MeatHead has been a big fan of the smokenator and grill grates, I own both but quite honestly I hardly ever used the smokenator. I know opinions differ on both products, I do like grill grates a lot, esc for more delicate items.
I did see this on his web site Slow and Sear!products/cab8
He recommends it over his highly recommended smokenator. I know that many with older kettles the concerns of the smokenator and banking coals causing damage to the porcelain, this looks like it avoids that.
They have two versions and I can't figure out the difference. $79 for the standard addition, looks nice and thick but expensive considering the alternatives.
We've launched a Full Slow'n Sear Review (
Now the disclaimer. The Slow 'n Sear was invented by David "Pit Boss" Parrish, a moderator on, and manager of the Pitmaster Club. Clearly I picked the right guy!
I like it and can see myself using it, but at $79 I'll hold off.
No doubt he gets a better cut of the sales, being designed by his "moderators."
Good idea tho, I'll try it... (
The water would be a PITA to top up mid cook, and being that close to the fire I'd say it would have to be topped up at least every hour. I envisage wet coals when topping it up.The other thing I don't like is the fact that there's no bottom to the basket. A bit of EM on the bottom would make it much more user friendly
The snake method with a water pan/drip pan would be easier and less involved IMHO.
Hey everyone, this is David Parrish, President of Adrenaline Barbecue Company. We are the inventors/owners/makers of the Slow 'N Sear. I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to
@LightningBoldtz for mentioning our product in this forum, to thank everyone for their interest, and also to reply to a couple of questions/comments that have been posed in this thread.
We have a lot of detailed information on our website but I'll mention that we guarantee one quart of water will last 4 hours (running pit temp of 225F to 250F) without a refill and we have consistent feedback from our existing owners that the water lasts more than 5 hours. We've seen the same 5 hour results in our testing but I wanted to be conservative which is why we kept the guarantee at 4 hours. I have a degree in physics and have thought about every single square millimeter of the product design. The "V" shaped water reservoir concentrates the "charcoal to water" heat transfer rate at the bottom of the V. This causes the water to boil only at the very bottom of the water reservoir and gives you the perfect amount of humidity for hours and hours.
The Slow 'N Sear is also dead simple to use and the owners say it better than I do. Here's a quote from a recovering pellet cooker owner who posted a review on our website ,"So for the second cook I did my first ever Whole Packer Brisket on my new 22.5 kettle with the Slow-n-Sear. I would have to say this is as set it and forget it as a pellet grill with way more flavor and No parts to malfunction with the design using the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). That set up held temps rock solid using there low and slow instructions and vent settings through the entire cook and it turned out awesome. I'm a Journeyman Toolmaker and this is a quality piece made with craftsmanship that will last. To sum it up, all I can say is with a good thermometer, A Weber Kettle and a Slow-n-Sear you will have the best bang for the buck and versatility for grilling and smoking." There are many other reviews like this on the reviews tab of our site.
The price might seem high, but the Slow 'N Sear is made of 5 pounds of 304 stainless steel. It's costly to manufacturer due to the materials cost and because an American get's paid to hand weld each Slow 'N Sear. The Slow 'N Sear will extend the life of your kettle by protecting the paintjob from conductive and radiant heat. That should offset some of the cost long term for those using the snake method.
As far as our relationship with Meathead and AmazingRibs, we have the same vendor relationship as every other product he recommends. We don't get special treatment and AR has no financial stake or interest in our company. He recommends our product because it's better than everything else out there, not because we have a special arrangement.
If there is anything else anyone would like to know I'd love to continue this conversation. Apologies for writing a book with my first post!
David Parrish, President
Adrenaline Barbecue Company
Excited about the ABCs of Barbecue
Your product looks appealing, one of he items that I like about it is you can essential bank coals without banking coals against the side of the kettle.
This is one of the concerns with the smokenator. I am giving serious consideration to purchasing your product.
@ABCbarbecue this may already be known but what gauge is the steel that you are using?
@LightningBoldtz thanks for the interest. The SnS is 16 gauge 304 stainless steel. Since you mentioned the smokenator as an alternative product, I'll mention one of our early adopters of the SnS also owns a smokenator and donated it to me as a thank you for inventing the SnS. You can see his review of the SnS under the name FuzzyDaddy P on our reviews page.
We have many kettle owners like him that are coming from diffferent products or methods (snake, fire bricks, etc). Everyone has been pleased with the upgrade. I'd love to hear your honest review as well after you're an owner!
I might have to give this a try on my old Kettle when I get ready to do a brisket... I was looking into the snake method but maybe this will work better?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@hoss8640 we have several owners that agree with me when I say "heck yes!"
Thanks for the info. I'm also a member at amazing ribs and was intrigued by this when it came out. So far I've been extremely happy with the snake method. But the thought of not having to rotate food (mostly applies to ribs) is also appealing. I came very close to pulling the trigger a couple times. Still thinking about it :).
Sounds good
@hoochiemama If it's been a while since you checked out our site you should check out the updates. We've got a lot of photos from owners in our Disqus comments and have updated the instructions and recipes.
We have also have a special on shipping at the moment. $6.95 anywhere in the lower 48 of the US.
I visited the ABC site and have no doubt that this a good product and that the technique will produce excellent results. For myself I learned a very long time ago that by placing 2 of the Weber charcoal rails along side each other with each rail on opposite sides of the grate bar I could create a split grill, and that by covering the rails with foil I could then create a separate chamber for the charcoal without having to bank the charcoal to the side of my EE kettle. (See the member photo at the left from a few years ago for an idea of what I mean). Even better is that you can place the rails on any of the grate bars for a custom size chamber, this is really simple to do and it will produce low and slow burning especially of you lay down foil on the opposite chamber and set the vents. The chamber with the charcoal will produce excellent searing, and if you place a Weber charcoal basket into the chamber instead it will kick up the searing a notch. A water pan can be placed under the cooking grate or on top of the cooking grate. My point here is that you can get similar results that ABC provides without spending $79.00 if you have the charcoal rails, really.
@BBQ JackFold a cheap steel pan @ least (NOT non-stick...)
Foil tends to burn, notice how brittle it gets after use
& I can smell it (aluminum) if it is heated too much or touching coals...
the Slow'n Sear is heavy & SS, won't burn.
@ABCbarbecue Never had bad results w/ my Smokenator for L&S ... never had bad results w/ the 'fuse' for L&S. Have yet to push into the realm of either on an earlier kettle (F-Code is the oldest that I've used) so can't speak to enamel damage, never saw any. The Smokenator requires tending (but it's BBQ afterall), the 'fuse' almost none under 8-9 hrs. I'd volunteer to give this unit a good roadtest if ABCbarbecue would send one this way !!! PM me !!! SJ
okay metal mike,
If you read what I wrote I was not critical of your invention. In fact I think it is clever especially the water partition. Having done Weber Kettle cooking for so long I figured out on my own a long time ago how to do the slow burn and the sear using the charcoal rails to make a chamber at a time when there was no internet, Smokenator, or device like yours. I am impressed that someone figured out how to advance the technique that I have used for so long. For many it will be well worth the $79. My only point is that you can replicate this with foil and the rails, and yes the foil is disposable. There is no burning of the foil at slow cooking temperatures and it makes for an excellent heat shield. For high heat searing you would not use foil, you would only use the rails as this is all you need. However, I am sure the slow n sear will be a big seller especially if endorsed by Meathead who knows his stuff. Might even but one myself.
