Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 09:46:36 AM

Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 09:46:36 AM
Greetings all,

I have been lurking on this forum for a couple months trying to gain information before making my first kettle purchase (and yes, I know I'm putting way too much thought in to this).  My decision is between the 22inch copper performer deluxe and the Kettle Premium in copper.   I currently have a copper Genesis e320 that I plan on keeping along side the kettle for extra grilling space. 

Here are my concerns:   While I have enough space on my covered patio for either one, I'm concerned with the extra size of the performer deluxe if I need to wheel it out from under the covered patio each time I use it.  My gas grill sits under the same patio now and I don't move it when I'm cooking and it doesn't pose an issue for the most part.   When cooking with the kettle will I need to move it out each time or will the smoke be similar to what I get with the gas grill?   Obviously the smaller kettle is easier to maneuver, not to mention its $250 cheaper than the performer deluxe.  On the flip side, if I go with the performer deluxe, it comes with the deluxe rack, the charcoal baskets and a built in starter so there is less "other stuff" to buy initially. 

I'm basically looking for input either way such as "the kettle premium is all you need since you also have a gas grill". Or "I bought the Kettle premier and have always regretted not biting the bullet on the performer". 

Any honest and real world experience is much appreciated.   



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: weldboy on January 20, 2016, 09:53:53 AM
My performer is my most used kettle, the gas assist for starting charcoal is handy and the table area is great for food prep. Also I love the charcoal storage bin. If it was me I'd have the performer.

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: jbenavidez2 on January 20, 2016, 09:55:06 AM
IMHO, I have all the grills you speak of and it just depends on what you prefer.  I personally like to buy a batch of weber cubes and use the chimney, comes out cheaper.  The gas assist is cool too though.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: jcnaz on January 20, 2016, 10:09:20 AM
Hello David, and welcome to the club.
1) Charcoal grills produce significantly more smoke than gas grills, especially when lighting the coals and waiting for them to be ready to cook on.
2) Performers are not really any harder to roll around than a standard kettle. They might even be easier to move because they don't try to fall over backwards when you lift the handle.
3) There are safety concerns with using any grill, gas or charcoal, under a covered patio. These range from the risk of catching your house on fire, to the possibility of filling your home with carbon monoxide. (I am not the safety police, do what makes you happy.)

These things being said, quit thinking about it and get the performer, you will love it.
If the breeze blows the smoke away from the house, great! If it blows in the windows, roll the thing out in the yard.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: 1buckie on January 20, 2016, 10:10:26 AM
My only "Performer" has a wood table (Sequoia) & I'm forever looking for a place to set something down (usually on the grate of an unlit kettle)....people that get a Performer generally love them & seem to never go back to a stand-alone by itself...........

The table space & storage are certainly things to, they really are made to move around a bit better than a regular kettle even though both have wheels.....JMHO....
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 20, 2016, 10:18:44 AM
My opinion....I have a gas grill, and a few kettles, including a performer. Normally I do move my performer out of my covered patio, but I have used it underneath there, just a little heavy smoke until the chimney gets going good. Here's the deal....if you get the premium kettle and move it out each time you use it, you won't have a table, or gas start (pretty handy). I would say if the patio isn't enclosed, and your budget allows, go with the performer, maybe even find a used one to save money. Charcoal storage, work table, gas assist...all very nice to have. I do use a chimney even with my performer, but that gas assist is the deal....I love my performer, although i usually have that and at least one more kettle going on most cooks...while my gas grill collects dust lol.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: brewtownbeatdown on January 20, 2016, 10:25:37 AM
I'd go Premium if you're worried about space. Get a chimney or kettle style electric starter coil($15-$20). Baskets are only $15. Can always use the table space on the gasser. I'm thinking that since the e320 has cabinet doors, you could store charcoal & accessories in there. Good luck on the decision. 

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 10:43:15 AM
Thank you all for the quick feedback.   All great answers with the common underlying thread that I need to make a decision and not look back.   Quick question on the performer...can the wheels and castors be flip flopped when you are building it.   For example, in the picture below, can I put the wheels on the right side and the castors on the left?   It would make it easier to maneuver to the uncovered space.   



