You got your red 26! Congrats... looks to be in grate shape!
That is BAD ASS!
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Please tell me you didn't drill holes in that beautiful kettle?
That is so cool!
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I'm glad you got it. Cant imagine the excitement in your garage while you put it together.
Happy new year.
That looks sharp!
If you can @swamprb please post some close up pics of that beauty. Looks like you did an amazing job. I'd like to see her cooking
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Brian, she's a beauty and looks AWESOME with that set up. As usual, great craftsmanship and I especially love the stainless??? strap around the bowl.
Man that's awesome!
And to have it be a one touch too, with the bucket, that's great
We do need more pics and details, please
Kettleheads be foaming at the mouth here!
I love it! Is that a mist fade on that lid? What year is that redhead?
Wonderful....flat-top lid looks beauty man...........more pictures and details please.
That's thing is sweet!!!
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That is very special. I can't imagine a nicer looking functional versatile set up on the plannet as far as kettles are concerned. That literally has it all. Grilling smoking rollable badass machine.
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I'm going to start a separate savings account now in the event he ever decides to sell this one.
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That is incredible.
Very nicely done. 👍
searching for 2 18" straight lip twist ash pans.
I am liking that setup very much and the Redhead is beautiful!
This was a long time coming. I just have a thing for RED's and it had an impact on my style! A little backstory on this:
While I was proud of my Mini Ranch Kettle mod with the 26.75" OTG, I never really took a shine to it. I used it mostly for rotisserie and Paella cooks. The SS grate has never touched any meats.
Knowing that scoring a decent 26'r let alone a Redhead AND a One Touch are pretty slim, and this would not have happened until
@Jeff reached out and brokered a deal with a Chicagoland collector.
The previous owner was meticulous in their RRR of this unit, it has its share of bumps and bruises which can be expected but it is everything I was looking for! I did some minor paint touch-ups and that was it.
I really took my time on this build and did not want to drill a bunch of holes in the bowl. The handle frames had been drilled out and reattached prior to me getting it, so my goal was to use those holes for mounting to the Ranch frame.
I had a couple ideas for mounting the bowl and settled on a band that is mounted on the frame brackets and the rolled lip of the bowl rests into it. Using the front handle as the secure mount. The band is secured to the frame with gasser hood flat head frame bolts graciously donated by
@Shoestringshop - The band is24 gauge stainless 3" wide and one piece @ 84" long. I used a handheld metal hole punch instead of drilling.
It has that original Stephens Bros. buoy kettle frame vibe with the band?
Next thing to do was figure out what to do with the ash. The new 26.75" OTG had its own ash can mounts. I had some OTG rings laying around and happened to notice that the 22" are the same size as the 26.75" rings!
I chose a Master-Touch ring and got to work. I hate to old style bridge holder for the rings and set about modding it so it secures to the leg sockets.
Pop riveting 3 stainless steel "fingers" to the ring and bending them into the socket gaps.
The only drilling I did to the kettle was three holes in the bowl for a 26.75" Slide Aside lid holder. The two bale holes are what secures the rear of the bowl to the band, very sturdy.
Thanks for all the kind words on the build and the assistance of Jeff and Dan for their generosity and encouragement!
Miracles do happen.
@swamprb , I saw this when you posted on FB, THAT sir is a SHARP looking set-up!!!
This looks fantastic! Thanks for breaking it all down with the extra pics. Excellent planning and execution.
I did not know that there were red 26ers with a One-Touch. ??? :D
Well done Brian. You've done well to make a less than perfect grill, over the top with an awesome mod. This better be a candidate for mod month!!!!
Amazing setup, Brian.
Awesome cart and side shelves!
Oh, my wife saw this on FB and called me over to show me. She then asked why we don't have a red 26. :'(
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on January 01, 2017, 02:16:45 PM
Oh, my wife saw this on FB and called me over to show me. She then asked why we don't have a red 26. :'(
Quote from: MacEggs on January 01, 2017, 01:08:34 PM
This looks fantastic! Thanks for breaking it all down with the extra pics. Excellent planning and execution.