@SmokenJoe I agree the techniques you have mentioned all work great and are low cost methods to cook low and slow in a kettle. The fuse may work many hours without tending, but you'll spend much more time setting a fuse up than you will filling up the Slow 'N Sear, and you can't sear a steak with it. The charcoal rails work too but for reasons already mentioned are more of a makeshift improvisation than an all in one solution (e.g. foil, additional waterpan). The Smokenator can make some great barbecue as well if you want to spend $72 and don't mind tending your kettle every hour to 90 minutes. You can't sear a steak with it. For a few dollars more the Slow 'N Sear gives you a two-zone smoking and searing machine that is lower maintenance, dead simple to refuel, and the same model works great in the 22" and 26" kettles. Our customers say it better than I do. Check out our reviews page. We have reviews from some very experienced pitmasters who've been there and done that with kettles, gassers, pellet grills, offset smokers, etc...!reviews/c31v
@ABCbarbecue So I take it that you've done enough research, post development, to not require my expert analysis ... I understand. Seems to me, though, that for the cost of one of your prototype units and $6.95 you could tie up the one remaining loose end :) :) :) SJ
PS I sear all of my steaks on a chimney starter nearly full of hot coals using the 15-Mississippi count per side, then flip. When mahogany in color, I eat.
@SmokenJoe I have no doubts whatsoever you're in the major leagues when it comes to cooking on a kettle. Send us your thoughts on what our remaining loose end is here. We'd love to hear it ;)!contact-us/c20q
And to anyone interested check out this update on our production status:
@ABCbarbecue Thanks for the developer insight into your new BBQ accessory. We see, and at times review, most if not all of these items. Since this group is not particularly affiliated with any other association or vendor, as our membership purchase and use any given item, we freely discuss the items benefits within these forums. I'm certain that many members are already in the process of procuring your device and will, undoubtedly, give the rest of us trustworthy feedback. Your willingness to personally contact the forum with meaningful info speaks well for the ABC culture. Welcome to the WKC from Eugene, OR. SJ
eMAIL to follow.
@SmokenJoe. The warm welcome is much appreciated, truly. We want folks to know we want them to be better cooks, not just buy our products. That means having a web presence, which we have, and frankly, I enjoy it, so we're gonna keep it up! We enabled Disqus on our site so folks can ask questions on the fly, when they need answers, and get responses either from us or from one our other SnS owners. Anyway thanks again for the welcome and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Feel free to share here too. I'm not scared of scrutiny=)
I haven't published this video on the website as it's a bit of an advance technique but I'll share here because I think you guys will appreciate it:
This one is on the site but really shows off how well the radiant barrier (water reservoir) works even when it's dry:
Like the concept and videos. Looks like a neat product. Somebody get one and tell me I should also
@BBQ Jack , NP thanks for the credit (I am not affiliated)
I was only advising some ill effects of using foil
I like the improvised wall otherwise, tho even thin steel will hold up better
The rails would do well on this too: ( (
The rails are versatile, but the SnS looks like a solid advancement in Kettle technology. I guess you pay a little more for quality.
Not going for or against the SNS at all, but just wanted to add a point. I understand the hesitation to spend $80 when a new kettle can be purchased on clearance for $50, or a used one for less.
I buy USA made when I can, and I dont doubt the level of quality or craftsmanship that goes into a device like this. But its hard to justify spending that kind of money on an accessory that costs more than the grill.
Now if it would save me from buying a smoker or another grill, there could be savings. But I think most members here can't factor that in ;)
Over the past, many BBQ enthusiasts have designed/developed various unsundry devices to assist with or improve the BBQ experience "for there own benefit/amusement". Often these ideas/concepts are shared on the forum ... it's a part of what the WKC is, IMHO.
Sometimes, one of these objects is taken to the next level. For example; Smokenator, Vortex, SlowNsear, etc. It's all good.
Rescuing and Restoring a kettle to it's former beauty is the WKC motto (maybe more, like Credo). A side benefit is that said kettle might be obtained at a reduced price. That's all good, too.
BBQ fellas come from many points of view on their BBQ obsession. What works is that "WE ALL share the passion that is BBQ". Just my opinion. ;D SJ
Personally I'll throw $ at any of my hobbies if it makes it more fun. This hobby can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. The up front cost of a weber and accessories is small compared to the consumables of meat and charcoal over time. BBQ on in what ever way works for you!
Welcome to WKC, David. You seem like a good guy with a passion for bbq and on top of that you've designed a high-quality, made the the usa product. For that I wish you the best of luck! Please stick around and share some cooks with us.
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 17, 2015, 10:05:49 AM
Personally I'll throw $ at any of my hobbies if it makes it more fun...
...Welcome to WKC, David. You seem like a good guy with a passion for bbq...
...For that I wish you the best of luck! Please stick around and share some cooks with us....
well said, yes David will be a grate member (good info on AR) & posting success pics cooked on Slow'n S, no doubt
As for me, I'm picking up a real vortex first, but purchase authentic Slow'n S soon, after I play with the concept
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 17, 2015, 10:05:49 AM
Personally I'll throw $ at any of my hobbies if it makes it more fun. This hobby can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. The up front cost of a weber and accessories is small compared to the consumables of meat and charcoal over time. BBQ on in what ever way works for you!
Welcome to WKC, David. You seem like a good guy with a passion for bbq and on top of that you've designed a high-quality, made the the usa product. For that I wish you the best of luck! Please stick around and share some cooks with us.
pgb that was well said and +1 to folks spending as much or as little time and money as they want as long as they're happy. Thanks for the welcome. I've definitely got a passion for BBQ and hope to share a few things as I can. And soak up the Kettle knowledge as well.
Quote from: Bugman on July 17, 2015, 09:34:05 AM
Now if it would save me from buying a smoker or another grill, there could be savings. But I think most members here can't factor that in ;)
A kettle with Slow 'N Sear can cook anything so you wouldn't need another grill/smoker. But it can't stop you from
wanting to buy more grills, smokers, and accessories. Once you got that bug, you got that bug. ;)
I definitely have that bug!
I am adding this to my wish list.
This is a unique hobby, there is something to be said for the keep it simple methods and improvising new techniques with a Weber Kettle, then on the other hand, we go out and buy Kamados and other expensive cookers and expensive accessories for our Kettles. Backyard toys.