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 20, 2016, 10:55:11 AM
Performer with table and gas assist. Plan on a LOT of smoke during coal lightup ..and coal fumes during cooking.
You cannot swap location of the bowl. Frame has predrilled holes for bowl location (mod possible but not easy) you can swap out axle /caster wheel location by drilling axle holes on caster wheel side..just need to drill holes
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 20, 2016, 10:56:04 AM
The tube frame end holes are the same on each you can install caster wheels on axle side...good luck
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 10:57:04 AM
I don't want to reposition the bowl, it's actually in the right spot.   I just want the castors to be under that side so I can steer it easier. 


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 20, 2016, 11:13:07 AM
Its  easier to have the axle under the bowl side.
Not sure which direction you are moving it..but having the axle wheels on the front side of your push direction is easier
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Josh G on January 20, 2016, 11:33:27 AM
If you are tight on space the kettle is probably the way to go, but if you can squeeze the performer in you might be happier in the long run.  Most people who own the performer bought a kettle first and loved it and then bought the performer. 

I wheel my performer out maybe 10 feet every time I use it and then just push it back when I am done.  Very easy to move around.  Most likely if you get the kettle you are going to bring a table over  to help out during the cook so you're really not saving that much space over having the performer.   
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 20, 2016, 11:53:19 AM
@everybody Great thoughts and advice, It never ceases to amaze me!
Did they ever make the regular performer in copper? The one with the metal folding table. It seems to me that would be the best of both worlds, considering his space and all.
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 11:57:55 AM
I put together this rough diagram of the patio.   Where the Genesis sits in the corner, I have no issues with smoke as most if not all of it gets naturally sucked out the screen and out away from the house.  The performer or kettle would need to wheeled in the direction of the arrow which is why I was thinking that having the castors on the left side (when facing the performer) would make it easier to move around. 

Again, thank you all for the great posts.   It's rare to find such a great community these days. 



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MeatAndPotatos on January 20, 2016, 11:59:14 AM
The folding table one is no where near as nice. Get stupid, go big...figure out logistics later :P

Its really stable and moves very easy.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 20, 2016, 12:17:19 PM
^^^ what he said!....if all you have to do is wheel it out to the pool patio, you will love the performer.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MeatAndPotatos on January 20, 2016, 12:20:32 PM
Also... when you wheel it back... Just do a 180 and wheel it in "backwards" so your casters point the way you want. Sure you won't be able to reach the lighter controls... the whole point of you wheeling it out is to light it outside right?
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 20, 2016, 12:25:58 PM
@Loonysup Their ganging up on you! Great points as well...By the way on your diagram, you forgot where the Kegerator goes  :).
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 20, 2016, 12:29:26 PM
I can take it...I came here because my wife won't let me talk about it anymore because she's tired of hearing about it.


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 20, 2016, 12:32:49 PM
I get that all the time ! I have been obsessing over pop up campers recently. If I mention it, she just gives me that look........
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: jaynik on January 20, 2016, 03:05:26 PM

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Josh G on January 20, 2016, 04:48:21 PM
I have the same setup and I just park mine against the house facing backwards.  I wheel it out anyways so it does not matter.  Grab by the table side and out I go. As long as you can parallel park you'll be fine.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: feeshrman on January 20, 2016, 07:03:08 PM
Can't go wrong with the performer. Mine is copper also and I love it, very stable but easily moved. My covered cooking porch is elevated and has my gasser underneath it but my performer is on my patio which is at ground level. I can easily roll the performer thru my French doors and into my garage but most of the time I simply cover it until the next cook.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: zavod44 on January 20, 2016, 07:28:40 PM
GO performer and never look back.  My performer is my absolute number one....would be lost without it....
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Lumpy Coal on January 20, 2016, 07:34:04 PM
Well at least you did say in your original post, you're looking for your "first" kettle.  😄😉

To me it's obvious, you'll be getting more so don't sweat the space. Later you'll want more and so you'll make room for it.  We all do. 

As far as your "first", cost not being an issue go with performer you won't regret it.    I have two and two kettles one with a rotisserie.  Not to mention before long you'll be getting rid of the gasser because you don't use it anymore.

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MrHoss on January 20, 2016, 07:40:27 PM
Get the Performer. You want it. Do it. You already have it drawn in to that diagram. Order a nice wood handle from the site while your at it too.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: glrasmussen on January 20, 2016, 07:44:46 PM
Performer, Don't look back. Many non-performers will follow...
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: SmokenJoe on January 20, 2016, 09:47:21 PM
 That's a great drawing of your existing space.  Here is some more info, for what it's worth.

