Made it back to Sacramento with another 18in brave. The gentleman's mother was the original owner, it's missing the ashpan but will clean up real nice. Sold it to me for 25 as opposed to the 35 listed. Stated it was his wing cooker and it used too much charcoal for him... pretty sure I blew his mind when I told him that I'll probably burn upwards of 1000 pounds this year. He is newly retired and planning to move to Idaho to be near his grandkids. I showed him some pics of my collection and cooks and let him know the kettle is in good hands. Thinking I'll send him some post restore pics so he can see it shine once more.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Awesome score! When did you do the midget mod?
Quote from: MikeRocksTheRed on August 28, 2017, 02:23:28 PM
Awesome score! When did you do the midget mod?
Haha this morning between dropping my daughter off at school and a 2.5 hour round trip run to get the new brave... made it back in time to jump on my bike with my youngest and grab sister back from school. I plan on modding a 22 either tonight or tomorrow morning as well.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Damn you have been busy! Nice set of brownies. Love the last pic with the kiddo.
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Today is my Saturday... the mini will be the training ground for my kids to learn on.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
You know those cheffy people have more energy than sense you go boy !!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Very nice pack of brownies
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Nice mods on the brownie. Looks great!
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Nice find, and a great looking family!
Sorry for the dumb question but why are they called "Braves"?
Sent from my SM-T810 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Wow, you have been busy Matt. Copper Mist Nation. Just need to find that elusive Chief now.
Quote from: dwking2005 on August 28, 2017, 05:49:22 PM
Sorry for the dumb question but why are they called "Braves"?
Back in the day, Weber gave their individual colored kettles names as a marketing strategy. The Brave was the 18" Copper Mist. The Chief was the 26" Copper Mist and the Warrior was the 22" Copper Mist. If you look at the WKC Home Page, there are links to old catalogs. Look through them and you will see all the names of the different colors.
Quote from: Cellar2ful on August 28, 2017, 06:44:55 PM
Wow, you have been busy Matt. Copper Mist Nation. Just need to find that elusive Chief now.
Quote from: dwking2005 on August 28, 2017, 05:49:22 PM
Sorry for the dumb question but why are they called "Braves"?
Back in the day, Weber gave their individual colored kettles names as a marketing strategy. The Brave was the 18" Copper Mist. The Chief was the 26" Copper Mist and the Warrior was the 22" Copper Mist. If you look at the WKC Home Page, there are links to old catalogs. Look through them and you will see all the names of the different colors.
... I mean it's the obvious next move. The community and brotherhood of the kettle has veen good to me. I trust I'll find a chief my friend. Two if I'm lucky enough.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Quote from: Cellar2ful on August 28, 2017, 06:44:55 PM
Wow, you have been busy Matt. Copper Mist Nation. Just need to find that elusive Chief now.
Quote from: dwking2005 on August 28, 2017, 05:49:22 PM
Sorry for the dumb question but why are they called "Braves"?
Back in the day, Weber gave their individual colored kettles names as a marketing strategy. The Brave was the 18" Copper Mist. The Chief was the 26" Copper Mist and the Warrior was the 22" Copper Mist. If you look at the WKC Home Page, there are links to old catalogs. Look through them and you will see all the names of the different colors.
Thank you sir! Love learning new things about these grills.
Sent from my SM-T810 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
@dwking2005 - Here is a list of the models and names of Webers compiled by WKC Historian Craig. It is the second sticky link (below the Glossary) under the Weber Charcoal Grills and Accessories section for future reference.
Models by color (1962-1977) Years denote catalog pulled from.
18.5 JBK-300
JBK-300 Jet Black "The Traveler" 1962*
JBK-310 Jet Black "The 49'er" 1962*
JBK-320 Yellow "The Yachtsman" 1973*
JBK-330 Red/Hunter's Pink "The Easterner" 1962*
JBK-340 Avocado Green "The Mediterranean" 1968*
JBK-360 Key Lime "The Fairway" 1977*
JBK-380 Copper Mist "The Brave" 1969*
22.5 BK-700
BK-710 Jet Black "The Texan" 1962*
BK-720 Yellow Ochre "The Ambassador" 1962*
BK-720 Yellow "The Gourmet" 1973*
BK-730 Red/Hunter's Pink "The Statesman" 1962*
BK-740 Avocado Green "The Caribbean" 1968*
BK-750 Glen Blue "The Imperial" 1962*
BK-760 Key Lime "The Gardner" 1977*
BK-770 Chestnut Copperton "The Estate" 1962*
BK-780 Copper Mist "The Warrior" 1969*
Yes. Yellow Ochre (1962) and Yellow (1973-1978 ) shared the same model number, BK-720.
26.75 LBK-800
LBK-810 Jet Black "The Fleetwood" 1962*
LBK-830 Red/Hunter's Pink "The Aristocrat" 1966*
LBK-870 Chestnut Copperton "The Westerner" 1963*
LBK-880 Copper Mist "The Chief" 1969*