This one looks to / should last as long & adaptable/swappable too...
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
Vortex, I noticed, had LOTS of sizes, maybe this will, or may not even need...
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
I still think it needs EM on the bottom of the basket
Quote from: Hogsy on July 18, 2015, 02:25:31 PM
I still think it needs EM on the bottom of the basket
I agree completely..
@Hogsy I could shake out any leftover col.
However, what happens to the unused water? Do we need a drain plug? Lol
AJ 8)
@Hogsy we considered adding a bottom to the charcoal basket but decided against it. The existing Weber grate does a great job holding the charcoal already so there is no need for a separate grate attached to the Slow 'N Sear for this purpose.
"But what if we want to remove the old charcoal because it'll mess up our next cook?" you might ask. The answer is old partially burned charcoal works great in the SnS because the walls of the charcoal basket collect and group the briquets as they get smaller. The SnS is great at keeping a consistent burn going as the charcoal burns down to ash. If you really want to get rid of that old charcoal though it's easy to lift the charcoal grate with the SnS and pour the charcoal out.
The Slow 'N Sear can hit high searing heat at only a 1/3 full charcoal basket, and when you close the kettle vents the charcoal snuffs out fast, so you can use that old charcoal the next time you cook, and you may not even have to add more charcoal.
Is it possible to use it, without water, upside down, to then approximate a Vortex type setup?
Quote from: Heyjude on July 18, 2015, 04:55:10 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on July 18, 2015, 02:25:31 PM
I still think it needs EM on the bottom of the basket
I agree completely.. @Hogsy
I could shake out any leftover col.
However, what happens to the unused water? Do we need a drain plug? Lol
AJ 8)
@Heyjude If you want to drill a hole in the bottom and add a drainplug go for it, but we've had physicists, a president of the KCBS, and countless BBQ pros look at the SnS and that feature was not determined to be necessary ;)
Quote from: 1buckie on July 19, 2015, 07:32:34 AM
Is it possible to use it, without water, upside down, to then approximate a Vortex type setup?
It is possible, and you can use the Slow 'N Sear upside down to create a much larger sear zone if you like by placing charcoal between the water reservoir wall and the side of the kettle, however the Slow 'N Sear gets so hot "right side up" that I don't think you need to turn it upside down. The below picture shows a half load of Kingsford Blue Bag charcoal taking the charcoal grate past 900F. This is a ThermoWorks thermometer that is precise enough to measure the grate. When this customer moved the thermometer to either side the temp went to "HI" which means the temp exceeded 1022F. You can find the original comment at the bottom of this page. (
" and you can use the Slow 'N Sear upside down to create a much larger sear zone if you like"
confused a bit.....would it not be a smaller zone, but perhaps more intense, if it were upside down?
I like the fact that it mimics the shape of the bell & pretty much solves the banking of coals problem.....people get concerned about that with the older colored Kettles, as they are coated black & then an extra layer of color porcelain over that.....looks nice, but seems to lead to chipping at the weld points & some other places at extra high heat.....
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on July 19, 2015, 07:18:58 AM
@Hogsy we considered adding a bottom to the charcoal basket but decided against it. The existing Weber grate does a great job holding the charcoal already so there is no need for a separate grate attached to the Slow 'N Sear for this purpose.
The existing weber grate does an okay job of holding charcoal. EM is the BEST! Especially if you want to re use your charcoal/ briquettes. There would be none left by the time you shook all the ash off, 90% of it would simply fall through the large gaps on the grate. It would also make lighting and relighting a helluva lot easier if you were using gas assist in a performer or the rapid fire charcoal grate
"But what if we want to remove the old charcoal because it'll mess up our next cook?" you might ask. The answer is old partially burned charcoal works great in the SnS because the walls of the charcoal basket collect and group the briquets as they get smaller. The SnS is great at keeping a consistent burn going as the charcoal burns down to ash. If you really want to get rid of that old charcoal though it's easy to lift the charcoal grate with the SnS and pour the charcoal out.
"I get that people re use charcoal, it's a no brainier but how do you get rid of the old ash sitting in the SnS ? Yes you could lift the whole charcoal grate out, but wouldn't it be more practical, easier and cleaner to just lift the SnS out and give it a shake in the bin or garden then replace it in the kettle and your ashless used charcoal is ready. This could all be done with one hand and minimal mess
The Slow 'N Sear can hit high searing heat at only a 1/3 full charcoal basket, and when you close the kettle vents the charcoal snuffs out fast, so you can use that old charcoal the next time you cook, and you may not even have to add more charcoal.
To me having no bottom like EM in the SnS is a serious design flaw, just like it is with the smokenator
One piece of EM is all it would to make the device so much more user friendly.
@Hogsy I've read your posts and understand where you're coming from, but you just don't need the EM. You're used to the Smokenator. The open nature of the SnS charcoal basket makes things easy. The charcoal burns down very nicely with very few pieces falling through the charcoal grate. To get rid of what little ash remains in the SnS you can slide the dead coals back and forth inside the charcoal basket with a pair of tongs to get rid of the ash.
For folks that love to mod it would be relatively easy to fit a piece of EM inside the SnS. You could fold up and weave the edges inside and outside the perimeter of the basket to keep the EM in place. Cheap mod if you just gotta do it.
Quote from: 1buckie on July 19, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
" and you can use the Slow 'N Sear upside down to create a much larger sear zone if you like"
confused a bit.....would it not be a smaller zone, but perhaps more intense, if it were upside down?
Sorry I was trying to anticipate the question "If you turn if over won't the sear zone be too small?" You can put the charcoal inside the charcoal basket OR outside the charcoal basket... In the latter case you'd just be using the water reservoir wall to keep charcoal "Walled off" from the rest of the grill. That make sense?
I have been monitoring the "Introducing the Slow n Sear" thread on the Amazing Ribs forum and I can tell you there has been nothing but good things posted about the SnS. I have ordered mine and can't wait to give it a go. Good to see you on the forum
I was hesitant to buy the Vortex and it turned out to be a good product. I have a SnS on order and can't wait to try it before I draw any conclusions. I don't have the time, tools, or fabrication skills to make products like this. If Weber would make heavy duty stainless steel charcoal baskets and grates there we be little need for after market items like this. Plus I'm a sucker for things fabricated out of stainless I guess and I'm willing to pay extra for something made in the USA which is becoming a rarity.
I like what I have been reading about the SnS and I have also have the SnS on order,
Folks who do we get in touch with to get our product reviewed on this page?
@Dr ROK @terrymo @jd thanks for your orders and you won't be disappointed ;)
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on July 19, 2015, 07:18:58 AM
@Hogsy we considered adding a bottom to the charcoal basket but decided against it. The existing Weber grate does a great job holding the charcoal already so there is no need for a separate grate attached to the Slow 'N Sear for this purpose.