1) So far nearly everyone has suggested the Perf Dlx.  I say, get'em both and save yourself some agony.  Which ever one you like the best, then put it in the place of best usage, sell the gasser (you won't use it much any more) and put the 26r MT where the gasser was,  :)

2) You might be able to put four casters on the Performer and still maintain a level work table, but it's been my experience that the Perf, as is, is so easy to move it won't be an issue,  ???

3) Now the 26" MT only comes in black, but black is beautiful -AND- those two kettles can solve almost any cooking situation.   8)                            SJ
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 21, 2016, 04:38:54 AM
I think everyone has convinced me of what I already knew.....if I don't get the performer I'll regret it in the long run.   So quick follow up question: what should be on my shopping list when I go to pick this thing up (hopefully this weekend)?   Cover, propane, charcoal.   Anything else I need in the immediate future while I'm learning my way around it?


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Tommy B on January 21, 2016, 04:55:34 AM
I would just buy a glen blue MBH kettle off ebay.... I kid. Looks like you have a great plan.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Quadman750 on January 21, 2016, 05:00:32 AM
Quote from: Loonysup on January 21, 2016, 04:38:54 AM
I think everyone has convinced me of what I already knew.....if I don't get the performer I'll regret it in the long run.   So quick follow up question: what should be on my shopping list when I go to pick this thing up (hopefully this weekend)?   Cover, propane, charcoal.   Anything else I need in the immediate future while I'm learning my way around it?


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 21, 2016, 05:04:17 AM
Shopping list: chimney starter, charcoal n wood chunks.

With your will not need to swap out axle wheel with casters.  You want the axle wheels in the front bumper side to lead the turn with casters in the rear.

Btw the performer is very easy to set it up oem style first and try it out before modding wheels.  It may not seem like it..but its not easier to turn performer with caster wheels designed the wheel placement correctly
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 21, 2016, 05:04:33 AM
And propane tanks
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 21, 2016, 05:11:37 AM
Do I still need the chimney starter even with the built in starter?   I was hoping to avoid that. 


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 21, 2016, 05:45:55 AM
You can use the charbaskets which come with premium and deluxe can also just pule the coals...that said..the chimney starter will start your coals with the minimal amount of propane gas assist (saving propane gas costs) and will gets the coals cook ready much faster than the aforementioned options...its well worth the 15.00
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 21, 2016, 05:49:18 AM
 Ither option...start without and see how chimneyless coal starting wirks for may work effectively for you
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on January 21, 2016, 06:47:24 AM
I'd be looking to swap the locations of the two grills.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: charred on January 21, 2016, 06:58:44 AM
The diagram seems to indicate the Performer's wheels are already in the desired location. They are moved by getting behind the caster side and lifting, then walking.  :)

I have a few Performers and I've lit the fuel (I use/ endorse lump) both with and w/o the chimney. The chimney does get it lit quicker, and it's a bit easier to dump the lump in it and set it over the flame rather than piling the charcoal up on the grate by hand. Either way, though, it's no big deal.

Performers are cool. Copper ones are really cool. Of course, SSPs are THE COOLEST.  8)

Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on January 21, 2016, 07:17:24 AM
I love the propane start in my performer.  Even if I am using one of my other grills, my chimney gets started on my perform with the gas assist.

Thoughts on getting a performer....Have you checked around on Craigslist and OfferUpNow?  You can probable save $200-$300 if there are any listed in your area, leaving you money for accesories, and you will want some accesories whether you know it now or not.

Items you will need with your grill wheter you purchase it new or not.  I'll try to list them in order from greatest to least needed/used:
1.  Chimney starter ( - If your get a performer with gas assist that comes with charcoal baskets, you don't have to have a chimney starter, but for the price and effectiveness of the chimney I would get one anyway.  You absolutely can start your coals in the charcoal baskets placed over the gas assist.  If you want to get into smoking (225-250 degrees) you might want to get a compact chimney ( as well for lighting a smaller amount of coals.  The chimney also give you the ability of starting more coals if you need them mid cook by either placing it on a patio or walkway or on the cooking grate of your gasser.  With my performer I usually gun the gas assist for 3-4 minutes to get the chimney going then shut it off.  with 3-4 minutes of usage each cook my propane lasts a really long time.

