Weber Kettle Club Forums

Cooking & Food Talk => Charcoal Grilling & BBQ => Topic started by: 1buckie on May 23, 2013, 04:55:02 AM

Title: Re-print: OK, what's in kettle #3 ?
Post by: 1buckie on May 23, 2013, 04:55:02 AM

         This is a re-print from awhile ago on Smoke Ring............shows multiple setups...... 

I was looking at Tony's story on pork shoulder
  (  )
& felt the
need to chime in........

Here was his response:
Way Cool, 1buckie! Go for it!!!
Hey, No Pics...It Never Happened!   
Hope all works out okay!

Happy to report, it did !!!

Here we go ~~~~~~~>
Some wood:


Some pork:

Some rub:

Some kettles:


Gettin' started:

This is a new 18 -1/2". The neighbor leans over the fence & asks "Hey, you wouldn't want another Weber BBQ would you ?
"We got a gas one & won't use this anymore..."



Gettin' close when the bark pulls off on the probe of that brand new hyper speed ultra ORANGE Thermopen !!

I like how the bark puffs up & starts pulling apart like tektonic plates sliding around the earth ~~~~>


At about 14 hours:

One definition of trust, for me, is 5 kettles running all nite long on 1 & 1/4 bag of Stubb's &
1/4 bag of Wicked lump & all that was needed was a chimney of lump distributed across the 5 @ 7:30 the next AM.....


The pull:





&&&& DINNER !!! (A little mayo w/horseradish, slaw, pork, & avacado w/a dash of black pepper....)


  Butt #1:
Pomegranite juice injection w/Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom rub
Wicked lump / maple smoke

  Butt #2:
Ron's 'In the House mixed w/ Peach juice injection & ITHouse rub
Also Wicked w/ Maple

Butt #3 & 4 Ron's 'In The House' mixed w/guava juice 
Stubb's w/ pecan smoke

  Butt #5 Ron's original no injection
Stubb's w/ Black Walnut smoke

  Butt #6 Ron's Hint of Huston  no injection
Stubb's w/ plum smoke

Had fun playin' w/ my food....
Several addresses were happy today !!!
Title: Re: Re-print: OK, what's in kettle #3 ?
Post by: etruax on May 23, 2013, 07:50:04 AM
Buckie's back yard reminds me of this Weber army in Walmart this spring.  Is all that food just for your family?  If so how you store then prepare later?

FYI this is just the silver grills, the OTGs would not fit.

( (
Title: Re: Re-print: OK, what's in kettle #3 ?
Post by: Eastex on May 23, 2013, 07:55:52 AM
That looks like Space Invaders  ;D
Title: Re: Re-print: OK, what's in kettle #3 ?
Post by: MacEggs on May 23, 2013, 12:47:48 PM
I don't care if I just had déja vu, I always enjoy seeing your pics, Ken!

Love seeing all them kettles doing their thing.  :D 8) ;)