My understanding of what
@Hogsy is communicating is if there was expanded metal attached to the bottom of your device, you could simply lift the entire unit and 'sift' the ash while being able to maximize even the smallest of charcoal pieces (governed by size of expanded metal). Physics aside, it would be convenient and less messy. As an engineer I realize the science may be the driving design choices but let's include practicality and common sense too.
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on July 20, 2015, 07:48:32 AM
Folks who do we get in touch with to get our product reviewed on this page?
@Dr ROK @terrymo @jd thanks for your orders and you won't be disappointed ;)
Me. Shoot me a pm :)
Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
David, get in touch with
@Troy and I. Thanks!
@pbe gummi bear and
@Troy... Message sent!
In regards to the expanded metal bottom, you just don't need it. We can let the WKC reviewers take a look and see what they think ;)
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on July 19, 2015, 12:56:51 PM
@Hogsy I've read your posts and understand where you're coming from, but you just don't need the EM. You're used to the Smokenator. The open nature of the SnS charcoal basket makes things easy. The charcoal burns down very nicely with very few pieces falling through the charcoal grate. To get rid of what little ash remains in the SnS you can slide the dead coals back and forth inside the charcoal basket with a pair of tongs to get rid of the ash.
For folks that love to mod it would be relatively easy to fit a piece of EM inside the SnS. You could fold up and weave the edges inside and outside the perimeter of the basket to keep the EM in place. Cheap mod if you just gotta do it.
I agree. EM, or even better, grate rods across would be a huge plus. It would be nice to be able to pick the thing up and move around, independant of the charcoal grate. It would also make it much easier to move to and from the Performer ignition burner.
I have the Vortex and it is frustrating that it is open on both ends. Would be nice if it had EM on it, although it is designed to work in either orientation.
Quote from: ClubChapin on July 20, 2015, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on July 19, 2015, 12:56:51 PM
@Hogsy I've read your posts and understand where you're coming from, but you just don't need the EM. You're used to the Smokenator. The open nature of the SnS charcoal basket makes things easy. The charcoal burns down very nicely with very few pieces falling through the charcoal grate. To get rid of what little ash remains in the SnS you can slide the dead coals back and forth inside the charcoal basket with a pair of tongs to get rid of the ash.
For folks that love to mod it would be relatively easy to fit a piece of EM inside the SnS. You could fold up and weave the edges inside and outside the perimeter of the basket to keep the EM in place. Cheap mod if you just gotta do it.
I agree. EM, or even better, grate rods across would be a huge plus. It would be nice to be able to pick the thing up and move around, independant of the charcoal grate. It would also make it much easier to move to and from the Performer ignition burner.
I have the Vortex and it is frustrating that it is open on both ends. Would be nice if it had EM on it, although it is designed to work in either orientation.
On my main cooker I have EM right on the charcoal grate so I can use lump. I am getting closer to ordering this thing.
I will be placing my order today
@ABCbarbecue, though the $80 price tag is somewhat steep IMO, I am looking at the shield between the side wall and really like that. I would not have an issue putting this in my mid 70's kettle or any other vintage kettle to smoke with.
I do like a lot of stuff that Craig promotes, many opinions about the smokenator and grill grates, personally I liked the way they have performed for me. Sold my smokenator due to the concern of banking coals for hours on end didn't sell because I didn't like the performance.
@LightningBoldtz excellent news! I know you're going to love it.
General question for anyone. How do I post pics here? I have URLs to hosted images and they aren't working when I use the image icon.
@ABCbarbecue Here is a thread on how to post pics
Not sure it will work from google drive
@LightningBoldtz that post gave me a tip I could use to gets pics posted. I was even able to use Google drive. 8)
We're running test cooks to graph time and temp with the Slow 'N Sear on a 22" kettle. This graph/cook was done two days ago. I adjusted the vents one time as the temperature approached 225F at the 20 minute mark and after that I did not touch a vent setting or open the kettle for the entire test.
At the 2 hour point the afternoon sun hit the kettle and caused temps to bump up a little. There was a brief summer shower 5 hours into the cook that caused a sharp downward trend in temp. At 7 hours 30 minutes I lit the 26" kettle right next to the test kettle, which caused the test kettle to heat up a bit. Even with these things going on the kettle with Slow 'N Sear combo maintained low and slow cooking temps for 10 hours unattended.
Test was done with one load of charcoal (single Weber Chimney) and one quart of water added to the reservoir at the beginning of the cook.
How's that for "set and forget"?
Here's another test cook we did yesterday, but this time I kept the Sun and rain off the kettle.
lol wow those pics are huge. Anyone know how I can scale them down in the forum? I'm guessing I have to resize the image before uploading... but doesn't hurt to ask.
Not sure how to work it in Google Drive......any simple photo management program can re-size, then stick them into the folder in drive, I guess?
preview the post to see if it worked right.......
Quote from: 1buckie on July 23, 2015, 06:53:43 AM
Not sure how to work it in Google Drive......any simple photo management program can re-size, then stick them into the folder in drive, I guess?
preview the post to see if it worked right.......
Yes but is there a way to make the forum resize the image to fit a certain width?
I am all in Order #324
Sounds as steady as a UDS cook, surely Looks better too.
This represents a bare grill, only the water w/ it I'll assume.
I use goggle photos (in browser app is upper right when in gmail...)
You can resize the image width in the url code (copy image location) it auto retains aspect ratio
(change width only as height doesn't matter)
eg. change the 666
Quote from: Metal Mike on July 23, 2015, 09:11:08 AM
Sounds as steady as a UDS cook, surely Looks better too.
This represents a bare grill, only the water w/ it I'll assume.
@Metal Mike. Both of those graphs were dry run cooks. No meat. I used one Weber Chimney of charcoal and one quart of water. I also had aluminum foil covering the charcoal grate on the indirect side. It's not necessary but I test the way I cook, and I always cook with some kind of drip pan or foil boat on the charcoal grate under the meat to catch drippings. There's no water added in either.
Quote from: Metal Mike on July 23, 2015, 09:18:32 AM
I use goggle photos (in browser app is upper right when in gmail...)
You can resize the image width in the url code (copy image location) it auto retains aspect ratio
(change width only as height doesn't matter)
eg. change the 666
@Metal Mike I will give this a shot.
Hello, I got your message. Please be patient while I get my thoughts together about about a reviewing your product. Thanks!
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 23, 2015, 10:35:09 AM
Hello, I got your message. Please be patient while I get my thoughts together about about a reviewing your product. Thanks!
Sounds good. Thanks!
I am kinda excited to get this product. Lawrence mentioned earlier that he is willing to spend money on a hobby. I am the same way, I like accessories to improve my cooking experience. Another person said why spend $80 on an accessory that will go into a $50 kettle? OK well for me, I purchased a beautiful mid 70's Red kettle that is in amazing shape, it is priceless to me. I would like to keep it nice while I cook on it. I believe this product will help me do that.