2.  Lighter cubes ( - if you don't get a grill with gas assisted start these inexpensive gems are easy to use, work well, and are a lot cleaner than using newspaper or paper towels to light your chimney.

3.  Charcoal baskets ( -  let you easily setup zoned cooks where you have the coals on one side, in the middle, on the sides but not the middle.  This is a basic must have and eventually will be replaced on some cooks by some pricier accesories (smoke-n-sear, vortex, smokenator, etc) should you choose to get into them.

4.  Wood chunks ( -  even if you don't get into slow and low smoking right away, a chunks or two of wood for normal cooks is never a bad thing.  Apple and Pecan lend themselves to almost everything and are more mild than some of the other options.  I think most people here would agree these are the top 2 go to wood flavors, followed by hickory, mesquite, cherry and oak (in no particular order).  I started off with wood chips, but quickly switched to chunks.  I think the chunks work a lot better.  Also, don't soak your wood, it causes it to burn less clean that dried wood.

5.  Multi-probe thermometer ( -  Give you the ability to monitor the temp in the grill and the temp of the meat you are cooking.  The performers and MT's do have thermos built into the lid, but they are usually off by about 25 degrees on the new grills.  Not a big deal if you know it 25 cooler at the grate level, but being able to see the exact temp where your meat is sitting and inside of the meat is a good thing.  There are lots of different models so you have a little bit of research you can do on these.  I have the Maverick ET-733 and love it, the ET-732 is a favorite as well for many members here and a little cheaper.

I think I'll leave it with that.  This is a good getting started list.  Once you have these things and figure out if you are doing a lot of smoking, hot cooks, reverse sear, etc, then your wish list is going to go crazy with things like:  rotisserie ring, smoke-n-sear, cold smoking tubes, vortex, ribolator, etc)
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: JDD on January 21, 2016, 08:06:56 AM
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 21, 2016, 11:41:28 AM
Alright...this is happening.   My local Ace hardware has the copper performer deluxe in stock.   One last question...should I start with lump charcoal or briquettes?   This is literally the first charcoal grill I've ever owned since I've always had Weber gas grills.


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on January 21, 2016, 11:49:06 AM
oh man, that is an whole other can of worms you just opened there!  I'd suggest briquettes to start (KBB which is Kingsford in the blue and white bag), then graduate to trying out lump after a few cooks.  Lump isn't really harder just different since the lump will have all kinds of different sizes in it, where the KBB will be very even an consistant.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: LightningBoldtz on January 21, 2016, 11:52:08 AM
Buy a good briquette. many like stubbs or Kingsford competition.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MeatAndPotatos on January 21, 2016, 12:00:07 PM
Quote from: MikeRocksTheRed on January 21, 2016, 11:49:06 AM
oh man, that is an whole other can of worms you just opened there!  I'd suggest briquettes to start (KBB which is Kingsford in the blue and white bag), then graduate to trying out lump after a few cooks.  Lump isn't really harder just different since the lump will have all kinds of different sizes in it, where the KBB will be very even an consistant.
Meh just buy lump.
For one, you said it yourself... not harder just different... So why learn something different then switch?

Everyone talks about how lump is all different sizes... So? I have found it to be plenty consistent. Only thing the different sizes matter really is how much fits in an area/burn time.
Assuming that your not grabbing little BB size pieces, and using pieces big enough for some air gap between them (pieces big enough to not fall through baskets and grates)... Temps seem fairly consistent. If the coals are screaming, anything within reasonable sizes seems to cook pretty even to me. More worry about consistency in the thickness of meat then size of lump.
Then again I never really cooked with briquettes so maybe I am missing some ultimate in consistency.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Josh G on January 21, 2016, 12:32:44 PM
The most important question: What are you going to cook for your first cook?

