That's an incredible picture. What kind of trees are in the background?
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Quote from: Travis on December 24, 2017, 06:48:38 AM
That's an incredible picture. What kind of trees are in the background?
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Thanks man. The tree on the left is a tangelo. The one on the right is a orange tree.
Very cool pic

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really great pic.
Dam very nice!!
Sweet! Post card perfect!
Sweet pic!
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The RK fits right in! ;)
A very Weber Xmas. Nice!
wow very nice picture ! colours are so vivid , very nice yard . looks like a magizine quality photo ! wouls love to spend at least one christmas in a climate like that ! happy holidays !
Thanks everyone. Johnny come down to AZ for Christmas anytime. It's always like this :)
That pic is an early favorite for next years calendar.
Awesome pic, what a beautiful yard. I need to bring a bottle of Vodka and squeeze some oranges !
Quote from: JEBIV on December 27, 2017, 05:34:31 AM
Awesome pic, what a beautiful yard. I need to bring a bottle of Vodka and squeeze some oranges !
I've got plenty of oranges AND vodka. Just come on by :)
minus 30 c in winnipeg ( -20 f ) i might have added more than a few views to your post . gotta get your photo blown up to cover my living room window . love the colour change on my red heads though , there almost white lol .