I think $80 is steep but I also know that neither is labor esp in the good ole US of A. We are so used to cheap crap from another land that we expect everything to be cheap. I am willing to drop money on something that will last, with 16G steel I expect this to last.
@LightningBoldtz we can't wait to see some of your cooks and hear your feedback. 8)
I have the smokenator also and love it and have concerns about the coals banked on the walls of my '93 red 22.5" so the slow and sear will be taking the smokenators place. I'm a sucker for grill accessories!!!!!! ABCbarbecue if this product is anywhere near as good as the smokenator I know I'll love it also seeing as how it protects the outer wall from the coals. Thank you.
Quote from: Filibuster on July 24, 2015, 04:18:20 PM
...if this product is anywhere near as good as the smokenator I know I'll love it...
Yep, you're gonna love it. ;)
Ordered on Thursday delivered today - impressive, of course it shipped out of the midwest so it didn't have to travel far.
@ABCbarbecue The unboxing
The steel is very thick
Going to give her a test run today to smoke some poppers and brats. Can't wait.
Awesome to see you got your Slow 'N Sear in time to use for the weekend
@LightningBoldtz. I can't wait to see pics of your cooks ;)
I am too lazy to upload pics but my first cook consisted of 15 lit coals in the bottom a load of used coal and some lump on that.
I was smoking brats first so I had to keep it low under 200. I was very impressed with the ability to keep the temp, probably a combination of the kettle, the water and the S n S but once I set a temp it stayed for a long time. After that I dialed up the temp for some poppers, very responsive to vent adjustment again, I am not giving the SnS all the credit, I think the kettle itself played a role. That said, I am really going to like this thing.
I would like to test the 4 hours on a quart theory from what I saw, I am not so sure.
We just got a review ( published on AR and have been working overtime this weekend to get a decent landing page (!landing-page-fb-v2/c232u) to help folks quickly get an idea of what the SnS can do.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 25, 2015, 06:16:46 PM
I would like to test the 4 hours on a quart theory from what I saw, I am not so sure.
@LightningBoldtz a quart of water will last over 5 hours when cooking at 225F. The reservoir is designed to slowly boil the water so you get the right amount of steam for an extended period of time. Check out this video (
Yeah, my test was far from scientific, I saw your launch page, I think a main point too many on this site and an appealing part of your product is never banking hot coals against the side of the kettle.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 26, 2015, 06:25:38 PM
Yeah, my test was far from scientific, I saw your launch page, I think a main point too many on this site and an appealing part of your product is never banking hot coals against the side of the kettle.
I hear ya. With the landing page we're catering to a large audience, many of whom are newer to charcoal grilling, so it's meant to be a quick read and high level. Can't get everything in there.
Just purchased my second weber, a 26. This thing is HUGE! What better way to keep it in great shape and get great results. SNS ordered.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Has anyone done any test on differences in temp from top rack and putting something on the bottom rack for more room?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: Iiwelshii on August 01, 2015, 08:52:59 AM
Has anyone done any test on differences in temp from top rack and putting something on the bottom rack for more room?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bottom rack will run about 70F cooler than the top rack. You can get a lot of food on a 26" kettle. I'm not sure you'll need the bottom rack.
I do know a competition BBQer that uses both the top and bottom rack and get's the bottom rack much closer in temp to the top rack by placing a large water pan over the SnS. I'm not sure if that's all he had to do, or if there was another trick he had to use to make it work.
@LightningBoldtz - Where's da cookz? See what I did there? ;)
@ABCbarbecue more to come, I purchased it and took off on vacation
Have fun
@LightningBoldtz While we wait. A customer's burger cook (
As I played with the concept & looked @ make Exp. Metal back strap;
I noticed this thing is effectively DOUBLE BURNER Vortex!
I just order (#450) from ABC & play with an EM bottom idea that
@Hogsy has
@ABCbarbecue Thanks for your service David
Ok I'm a techno tard so I accidentally deleted my mid cook pics.
First some rough SNS dimensions and some pics to give you a perspective then some pics of the BB ribs (before sauce) and some red pepper beans I did last night.
SNS Approximate Dimensions
Height 4-1/2"
Length 20-1/2"
Width 8-7/8"
Water chamber capacity 4 cups
Charcoal chamber capacity 120 KBB (older larger size)
Aluminum pan from Costco 11" x 13"
Did a 6 hour cook at 250 and had approx 1 cup of water remaining
( (
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I started out with a WSM and then got a Performer much later so I don't have the experience many of you do with cooking low and slow on a kettle. Using the SNS for a rookie like me was pretty fool proof. I filled up the water and charcoal chamber, then removed 8 briquettes to light and used the minion method. Used one chunk of applewood. Cooked at 250 for about 6 hours and put the drip beans on the charcoal grate for the last two hours. Temps locked in without incident even with my daily cooker which is pretty leaky. I was very happy with the performance of the SNS and the ribs were some of my best according to the family.
What's the theory behind using water? Is it to keep the cooking environment moist or a heat sink/ temp controller?
Does it still hold consistent temps without water?
Quote from: Hogsy on August 04, 2015, 02:07:43 PM
What's the theory behind using water? Is it to keep the cooking environment moist or a heat sink/ temp controller?
Does it still hold consistent temps without water?
Probably a bit of both.
In my experience, I can't tell the difference between water in the bowl vs not water in the bowl.
I don't think it makes a difference in food moisture, but i've only experimented with butts and ribs.
It DOES however, make a great thermal buffer. Water converting to steam consumes heat energy, plus it acts as a great insulator between the heat and the meat.
So far, I'm pretty impressed with the Slow N Sear. (And I was initially skeptical)
Quote from: Troy on August 04, 2015, 02:13:42 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on August 04, 2015, 02:07:43 PM
What's the theory behind using water? Is it to keep the cooking environment moist or a heat sink/ temp controller?
Does it still hold consistent temps without water?
Probably a bit of both.
In my experience, I can't tell the difference between water in the bowl vs not water in the bowl.
I don't think it makes a difference in food moisture, but i've only experimented with butts and ribs.
It DOES however, make a great thermal buffer. Water converting to steam consumes heat energy, plus it acts as a great insulator between the heat and the meat.
So far, I'm pretty impressed with the Slow N Sear. (And I was initially skeptical)
Some say the water helps keep the meat moist, not so sure with that theory.
And with RE to being a skeptic Troy, I have found that with you RE most of the stuff that MeatHead promotes. MeatHead v MeatNinja? hmmmm :) I have been happy with most stuff.
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 01, 2015, 11:18:42 AM
Have fun @LightningBoldtz
While we wait. A customer's burger cook (http://"")
@ABCbarbecue link doesn't work, at least for me.
I don't think in my case (with the SmokenAtor) that the water has much if any effect on the moisture in the meat, but the moisture in the chamber adds to the depth of the so-called smoke ring. When I cook ribs using the 'fuse' w/o a water pan, then they're great (of course :) ), but the smoke ring is noticeably less than with a water pan of water.