I vote Burgers
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: toolhead on January 21, 2016, 12:33:04 PM
Your experience may vary.
I use lump and transitioning off kbb blue to stubbs briqs and lump bc of the amount of ash kbb blue produces.  Also the total burn time and reuse of lump /stubbs i think evens out actual cost
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on January 21, 2016, 01:32:38 PM
I use either lump or briqs too. Kingsford is cheap, but ONLY if you buy it on sale, and it really only goes on sale a few times each year. I won't pay the $10/bag normal price. I'd rather get a smaller bag of hardwood briquettes or pay more for lump. Hell, for $10 Kingsford offers their Hickory or Applewood infused stuff and it's better charcoal also. Why? Because KBB produces a LOT of waste ash AND the blue smoke it emits while starting up makes baby Jesus cry. It is consistent however.

The experienced charcoal griller needs exposure to both lump and briquets, to know how to use them as they come 'round the bend. Get some disposable nitrile or whatever gloves for dealing with it cold. A galvanized bucket from Wal-Mart is good for dumping ash into prior to dumping into the trashcan.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Grizz on January 21, 2016, 01:37:42 PM
You're gonna LOVE IT!  Had my Cooper performer deluxe now for eight months and I don't regret the purchase!  I started out using KBB, but I've pretty much switched over to Stubbs and Royal lump.  Just seemed like a lot more smoke and ash with the KBB.  But, man, those double bag specials in the, no.   Resist.  Anywho, BEWARE! Because once you break that bad boy in you'll want to accessorize!!  My personal favorites:  Roti Ring with a Napoleon Shish Kabob Wheel.  Check ebay, got a good deal on a roti ring with a burnt out motor that I replaced with a battery operated one.  Above all, ENJOY!!!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: feeshrman on January 22, 2016, 05:06:04 AM
You're gonna end up trying both, the lump and briqs. Go ahead and get them both and let us know which you prefer.  My money is on the hardwood lump.
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 22, 2016, 01:58:43 PM
She's ready for her first cook.   Steaks are in the fridge waiting.  Going to give it a go with the lump charcoal for starters. 

Thank you again everyone for getting me this far. 



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MeatAndPotatos on January 22, 2016, 02:07:26 PM
Its god damn nice isn't it?

Looks even better in pictures then in your diagram :P
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 22, 2016, 02:32:42 PM
Nice, thur so purty! Make sure to post up some pics of your 1st cook :)
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: jcnaz on January 22, 2016, 02:39:33 PM
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 22, 2016, 02:44:03 PM
Quote from: Loonysup on January 22, 2016, 01:58:43 PM
She's ready for her first cook.   Steaks are in the fridge waiting.  Going to give it a go with the lump charcoal for starters. 

Thank you again everyone for getting me this far. 



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Beautiful. .and now I want a copper..dangit. you will love that cooker

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on January 22, 2016, 02:51:33 PM
If you mentioned that your gasser was also copper I must have missed.  Nice choice getting the matching performer.  Can't wait to see how your first cooks go and how you like it!

Since you have never cooked on a weber charcoal kettle before, it would be cool if you keep a good log of your first dozen cooks or so and document it in the cooks section for future 1st timers!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 22, 2016, 03:28:14 PM
I sent my wife to the store to get ground chuck to make burgers for the inaugural cook and she came back with these ribeyes.    Said the grill needs to be broken in properly.   Good woman!!!



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 22, 2016, 03:51:02 PM
Yup, you have a good woman. I'm sure she's glad you finally made a decision :)
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: WNC on January 22, 2016, 03:59:05 PM
Congratulations on the purchase! The performer looks great there, and I'm thinking you probably won't even need move out of the patio, you should be good given the size of those screens, just make sure the doors to the house are closed.

Your wife sounds like a keeper for sure!

Can't wait to see how the cook goes!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Craig on January 22, 2016, 04:10:29 PM
That's a badass looking Copper! Awesome first purchase!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 22, 2016, 04:48:49 PM
A couple observations about my first cook (I'll try and do a write up for the cook section). 

1).  I didn't use the chimney as I figured I'd keep it simple.   The gas starter did a great job of lighting the lump charcoal. 
2). I think I threw the steaks on a little premature.   Need to be more patient with the preheating. 
3). I didn't move the grill out from where it was sitting and all seemed fine.   I had a couple stray embers that concerned me but I think that was because I opened the lid before it was fully ready.   
4). For a first effort, the steaks were good (and way better than I used to get from the gas grill) but I know there is room for improvement based on steaks I've had from friend's kettles.  My 10 year old son said it was amazing so I have that. 
5). I definitely need to get comfortable moving the grates and baskets around but that will come with time. 