I did not know that there were red 26ers with a One-Touch. ??? :D
I'm not too keen on the history of the 26'rs, but it was my good fortune to end up with the One Touch and able to add the ash can otherwise I'd still be trying to figure out an ash pan mod since the Ranch Kettle frame lost its pan holders!
Quote from: Jeff on January 01, 2017, 01:28:37 PM
Well done Brian. You've done well to make a less than perfect grill, over the top with an awesome mod. This better be a candidate for mod month!!!!
Couldn't have done it without your help Jeff! Thanks again!
That is certainly one of a kind, I love it! You do top notch work, Brian. What kind of cooks do you plan on for this particular cooker?
Work of art

Good job dude.
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That's a #1 seed for mod month, great job!!
Just curious where you got the ranch stand? I can't find it fir same by itself anywhere?
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Quote from: kemmons on January 01, 2017, 07:47:53 PM
Just curious where you got the ranch stand? I can't find it fir same by itself anywhere?
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@kemmons Quote from: demosthenes9 on June 29, 2016, 08:29:44 PM
I'd get all the parts from Weber in a single order as they should only hit you with a single $7 shipping charge.
here's a list of the parts you will need from them.
Qty Part # Product Name
1 85740 Top frame for Ranch Kettle, Painted $45.43
1 85750 Bottom frame for Ranch Kettle, Painted $45.73
1 85725 Axle for Ranch Kettle 32.37" , ~$10
2 6414 Locking caster, Genesis/Performer/Ranch/Platinum ~$5-6 ea.
1 987101 Replacement hubcaps (pack of 3) <$4.00
4 87417 Aluminum tubing plug for Ranch Kettle $5 ea., $20 for 4
An optional part would be the front handle of the RK. I haven't seen anyone else put one on, but I will be as it should add needed stability to my build. I'm attempting to do a complete "drop in" solution where I won't have to drill any holes into the kettle itself. It's proving to be a bit tricky :-)
Anyways, the front handle is part #85730.
I should add that just about none of the parts above include "hardware", i.e. nuts, washers or bolts. It's your choice whether you want to get them from Weber or from the local hardware store, the latter being the best option if you want to go with stainless steel hardware.
Here are those parts:
87410 1 Hex head screw, 1/4-20 x 3 inch, black < ---- Center "pin" joining the two lower frame sections.
4 4086938 Hexhead bolt 1/4-20 x 1 3/4 inch < ----- Bolts the front handle to the frame
5 87503 Hex nut 1/4-20 inch, zinc <---- fits all the bolts.
10 87403 1/4" Flat nylon washer, black < ------ used on all the bolts
(If you don't do the front handle, then you only need 1 hex nut and 2 washers.
Lastly, when you call Weber, do some social engineering and chit chat with the CSR a bit. When you get around to having them look up parts, start with the higher priced ones first, the top and bottom frame legs. When they give you a price (which should be about what I listed, ask them if that's the best they can do. You might get lucky.
Sweet baby Jesus. You absolutely crushed this build. Incredible
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Yes very impressive. Thanks for the parts list. I've been wanting a stand for the 26 for some time. I'm probably gonna steal your idea here, I don't see anything else that even remotely compares to this. Perfect in my opinion.
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Wow! very unique build. Looks like something you can buy from the Weber store in the future.
swamprb - best build so far.
I wanted to give a shout out to
@whatchusmokin for his inspiration on the "band mount" for the RED Mini Ranch mod.
I had no qualms about drilling into the black 26.75 OTG, but the RED 26" was another story.
So for anyone considering a Mini Ranch build and isn't comfortable drilling into the bowl, the band mount solves the puzzle! The Slide Aside bale mounted through the band in the rear is sufficient to secure the bowl. A slight cutout of the band on the front for the handle and you are in business!
Giving credit where credit is due!