Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: UserGone on April 03, 2017, 11:22:12 AM

Title: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: UserGone on April 03, 2017, 11:22:12 AM
I ran across this Brown 18'5" Weber kettle on CL yesterday that was being sold by the original owner. I decided to pick it up as the price seamed fair and I've never owned a colored kettle before. I was planning to shorten the legs and convert this 18" grill as a camping grill since I don't have one.
  After cleaning this 18" today, it ended up being in better shape than I thought.  After a little research reading up on some older post here. Turns out it's a late 1979 18.5" in the Chocolate color. No major damage and probable a 7/10 condition.  Leg bowl sockets are in great shape. I was able to remove the legs without any issues. Still has its original wooden handle.

  So when does one start to collect kettles to keep as "lookers"?  Is it just the rarity of a certain year or color that I should be looking for?
I like this Chocolate 18.5" better now that I've cleaned it and decided to keep it as a collectible. It's cool to see the first letter code "A" stamped on all the vents.

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I'd like to search for other 18" kettles. How many different color variations did Weber produce?
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: HoosierKettle on April 03, 2017, 11:34:13 AM
That is very nice. Congrats on the score. There is a thread somewhere on all the colors. It was posted semi recent.

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Maxmbob on April 03, 2017, 11:34:59 AM
Beautiful kettle.  Nice job on the clean up.

looking for Blue mbh, Blue Mlh.

Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on April 03, 2017, 11:35:15 AM
Was wondering who ran to Oconomowac for that beauty. Awesome score!!!

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: JEBIV on April 03, 2017, 11:36:48 AM
@Smokin Performer that is a nice find. I am looking for one just like that to complete my brownie collection. I have the 26 and 22 "Chief" and "Warrior" your is called "Brave" cruise around in the kettle club and check out the galleries you will see all the colors and then you will be hooked. Welcome to Weberitis were the only known cure is more Webers. LOL Just let me know if that color doesn't suit you I will be happy to take it of your hands. hehe
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Neil_VT00 on April 03, 2017, 11:37:51 AM
Wow, that grill is in beautiful condition. Congrats! The way I see it, it has been cooked on for 38 years, why stop now?

As for what other colors are out there, take a look at the old catalogs to see what's around.  It's interesting to see all of the old pictures in there.  (

And last but not least, the old handles really come to life with a light sanding and a coat of spar varnish. Here is one that I did (link (
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: varekai on April 03, 2017, 11:48:52 AM
I'm not sure there is any one of us here that only "collects" kettles, there are some that have some very rare Webers, but those are few and far between. As for myself, I own roughly around 30, ranging from 22" Blue, Red,2 Green,Yellow and 2 reds, I have 2  26", a red and a copper mist, 2 red SSP's and a Ranch Kettle. I'm not "searching out" anything in particular and none of them were bought as an "investment", I have cooked on almost all of them, and will continue to do so. There is another member here that just started hunting down logo'd grills. Some here have made some awesome scores lately... so I guess I'm just saying buy what you like, keep your lookers and fire up your cookers.  NOW, mind you, I came to this forum with ONE Weber kettle when I searched for recipes online one day....and that was only a little over a year ago!!!  Its contagious, tread lightly!...LOL

PS, AWESOME SCORE you got there!!!
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Josh G on April 03, 2017, 12:21:51 PM
That is a really good find.  Looks great!!!
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: KevinP on April 03, 2017, 12:33:59 PM
Nice find. That thing is in awesome shape

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: UserGone on April 03, 2017, 12:39:05 PM
Yeah I drove to Oconomowoc for it. I was surprised no one picked it up on Saturday. I worked all day and it was still listed at 10:00 pm when I got off. I text the seller and got a quick response. He was listing the grill for his Dad and I then made arrangements to pick it up at 8am the next morning.
It was a nice drive to get away from the city even for just a couple hours. I met the owner at his front door. He had purchased the grill when they moved into that house back in 1979.  He joked and said he left it ready for me to cook. He then removed the lid and pointed to the unburned charcoal...  The bowl was full of ash and briquettes. It was alright with me, She cleaned out nice in the end.

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Craig on April 03, 2017, 12:44:26 PM
Nice find! There really is no standard on how many/what constitutes a cooker or a looker. It's all up to the buyer/owner. I have around 30 or so and I cook on all but two of them but it is getting harder to rotate all of them. I may eventually "retire" a couple to "looker" status someday but until that time comes, I rotate. Sweet Chocolate 18!
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: MrHoss on April 03, 2017, 01:03:15 PM
Sweet little Brown.

There are not many of us nutters in this world. How many people would pay as much or more for an old piece of something versus a new one? What are there?....Maybe a couple/three hundred or so of us active collectors of these Kettles? To most people spending a few hundred dollars on something when a brand new one with the warranty is LESS money would be INSANE. So most likely dropping all kinds of money into a rare Kettle will not yield you a profit and if you surround yourself with them you will in all likely-hood loose money. Getting all serious is stupid as it is a money losing fun time.
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: RottiGuy on April 03, 2017, 01:16:27 PM
Very  Nice, that's on my list aswell, Congrats and welcome !!
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: einrej on April 03, 2017, 01:40:04 PM
Sunday nite I called brewtown and asked him if he took a ride to  Oconomowoc, WI. He said no but someone in the WCK must have got it, he was right. Nice score, keep it as the first of your collection and buy more.
Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: UserGone on April 03, 2017, 01:58:43 PM
Neil, thanks for the spar idea on the wooden handle. I'll definitely do that.
I just scrubbed away the dirt and grime first so that when it dries, I'll start sanding. I think the handle is Cherry Wood.
( do you think?

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: UserGone on April 03, 2017, 02:02:36 PM
Nah, Maybe it's just Oak. The end grain doesn't look like Cherry now that I'm looking closer at it.

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Neil_VT00 on April 03, 2017, 03:55:20 PM
Someone else will know better than I do, but I think the older handles were either maple or oak. Looks like it might be oak to me.

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Title: Re: Which 18.5" Kettles should I be searching for?
Post by: Darko on April 03, 2017, 05:28:34 PM
Quote from: Smokin Performer on April 03, 2017, 11:22:12 AM

  So when does one start to collect kettles to keep as "lookers"?  Is it just the rarity of a certain year or color that I should be looking for?
One collects kettles that one likes. If you want to keep it as a looker, or if you want to use it as a cooker, that is totally up to you.  Don't let anyone tell you different.

My opinion is that if it has been cooked on, then it is a cooker.