Definitely, helps control the temp stability.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on August 04, 2015, 02:31:06 PM
Quote from: Troy on August 04, 2015, 02:13:42 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on August 04, 2015, 02:07:43 PM
What's the theory behind using water? Is it to keep the cooking environment moist or a heat sink/ temp controller?
Does it still hold consistent temps without water?
Probably a bit of both.
In my experience, I can't tell the difference between water in the bowl vs not water in the bowl.
I don't think it makes a difference in food moisture, but i've only experimented with butts and ribs.
It DOES however, make a great thermal buffer. Water converting to steam consumes heat energy, plus it acts as a great insulator between the heat and the meat.
So far, I'm pretty impressed with the Slow N Sear. (And I was initially skeptical)
Some say the water helps keep the meat moist, not so sure with that theory.
And with RE to being a skeptic Troy, I have found that with you RE most of the stuff that MeatHead promotes. MeatHead v MeatNinja? hmmmm :) I have been happy with most stuff.
I think the guy is brilliant and his site is amazing.
I just feel that some of his content is based on profits instead of science, and others are laced with dogmatism.
I'm not judging him based off of it, I've crossed those lines before and I probably will again.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on August 04, 2015, 02:32:23 PM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 01, 2015, 11:18:42 AM
Have fun @LightningBoldtz
While we wait. A customer's burger cook (http://"")
@ABCbarbecue link doesn't work, at least for me.
On my phone at moment but will get the correct link to you.
Glad to hear happy pitmaster experiences with the Slow 'N Sear so far.
I think with all the voodoo, folklore and superstition that exists in the BBQ world, a healthy dose of skepticism is required.
@Troy what makes this site great is rather than a bunch of fanboys kissing the ass of the originator(s) of the site, people feel the freedom to call BS when they see it.
I was skeptical of both the Vortex and the SnS but I think they both have proven useful for me even if they aren't absolutely necessary.
Here's another attempt to post the link to the burger cook:
Quote from: terrymo on August 04, 2015, 03:44:37 PM
I think with all the voodoo, folklore and superstition that exists in the BBQ world, a healthy dose of skepticism is required. @Troy what makes this site great is rather than a bunch of fanboys kissing the ass of the originator(s) of the site, people feel the freedom to call BS when they see it.
I was skeptical of both the Vortex and the SnS but I think they both have proven useful for me even if they aren't absolutely necessary.
I, too, was SUPER skeptical of the vortex.
I STILL don't think it does all the things the creator claims ;) BUT - when it comes to a circle of chicken cooked high heat indirect, there's nothing better.
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 01, 2015, 11:18:42 AM
Have fun @LightningBoldtz
While we wait. A customer's burger cook (http://"")
@ABCbarbecue just a heads up, this link has two instances of http:// in it as well as quote marks at the beginning and end so the link doesn't work correctly.
Just need to modify the post and Set the link to
I am skeptical of ALL (did anyone else here ever get lied to about Santa, etc)
When I tested the vortex concept (cut a coffee can shorter) I was impressed.
Using some scrap I tested this SnS idea w/ EM back it gave misc to null result,
set EM aside, used a solid strap Minus fancy engineered angle & water trough
There is really something to this (DOUBLE VORTEX+) bending the scrap for 18"
I'm not skeptical at all I've been using this for the last couple of years and it works well
( (
Im just interested to know the reasoning behind having the water trough
Quote from: AZRaptor on August 04, 2015, 09:34:57 PM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 01, 2015, 11:18:42 AM
Have fun @LightningBoldtz
While we wait. A customer's burger cook (http://"")
@ABCbarbecue just a heads up, this link has two instances of http:// in it as well as quote marks at the beginning and end so the link doesn't work correctly.
Just need to modify the post and Set the link to
Fixed. Thanks!
@Metal Mike your SnS will ship in a few hours. Based on your location you should be cooking on it by the weekend 8)
@Hogsy, As skeptic, I question everything & my results (very similar setup to your picture, thanks, btw)
were identical to banking coals to one side, basic sheet metal barrier & EM back didn't deflect much heat & side of kettle was still high heat of banked coals hence "null result" but the solid sheet (mine tapered) results much cooler bowl
As I re-bend my test piece for an 18, I will double over the barrier wall & use the EM I had to bottom like you did there.
+ I see bolts, secured to grate, you had any benefit from that?
I also like the idea of not having to pre-setup a fuse method (as I've done nights & mornings) I'll try this for a while...
Quote from: Hogsy on August 05, 2015, 03:17:25 AM
Im just interested to know the reasoning behind having the water trough
The water reservoir (WR) does a couple of things.
Wet or dry the WR insulates against radiant heat and keeps it on one side of the grill, creating a hot zone for searing and a warm zone for smoking/convection cooking.
The patent pending shape of the water reservoir is designed to actually boil the water... slowly. A single quart of water provides steam for 5+ hours. This extra humidity in the cooker helps keep temperatures steady and helps smoke adhere to meat.
Cool thanks for the explanation. Does it still hold a steady temp using the technique you recommend on your website without water in the reservoir?
Also does the CMF (cold meat factor) have any effect on temps when using the SnS as recommended?
Quote from: Hogsy on August 05, 2015, 12:24:33 PM
Cool thanks for the explanation. Does it still hold a steady temp using the technique you recommend on your website without water in the reservoir?
Also does the CMF (cold meat factor) have any effect on temps when using the SnS as recommended?
Even without water in the water reservoir (WR) it's been our experience the SnS holds temps very well. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Let's assume you're using water though and it's run out after 5 hours. At the 5 hour point most hunks of meat will be deep into the stall, which means it's sweating moisture. This moisture evaporates off the surface, cooling the meat but at the same time this process adds humidity to the pit. This humidity will help stabilize the temp and takes the place of the water that has now boiled away in the WR. Even after you get through the stall and there is less moisture evaporating from the meat, there's still a little, and it's sufficient to help keep temps stable. There's nothing wrong with adding water to the WR later into the cook, you just don't need to.
Cold meat is a factor in every pit, but some handle it better than others. You'll find no problem maintaining anywhere from 225F to 325F using the SnS, even with 17 pounds of pork shoulder smoking.
Got notice mine just delivered.
@ All, I see their discounted ~$7 shipping promo is over 8/8
-Higher shipping & less versatile made me opt from a flimsy Vortex
i just bought my first Weber kettle a week ago , so i started to read in the internet how to smoke a lamb leg, which finally brought me here.
after reading all the reviews about the slow n sear i immediately bought it, i think it will be delivered this week.
Yesterday i grilled on my kettle the very first time. i used the two charcoil baskets and an empty drip pan to do slow indirect smoking of the leg of lamb, i had a constant temperature of 220-260 , after 4.5 hours the meat was 145 degrees, the taste and texture was amazing. Now my question:
Why do i even need the slow n sear? i had perfect results just with the two charcoil baskets on the sides of the grill without any water or stones to block the heat.
