.
It is good for searing, but IMHO... isn't worth it if better searing is your main goal. You can use your normal baskets (or whatever) to build a wall of sorts, and it works well enough. With the half of the grill sectioned off, you can get the job done. (And heck, you could buy a second or smaller kettle, and just get it rippin hot with a lot of charcoal. You can certainly sear the snot out of things in Webers without any additional hardware. WIth the SnS, however, you can do indirect better (better division) AND sear better with less charcoal. You can indeed get your coals closer to the grate (using less charcoal)... and still have a great indirect function. (Whereas if you're doing it with the 'normal' setup... just banking... to get it as hot, you'll overpower the rest of the kettle. BUT... the searing advantage is probably less pronounced.
So, in my opinion, if you want to smoke some, and have better 2 zone... AND be able to sear better, it is totally worth it. If you are JUST looking to sear better (and are not into smoking ribs, etc.), it is a lot to pay for improved searing.
I will point out, however... that YOU'RE ON A WEBER FORUM... so you really like your grill (enough to be wasting time on a website about it!)... and everything about your grill is good... and this is one of the best accessories... and it is going to be as long-lasting as your kettle (if not more)... and it makes it better in all aspects... and it works on both 22s and 26ers... and... you should probably just do it!
baglorious - Thanks for the good review on the SNS. For serious smoking, my Texas smoker is used.
The Weber is used for grilling steaks, both searing and then moved to the cool side for finishing. Grilled salmon is another, all done with indirect cooking. Brats is another item we like to grill.
Might add that the above has all been done on my 1979 Kenmore-Weber, with banking the coals on one side of the kettle. No damage, absolutely none, has occurred from this method. A brand new 22" Weber is still in the box.
Smoking sounds interesting on the Weber. I would like to try baby backs. My normal method is 4 hours of smoking, using pecan. Then double wrap in heavy foil, add 6 oz. of Coke, then bake for 3 more hours at 300 degrees in the oven. Then unwrap the racks, baste with my favorite BBQ sauce, back in the oven (or grill) on high heat for about 15 to 20 minutes. This is called the "Texas Cheat" method. Yes, it works!