Weber Kettle Club Forums

Cooking & Food Talk => Charcoal Grilling & BBQ => Topic started by: LightningBoldtz on May 18, 2013, 06:34:21 PM

Title: Caveman steaks
Post by: LightningBoldtz on May 18, 2013, 06:34:21 PM
NY Strips from Costco, about a 1 lbs per steak, about 2 inch thick, very marbled, course sea salt and black pepper only.

I plan on using lump more so I made the expanded sheet to hold all the coals.

Steaks are on, went about 3 min per side.

Almost done, I had to actually finish them on the already hot gasser (ladies had there steaks on gas) because they were a little too rare.
Title: Re: Caveman steaks
Post by: One Touch Platinum on May 18, 2013, 06:56:55 PM
Maybe the next time you should try the uber version of reverse sear. Those steaks are so thick that if you cook them on the indirect side until 10 or 15 degrees shy of your target temp and then place them on the coals for the ultimate sear you may be able to get the perfect steak every time. The reverse will let you get the inside exactly the same every time since you are monitoring the internal temp and once you find the perfect temp to move them on to the coals you should be able to cook every steak regardless of the size just the way you want with almost no mystery or guess work . How did you like the final product? Did you like it better than the way you usually cook steak?
Title: Re: Caveman steaks
Post by: LightningBoldtz on May 18, 2013, 07:03:26 PM
It really did have a nice flavor, a nice tasty crust not burned at all.

I like the idea of the reverse sear,  If I do it again and they are this thick I will give that strong consideration.
Title: Re: Caveman steaks
Post by: Hell Fire Grill on May 19, 2013, 06:25:24 AM
Looks grrrrreat!

I wouldent change a thing, the best steaks are rare anyways.
Title: Re: Caveman steaks
Post by: MacEggs on May 19, 2013, 06:56:03 AM
Very, very nice!! Good call on the expanded metal.  :D

First it was HFG, now this thread. I need to try this.  ??? ;)