My 2nd question:
If i do reverse searing with the slow n sear, i would cook the meat very slow, then at the end i would crank up the temperature to sear the meat on direct heat. but what about the water in the slow n sear?
Thank you very much
Quote from: pommes on August 10, 2015, 05:47:57 AM
i just bought my first Weber kettle a week ago , so i started to read in the internet how to smoke a lamb leg, which finally brought me here.
after reading all the reviews about the slow n sear i immediately bought it, i think it will be delivered this week.
Yesterday i grilled on my kettle the very first time. i used the two charcoil baskets and an empty drip pan to do slow indirect smoking of the leg of lamb, i had a constant temperature of 220-260 , after 4.5 hours the meat was 145 degrees, the taste and texture was amazing. Now my question:
Why do i even need the slow n sear? i had perfect results just with the two charcoil baskets on the sides of the grill without any water or stones to block the heat.
My 2nd question:
If i do reverse searing with the slow n sear, i would cook the meat very slow, then at the end i would crank up the temperature to sear the meat on direct heat. but what about the water in the slow n sear?
Thank you very much
Welcome to the board, congrats on the new kettle.
I am curious as to why you would purchase a tool like the slow and sear without knowing why you you would need it. Not trying to get on your case it just is hard to follow.
That said, I purchased the SnS primarily because I like the design, I like the construction and it fits what I need after 5 years of kettle cooking.
There are many opinions and many options to choose from with regards to grilling and smoking on a kettle, SnS is one of the many, some like the snake, some like firebrick, some like the baskets.
@pommes you may not need it "exactly" for what you were aiming for first off, but I'm sure it will be a useful tool.....the deal is well-made & I can see several ways it will work grate !!!
If you're going to high heat, just let the water run out or do whatever it's going that point you're almost done anyway.....
Thanks for the replys,
i thought i would need the SNS to keep the temperature steady and not dry out the meat, but with the baskets on the side worked really well.
Well, lets see, maybe it will even be better and juicier with the SNS...and i guess it will be easier to keep the temperature steady with the tool, without fiddling the vents every 10 minutes.
i will post a review once i tried using the SNS, looking forward to using it...
@pommes Welcome to WKC, keep reading the posts in this form - lot's of great tips and ideas !!! You chose an accessory for your G&B (Grilling & BBQ), that I'm thinking is going to serve you well as you're interests in menu selections grow. I personally like continually adjusting the dampers on my slow cooks ... it makes my wife think I'm really working hard at cooking her dinner and not just outside smoking cigars and drinking tequila :D I've found that the water significantly aids in temp control (not just in your SnS, but in general) and the design of the SnS apparently allows a useful modified-Minion method of coal arrangement and usage. Select several different G&B menus and systematically work through them w/ your SnS system. Record your results, family reactions, and provide the forum w/ pics. SJ
Quote from: Metal Mike on August 07, 2015, 09:27:24 AM
Got notice mine just delivered.
@ All, I see their discounted ~$7 shipping promo is over 8/8
-Higher shipping & less versatile made me opt from a flimsy Vortex
I didn't order one, but I just checked shipping for one to me in AZ and its $9.95 so still not bad.
I received mine yesterday. I didn't get to use it because I had to get two stitches in my index finger. I sliced my hand on the top of it sliding it out of the box into my hand. I suggest rounding the edges like on the vortex. I didn't buy it for smoking, I wanted something to keep the crazing from spreading on my vintage kettles. I was hoping the bottom circumference would be the same as the charcoal grate but it's larger and has two gaps on each side that would allow lump to rest on the bowl if it's small enough. This is most likely because it fits 26.75 kettles also.
Quote from: dwnthehatch on August 13, 2015, 10:25:39 AM
I received mine yesterday. I didn't get to use it because I had to get two stitches in my index finger. I sliced my hand on the top of it sliding it out of the box into my hand. I suggest rounding the edges like on the vortex. I didn't buy it for smoking, I wanted something to keep the crazing from spreading on my vintage kettles. I was hoping the bottom circumference would be the same as the charcoal grate but it's larger and has two gaps on each side that would allow lump to rest on the bowl if it's small enough. This is most likely because it fits 26.75 kettles also.
Holy crap man, that really sucks. I hope you're ok!
I checked my SnS, the non-rolled edges of mine have been sanded down so they're smooth. They must have not done that to yours :(
I should've posted; tho I haven't used mine yet...
I wore glove & ran a tented piece of emery cloth (regular sand paper will do) around the back strap of mine (top & bottom) where it seemed sharp. I don't know if it was sharp enough to cut, but that just annoys me (seems unfinished.)
Quote from: dwnthehatch on August 13, 2015, 10:25:39 AM
I received mine yesterday. I didn't get to use it because I had to get two stitches in my index finger. I sliced my hand on the top of it sliding it out of the box into my hand. I suggest rounding the edges like on the vortex. I didn't buy it for smoking, I wanted something to keep the crazing from spreading on my vintage kettles. I was hoping the bottom circumference would be the same as the charcoal grate but it's larger and has two gaps on each side that would allow lump to rest on the bowl if it's small enough. This is most likely because it fits 26.75 kettles also.
@dwnthehatch we're very sorry about this. Please reach out to me at david so we can better understand what happened.
On a side note, the curve of the SnS is designed to collect the charcoal as it burns (gets smaller) and to help direct radiant heat upward. If we had made the curve around the bottom so that it was flush with the charcoal grate it would have changed the angle of the charcoal basket so it varies between the middle of the basket and where the basket meets the water reservoir. That would create potential hot spots.
Quote from: Troy on August 13, 2015, 11:11:18 AM
Holy crap man, that really sucks. I hope you're ok!
I checked my SnS, the non-rolled edges of mine have been sanded down so they're smooth. They must have not done that to yours :(
I'm fine. Thanks. I was overdue on a tetanus shot anyway.
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 13, 2015, 02:19:47 PM
@dwnthehatch we're very sorry about this. Please reach out to me at so we can better understand what happened.
Done. I filed the edge smooth to prevent it from happening again.
I'll take your unfortunate experience as a warning when handling, dwnthehatch, make sure you don't get any salty rub in that cut.
Was it every edge or one in particular?
Mine should be here tomorrow, might test it on the weekend if time permits.
Superglue cut closed...
From new SS a cut shouldn't be worry of need tetanus jab
likely more "metals in vaccine" than in the cut.
google that
Stumbled across this forum while looking for info on the slow n sear. Just received mine in the mail, and really looking forward to trying the reverse sear on some steaks this weekend!
While $80.00 isn't exactly cheap, it's a far cry from the bank breaker some are making it out to be. This is a hobby I'm pretty passionate about, and I've spent more money on steaks at Costco to feed 5 people. The unit is very well built, and I have no trouble paying a little more for something handmade here in the states.