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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 22, 2016, 05:19:52 PM
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: jcnaz on January 22, 2016, 06:47:27 PM
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 22, 2016, 07:28:59 PM
  Congratulations Sir,  nicely done

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: SmokenJoe on January 22, 2016, 08:37:44 PM
If my first cook on a kettle only looked that tasty !!!   Congrats.                              SJ
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Grizz on January 23, 2016, 03:29:23 AM
Congrats and that's a fine looking first cook!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: WNC on January 23, 2016, 04:34:03 AM
Looks like win to me, great first cook!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Neil_VT00 on January 23, 2016, 09:45:02 AM
New grill looks great as does the first cook (and the patio for that matter).

Should we all start a pool to bet on how long before the gasser is posted in the for sale section??

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MrHoss on January 23, 2016, 09:50:23 AM
Beauty cook. A sturdy pair of long handle tongs will aid in moving baskets and whatnot around when hot.
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 23, 2016, 09:52:33 AM
Just finished my second cook and my wife said "you're never going to use that other grill again are you?"   

I tried out the chimney in combination with the gas starter and it worked great.   

My only issue this second go around is that some of the vegetables had a little too much charcoal taste.    I'm not sure if I should attribute it to the cowboy brand lump charcoal I'm using or if I started cooking too soon again. 

I only bought a small bag of the charcoal since I figured I would want to experiment with other types or possible briquettes In the future.   

Cooked up some chorizo and burgers.  The burgers were fantastic. 




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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MacEggs on January 23, 2016, 10:03:42 AM

You're doing just fine.  Great looking cook-ups!  Keep at it.  I continue to learn every time.

I recommend weld gloves to move stuff around to go along with other gadgets and stuff-and-things.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on January 23, 2016, 10:22:55 AM
Looking good. Get some small cast iron skillets for veggies that need less smokiness. OR with enough heat they'll cook just fine indirect on the grill. Less smoke not being right on top of the coals. Experiment!
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: pbe gummi bear on January 23, 2016, 10:41:27 AM
Y'all are a bunch of enablers. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MeatAndPotatos on January 23, 2016, 11:37:12 AM
Quote from: Loonysup on January 23, 2016, 09:52:33 AM
My only issue this second go around is that some of the vegetables had a little too much charcoal taste.    I'm not sure if I should attribute it to the cowboy brand lump charcoal I'm using or if I started cooking too soon again. 
I forget now if it was cowboy or frontier that I had that smoked a bit and didn't have the nice woodfire smell I would expect... but it may be the brand lump you were using. Also, one of the downsides of lump is that if you watch carefully you will occasionally notice brown pieces that are basically still part wood and weren't completely turned to coal. These pieces will produce a lot more smoke and smell, and likely flavor the food more as well.

it can be harder to see if lump is going during the day, but when the full basket is going you should be good to go. Really once the initial bit of smoke that comes off as it gets started stops you should be good unless your looking for max heat.

Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: SmokenJoe on January 23, 2016, 12:51:29 PM
PS.  If your not already, turn off that Touch-n-Go flame after no more than 5 mins  ...   coals will continue to light on there own.                          SJ
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: MrHoss on January 23, 2016, 01:28:58 PM
If you want to know if your charcoal has burned down enough to start cooking just put the lid on with the top vent wide open. If the smoke coming off is heavy and dark it needs some time. If the smoke coming off is thin or non-existent then you are good to go.

When pulling lump out of the bag look for heavy dense chunks. These are not carbonized nearly enough and may in fact be straight wood basically. To use those cut them down with an axe if real big and put em' in the bottom of the chimney so they burn longer.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 27, 2016, 02:25:04 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm several cooks in on my kettle so I thought I would update everyone on my progress.   Here are the items that were dead accurate in this thread:

1)." Buy the performer and you won't regret it."  If I had just bought the kettle I would have really been missing out. I love the table and the gas start and the charcoal bin. 

2). "Sell the gasser, you'll never use it again".  Anyone want a Genesis E320 for $xxx.    If I can sell it for a few bucks, I would buy another kettle in a heart beat. 

3).  "Prepare to buy a lot of accessories".  My wish list is growing and growing but I'm trying to gain more experience so I can discern what I actually need.   I had a vortex high on my list for wings, but I made some absolutely killer wings the other day without it so maybe not. 

