Since this is a dedicated pizza forum I wanted to take a shot and ask you for an accesory to cook pizzas on the weber Q.
I have cooked pizzas on my 22" Platinum but want to try on my Q1200 while camping.
I found one on the Australia weber site but I wonder if it is sold in the US.
Any help is appreciated
Your best bet for cooking a pizza on the Q, is to put the dough directly on the grates until it starts to bubble, flip it, quickly add sauce toppings, and then pull it before the bottom burns.
Thank you
@LPcreation. I will give it a try.
Any recommendations on the temperature?
I'd probably go around medium. You've got to work pretty quickly. I've never done it on a Q, but it's how I used to make pizzas on a gas grill. They turn out pretty awesome actually.
I have q3200 and found you can take two weber charcoal baskets and place them on the q3200 upside down on the grill grate about 9-10 inches apart, or just enough to let the pizza stone rest on the top end of each basket, then heat up the grill and place the pizza on the stone. Placing the stone up on the baskets keeps the bottom of the pizza from burning and it also gets the pizza close to the lid so the top of the pizza cooks also. This will work, you just have to get the temperature up.
Can you post a pic or two this the next time you cook a pizza? (I'm in the process of building a "Kettle Pizza" type insert for my 26er, but I'm also buying a used Q3200 this weekend off of CL.)
Quote from: LPcreation on February 08, 2017, 04:46:18 AM
I'd probably go around medium. You've got to work pretty quickly. I've never done it on a Q, but it's how I used to make pizzas on a gas grill. They turn out pretty awesome actually.
Dough on grates is a, no pun intended, great way to make pizza. The Q does a great job with it, too. Just be sure to not overcook the dough and you will be craving for more!
Good to see you chime in
@AnotherPintPlease I have been on the lookout for a cheap Q
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@mhiszem! Grilled pizza is near and dear to my heart. Ironically, I've been grilling pizzas almost exclusively on the SCG with the diffuser plate and pizza stone hitting temps around 700° F. On Sunday, I decided to grill just dough on grate on the SCG and then when I saw this post, it reminded me of grilling on the Q. I think dough on grate is underrated. It takes some extra work, but the crust and taste is extraordinary! I still think the Q is an amazingly versatile grill!
I have only made pizza a couple times and it has only been on the grate. It is more prone to mistakes though. So worth it.
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We used to do dough on the grate pizza with our Weber Q when camping. It always surprised the other campers when we pulled a dough ball out of a cooler and started turning out pies. Fun stuff!