Been working on an 18 I dug out of the trash missing everything below the bowl. One touch replacement is in on order.
I didn't have an 18" and I wanted a bigger portable grill than my smoky Joe but I also wanted to use the 18 on my patio without putting it on a table top. Storable add on legs was my answer. Still in the early stages but it will definitely work.
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It can double as table top or normal height so next outing I won't have to use valuable table space or have to bend over.
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I really like the execution of the leg extenders. Nice job!
Looks good!!
That a good idea. Good thinking right there
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I had a loose fit between the 1" and 3/4" aluminum. I used a scrap piece of aluminum house trim and attached with foil tape. Seems like it really did the trick
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Some more refinement. I had to label the legs with colored tape. (
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I used anti seize on the leg sockets. That won't cause a problem with odors inside the kettle will it?
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Working in an ash pan now. I freehanded this version of an old school ash pan out of some scrap. I think with a little effort I could make it respectable. (
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What did you use?
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It's a secret.

. If I built a simple press I could crank out exact replicas. If anyone is interested I might pursue that further.
For this I simply made one slit to the radius and overlapped to form a "china man's cap". Not pc but that's what it's called for my work application as a roof exhaust cap.
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To answer your question it's aluminum like what would be found on the fascia and window trim on some houses.
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You should see how it wears or hold up after a lot of cooks. I bet there could be a market for that!
Good going man!
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Thanks! Keep in mind that this is a crude free hand version. I have no templet. That would make it easier.
I think this will hold up fine but it needs to be a little thicker probably. I have almost unlimited supply of scrap in various metals and thickness so I'll play with this a bit more.
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That is cool, I think your on to something.
Yeah, I'd be interested too. I could send you a 22" as a template. Give me a couple weeks and I should have a spare 18" to "loan"

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Thanks. Yeah a template would be great. I actually have an original ash pan on my 22 so just the 18 and a 26 if anyone has one.
I ended up making a different ash pan for this transformer. The twist pan interfered with my bolts that hold the leg pieces together. I'm calling this done for the time being until my 1 touch comes on Thursday. Definitely more function than form but this is my experimental kettle.
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If you guys share templates with those who are missing ash pans, anyone could make the simple cheater version. All that's required is to track down some scrap aluminum from a sheet metal or commercial roofing shop and tools required would be left cut tin snips, straight cut snips, small sheet metal screws or rivets. By making a slit, you create the bowl shape instead of presses or stamped like factory.
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Thanks for the info Hoosier. It's a great idea and much better than switching pans from kettle to kettle or nothing at all.
That twist style looks great
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She's a cooker not a looker but I'm glad I saved it from the trash. My first cook on this or any 18. I can tell I'm going to like this size.
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I didn't think about this when I made the legs 7" long but it allows the lid to hang on it's hook. Only has a 1/4" clearance to the table though.
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