Well folks, this portion of the Weber timeline poster is complete.
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/WeberPoster_zpsfks27nza.png) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/WeberPoster_zpsfks27nza.png.html)
My version 2016
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4003_zpsdmcnkyw5.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4003_zpsdmcnkyw5.jpg.html)
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4004_zpsis1ha6jd.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4004_zpsis1ha6jd.jpg.html)
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4005_zps3ye6ruii.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4005_zps3ye6ruii.jpg.html)
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4006_zpstboojgpw.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4006_zpstboojgpw.jpg.html)
I do like the wooden handle on the Ambassador. The grill is in amazing condition. 2nd Ambassador to pop up this summer.
Wow!!! That's is awesome

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Quote from: harris92 on September 03, 2016, 09:55:05 AM
2nd Ambassador to pop up this summer.
Where is the second Ambassador?
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 03, 2016, 11:03:34 AM
Quote from: harris92 on September 03, 2016, 09:55:05 AM
2nd Ambassador to pop up this summer.
Where is the second Ambassador?
I think fedex picked one up a couple of months ago unless it changed hands.
Wow Very Nice !!!
Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
Very cool. Can we get a closeup of the top handle please?
Very nice. That plainsman is just down right beautiful!
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Quote from: Travis on September 03, 2016, 01:24:03 PM
Very nice. That plainsman is just down right beautiful!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Agreed Travis. Amazing.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Well... to see them all three together like that is truly amazing sight. They all look to be in great condition too. Incredible collection to say the least. Way to go Mr. Harris92.
Quote from: MrHoss on September 03, 2016, 01:05:57 PM
Very cool. Can we get a closeup of the top handle please?
@MrHoss Here you go Hoss. Just a wipe down with Watco Natural Tung Oil.
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4008_zpsf8ijm5ol.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4008_zpsf8ijm5ol.jpg.html)
Beautiful line up...well played Harris
Nice show
Great photos and nice looking Ambassador,
@harris92 ! By chance you wouldn't have an early 70s small bowl tab yellow to pose it next to it, do you? Seems the early 70s yellows weren't as deep as the mid-late 70s yellows. Almost similar to an Ambassador, but not quite. Or better yet, pose as many yellows as you have in chronological order. Ambassador-'mid-late 70s Gourmet/Yachtsman. That would be cool to see.
Stephen, This is an amazing post. Thank you for sharing.
Here you go Craig.
@Craig On the left is a Patent Pending Yellow with rubber tread wheels (prob a '72). On the right is a small tab bowl yellow. I am guessing it is a '73.
The Ambassador is MUCH lighter. I even compared a Homer Simpson smokey joe. Much lighter than that too.
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4011_zpsejaczhdb.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4011_zpsejaczhdb.jpg.html)
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4012_zpslx0c1wdp.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4012_zpslx0c1wdp.jpg.html)
Quote from: Craig on September 03, 2016, 08:44:29 PM
Great photos and nice looking Ambassador, @harris92 ! By chance you wouldn't have an early 70s small bowl tab yellow to pose it next to it, do you? Seems the early 70s yellows weren't as deep as the mid-late 70s yellows. Almost similar to an Ambassador, but not quite. Or better yet, pose as many yellows as you have in chronological order. Ambassador-'mid-late 70s Gourmet/Yachtsman. That would be cool to see.
Great collection, thanks for sharing
WTB Original Wood Dale legs, triangle, wheels and legs.Blue SSP, Blue mbh, Blue Mlh.
Fantastic collection, looks beautiful.
Quote from: harris92 on September 04, 2016, 05:24:30 AM
Here you go Craig. @Craig
On the left is a Patent Pending Yellow with rubber tread wheels (prob a '72). On the right is a small tab bowl yellow. I am guessing it is a '73.
The Ambassador is MUCH lighter. I even compared a Homer Simpson smokey joe. Much lighter than that too.
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4011_zpsejaczhdb.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4011_zpsejaczhdb.jpg.html)
(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a553/slieberman92/IMG_4012_zpslx0c1wdp.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/slieberman92/media/IMG_4012_zpslx0c1wdp.jpg.html)
Quote from: Craig on September 03, 2016, 08:44:29 PM
Great photos and nice looking Ambassador, @harris92 ! By chance you wouldn't have an early 70s small bowl tab yellow to pose it next to it, do you? Seems the early 70s yellows weren't as deep as the mid-late 70s yellows. Almost similar to an Ambassador, but not quite. Or better yet, pose as many yellows as you have in chronological order. Ambassador-'mid-late 70s Gourmet/Yachtsman. That would be cool to see.
That is another stunning grouping. Love it! Would have been nice to have 78 Yellow together to compare colors with earlier yellows like Graig mentioned.