It's true! They made one! Well, not exactly, but don't pass up an 18.5 Platinum if you find one. Makes a great cart for the WSM. Posted this in another thread, but now that we have a WSM section, why not here too? Top grate sits 45" off the ground. Dumping the ash is a breeze, the cart/bowl is light enough to one-hand. It's the most useful Mod I've ever done! I still have a couple pair of those brackets I used. Hit me if you want a pair. $35 shipped. They are made from 14ga SS to match the cart mounting locations, with welded and drilled tabs to mount to the bowl:
Well done ! ! ! Beautiful welds on those brackets !
Don Marco Mod!
There is a market for those brackets! I can see a lot of people swapping colors on Platinums & Performers.
Both sets of brackets have been spoken for. I can have more made but you will have to be patient. Also thinking about getting some made for the 22.5 if there is sufficient interest.
I would buy two sets of 22's if you get them!
I'm definitely interested!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I'll have my blacksmith estimate what it will take to make up some 22.5 brackets. Stay tuned. If I can get them for $35/pair, would you buy a set? Anyone else for 18.5s?
I am also interested
I'd be interested in a set for a 22.5"
Excellent work !
Quote from: Maxmbob on July 25, 2016, 03:05:19 PMI'd be interested in a set for a 22.5"
Possibly interested, as well.
Wondering about brackets that could work for an old Genesis frame, since those seem easier to come by than this kind.
Quote from: addicted-to-smoke on July 28, 2016, 05:05:11 AM
Wondering about brackets that could work for an old Genesis frame, since those seem easier to come by than this kind.
Stay tuned... ;)
OK WKC, here's one way to do it. Apologies for the crude mockup, but I prefer rapid prototyping to a more time consuming "pretty" mockup. If it works out I can take my time and do it right. I don't plan to use this anyway, and I only had an hour to spare today. FYI - a Gennie frame is too narrow to mount an 18.5 WSM, but a little hacking and you'll have a very useful smoker cart.
Take your standard Genesis frame. (This one I've used before, and has been a mule for other mockups.)
Unbolt the top frame and flip the right side end for end.
Cut off the (now) outboard ends to use as center supports. You should have about 18" or so. You'll also cut the inboard ends to match the other side, and cut the protruding tabs off the ends on the left.
See the overlaps? That's where you would drill and bolt the sections together. Drill a couple more holes for the brackets, and the WSM with drops right in!
Fab a couple wood tables (don't use pink foam like I did) and you're done!
All in all, pretty simple job: A few hack saw cuts, and a few drilled holes. You would probably want to get some more 1" end caps for the raw edges. The height is about 2" taller than the Platinum cart version - putting the top grate height at 47". Now, let's see someone do this right!
I likes it!
Quote from: 56MPG on July 13, 2016, 02:00:06 AM
I'll have my blacksmith estimate what it will take to make up some 22.5 brackets. Stay tuned. If I can get them for $35/pair, would you buy a set? Anyone else for 18.5s?
Can I get a set for my performer?
I have one set for an 18.5 left. Someone else here has them to fit other sizes I think.
Any 18.5" brackets still kicking around? I only need one (Don't ask) PM me rich
what size step ladder do you use to access your smokes from the top? LoL!
Quote from: Marzipan on June 07, 2019, 03:39:28 PM
what size step ladder do you use to access your smokes from the top? LoL!
The 18 platinum is very very short. I put a WSM midsection on the platinum bowl. It fits and now I have an ash system. I am 6ft and the top shelf is below my chest and above my waist.. I need elbow length gloves to get the 2nd shelf but those are a good idea anyway.
Top grate sits at 45" - same level as my navel. (I'm 6'4") Table height of the 18.5 Platinum is 28".
Great mod. Simple but very cool.
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