LAst winter cruising the back 40 at walmart I snagged a 14.5 wsm for $50 you kinda have to buy that right? besides it was all assembled and calling my name
Finally drug it out the other day for the first time threw some coals in her and burned it in.
The next day I had a small pork sirloin roast I figured I would give it a try. Loaded her up with some mesquite lump and fired he off. now maybe I cheated but I thought I got this other new toy to try also and I set my Tip Top Temp on it. Well that is a match made in bbq heaven It held 275 flawlessly. Ready to hunt down a 22
You should try it without the tip top temp...I'll bet you can hold 275 flawlessly with out. Of course you have to tune in your vents.