The royal oak lump charcoal is fantastic.   The cowboy lump (at least the bag I bought) burned with an odd smell and transferred this to the food.   No one else seemed to care but it bothered me.   

This is an amazing forum and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. 


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: LightningBoldtz on January 27, 2016, 02:48:04 PM
you can get about $400 for a Genesis E320 come April or May, wait it out and sell in a hot market.  Then buy another kettle.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 27, 2016, 02:55:21 PM

Quote from: LightningBoldtz on January 27, 2016, 02:48:04 PM
you can get about $400 for a Genesis E320 come April or May, wait it out and sell in a hot market.  Then buy another kettle.

I live in central Florida so it should be selling season all year!!!


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: LightningBoldtz on January 27, 2016, 02:57:00 PM
Quote from: Loonysup on January 27, 2016, 02:55:21 PM

Quote from: LightningBoldtz on January 27, 2016, 02:48:04 PM
you can get about $400 for a Genesis E320 come April or May, wait it out and sell in a hot market.  Then buy another kettle.

I live in central Florida so it should be selling season all year!!!


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Touche'  Don't give it away E320's are really nice and highly sought after.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 27, 2016, 03:41:23 PM
I keep my gasser around just in case...side burner is handy, and if I'm doin a big cook, i run one burner on low and use it as a warmer. As for actually cooking on it....only if the girlfriend says "I'm tired of charcoal".

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: guitarfish on January 27, 2016, 05:53:01 PM
@Loonysup  I didn't know you're a Florida boy! Where abouts?

Quote from: LightningBoldtz on January 27, 2016, 02:48:04 PM
you can get about $400 for a Genesis E320 come April or May, wait it out and sell in a hot market.  Then buy another kettle.
Still good advice, but more like March/April for us ;)
Way cool seeing you get into "it" with such zeal !
Title: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: feeshrman on January 27, 2016, 06:26:29 PM
Glad you are enjoying the copper! I have enjoyed the heck out of mine, it's kind of refreshing to purchase a product these days that is everything it's supposed to be. Here are my advice or thoughts on your questions and dilemmas. 1st of all, keep the gasser. The 2 coppers look awesome together, what a pair! You will eventually use it, like someone else said they work great for warming food and I use mine when I'm tired and want a quick cook. Also great for grilling those veggies and many other uses. 2nd, get a good pair of leather grilling or welding gloves for shuffling those accessories. 3rd, the cowboy lump you purchased may have had some mesquite wood in it, that may account for the strange smoke taste you experienced. 4th, have you tried any indirect cooks yet? They can be wonderful. 5th, you've started a great post, keep up the good work! PS  I like your taste in beer.
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: SmokenJoe on January 27, 2016, 09:15:26 PM
Quote from: firedude5015 on January 27, 2016, 03:41:23 PM
I keep my gasser around just in case...side burner is handy, and if I'm doin a big cook, i run one burner on low and use it as a warmer. As for actually cooking on it....only if the girlfriend says "I'm tired of charcoal".

@Loonysup,  my advise is to heed exactly what "firedude0515" suggests, you already own the gasser  ...  no need to be in a hurry to sell it.

@firedude5015, my advise is when my girlfriend says "I'm tired of charcoal"  ...  find a new girlfriend :)                        SJ
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 28, 2016, 03:57:18 AM
@SmokenJoe ...Lol.....she doesn't say that often...maybe she knows it's not a good thing to say

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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: Loonysup on January 28, 2016, 04:28:07 AM
I am going to keep the Genesis for now.  It has new burners ( thank you Weber) and new grates. 

Quote from: feeshrman on January 27, 2016, 06:26:29 PM
4th, have you tried any indirect cooks yet? They can be wonderful.

I made honey lime Sriracha wings the other day.   My best cook so far.  They were devoured at a cookout we went to. 


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Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: firedude5015 on January 28, 2016, 04:57:04 AM
@Loonysup ...start looking for a deal on a roti ring..u won't regret it
Title: Re: Need help deciding on first kettle purchase
Post by: kettlecook on January 30, 2016, 09:27:12 PM
Congrats on the beautiful Performer! Mine needs a deep cleaning but I still love it. Wings look great. As for accessories, I suggest a Kettlepizza. It's changed my life.

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