Saw somewhere where somebody put shoestring potatoes on top of a burger to make it crunchy. I saw a container of them yesterday while shopping and knew exactly what was for dinner today.
package of bacon with some fresh cracked black pepper in the grill
Separated the bacon to finish
burgers on the grill
burgers indirect with a slice of bacon and cheese,
Plated with some shoestring potatoes on top of each patty, all of the usual fixings for a burger, more shoestring potatoes on the plate and some blue box mac and cheese.
Thatsa burger.
Regarding the bacon, i too have been cooking it on the grill. I learned a method whereby you thread them on skewers in a wave pattern for even cooking. I will see if i can finf a pic of what I am talking about.
Dammit John! You did it again! Dammit! :'(
Seriously, fantastic cook as usual John!
I'd crawl a mile for that burger!
killer burgers
i've been doing my bacon like that for a long time. love that technique. i also love the plume of white smoke it can create
That burger is top notch, everything looks excellent!
I don't know if I belong here... Man, you guys cook up some awesome looking food. I am just starting on the creative cooking and I feel so inadequate when I see these pics.
I love using your ideas and seeing the pics. Please keep them coming!
Wohhhh. Excellente!