Quote from: aggrobot on August 14, 2015, 06:55:29 AM
Stumbled across this forum while looking for info on the slow n sear. Just received mine in the mail, and really looking forward to trying the reverse sear on some steaks this weekend!
While $80.00 isn't exactly cheap, it's a far cry from the bank breaker some are making it out to be. This is a hobby I'm pretty passionate about, and I've spent more money on steaks at Costco to feed 5 people. The unit is very well built, and I have no trouble paying a little more for something handmade here in the states.
I purchased it too, I like it, I think the complaint from some involve, $80 vs almost free for other methods. Too each their own
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on August 14, 2015, 07:44:20 AM
Quote from: aggrobot on August 14, 2015, 06:55:29 AM
Stumbled across this forum while looking for info on the slow n sear. Just received mine in the mail, and really looking forward to trying the reverse sear on some steaks this weekend!
While $80.00 isn't exactly cheap, it's a far cry from the bank breaker some are making it out to be. This is a hobby I'm pretty passionate about, and I've spent more money on steaks at Costco to feed 5 people. The unit is very well built, and I have no trouble paying a little more for something handmade here in the states.
I purchased it too, I like it, I think the complaint from some involve, $80 vs almost free for other methods. Too each their own
I'm pretty frugal, I probably wouldn't have purchased it (given my initial skepticism and all).
However after getting one and using it a couple times already, I'm actually VERY happy with it.
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Quote from: Troy on August 14, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I'm pretty frugal, I probably wouldn't have purchased it (given my initial skepticism and all).
However after getting one and using it a couple times already, I'm actually VERY happy with it.
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Awesome, review soon? 8)
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on August 14, 2015, 08:57:57 AM
Quote from: Troy on August 14, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I'm pretty frugal, I probably wouldn't have purchased it (given my initial skepticism and all).
However after getting one and using it a couple times already, I'm actually VERY happy with it.
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Awesome, review soon? 8)
Definitely. Probably within the next 3 or 4 weeks.
Quote from: Troy on August 14, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Maybe this would serve you well: (
It would be interesting to compare to the SNS for 2 zone cooking.
Quote from: ClubChapin on August 14, 2015, 01:25:36 PM
Quote from: Troy on August 14, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Maybe this would serve you well: (
It would be interesting to compare to the SNS for 2 zone cooking.
Maybe! I'm not really a fan of the solid bottom, seems like that'd get all burnt and crusty.
Quote from: ClubChapin on August 14, 2015, 01:25:36 PM
Quote from: Troy on August 14, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I grilled spam the other night and I found myself using it just because it does a good job of separating direct and indirect zones.
Maybe this would serve you well: (
It would be interesting to compare to the SNS for 2 zone cooking.
I'm not the most objective person in the world when it comes to comparing products with the Slow 'N Sear, but the water pan won't work nearly as well as the SnS water pan as their water pan won't get a consistent amount of heat to the water over a long cook (their pan will get more or less heat depending on where the burning charcoal happens to be). On the flip side they will have a slightly larger indirect cooking area because the water pan doesn't take up any indirect cooking space. Still, the SnS will do a better job of collecting the charcoal as it burns down, giving you more consistent temps. The SnS also cannot be beat when it comes to radiant heat.
I received my SnS on Friday and finally opened it up this morning. Like one of the members' above, this one's edges aren't sharp either, but if my hand slid across an edge fast/hard enough it might do some damage. Mine is about as dangerous as the edge of a Weber Chimney. My photo skills suck, the picture doesn't do it justice, it's a solidly built unit.
I've read through this thread. I'm considering purchasing this item, but the cost is more than my kettle and I could get a separate cheapo (brinkmann) smoker and modify it for the same cost so it makes me pause. I've never smoked on my kettle before so I have trouble understanding the main advantage to the slow n sear over snake method or firebrick/rails/metal plate to pile up coals on the side (which seems equiv to the smokenator). I know there's the WR that lets you only use 1Qt of water, but I could just get a larger pan of water. It has the "sear" ability, but I can easily raise my charcoal grate closer to the cooking grate. Does the slow 'n sear allow better "set it and forget it" ability so you dont have to mess with the vents or add more coals versus the other methods, that might justify the cost for me? When I read about the snake method or the pile up on side method, I often see a wide range of comments between people saying they dont need to make any adjustments to people saying they have to mess with the vents every hour. Or is it equiv to the other techniques in terms of "set it and forget it" and just provide easier setup?
First things first, you do not want to buy a cheap offset ( They're horrible at holding a temperature and are a constant frustration.
If budget is a constraint grab some fire bricks or just use the fuse/snake methods in your kettle. They'll serve you well.
If you have just a little money to spend... A $90 kettle and a Slow 'N Sear gives you all kinds of great cooking options and will turn your kettle into an excellent grill, smoker, and oven. Check out our reviews (!reviews/c31v). If you read the content of the reviews you'll see there are some very experienced backyard enthusiasts using the Slow 'N Sear and they're quite happy with it. 8)
oh, I wasnt planning to get an offset. I was just having trouble understanding the main advantage to the slow n sear over snake method or banking coals using firebrick/rails/metal plate. I know your product offers the searing and the more efficient water reservoir. Does the slow 'n sear allow better "set it and forget it" ability so you dont have to mess with the vents or add more coals versus the other methods. That's probably most important to me. Basically, I want to be able to go overnight without worrying about it.
Quote from: eng3 on August 23, 2015, 07:32:41 AM
oh, I wasnt planning to get an offset. I was just having trouble understanding the main advantage to the slow n sear over snake method or banking coals using firebrick/rails/metal plate. I know your product offers the searing and the more efficient water reservoir. Does the slow 'n sear allow better "set it and forget it" ability so you dont have to mess with the vents or add more coals versus the other methods. That's probably most important to me. Basically, I want to be able to go overnight without worrying about it.
The charcoal basket collects the charcoal as it burns down and gets smaller. This helps keep a consistent number of lit charcoal throughout the cook and helps keep temps very stable. The water reservoir is designed to boil the one quart of water over 5 hours so you get just the right amount of steam for great smoke flavor and it helps keep temps stable. After 5 hours your meat will be deep into the stall and evaporating a lot of moisture, so you don't really need water in the reservoir after that (but feel freed to add water if you want to). You can do an overnight cook with the Slow 'N Sear once you get used to cooking with it (mainly getting used to vent settings), but I'd still recommend you keep a digital thermometer by your bed with an alarm just in case the temp gets too high or too low.
Pellet smokers are the gold standard when it comes to "set and forget". The Slow 'N Sear is not set and forget like a pellet smoker, but it comes close and does so at a much lower price point. The food tastes as good or better, and you don't have to worry about all the mechanical parts breaking (which they do trust me I know).
Another thing I'd point out is, whether you're smoking, baking, roasting, or searing, the SnS focuses heat just where it's needed. You'll use less charcoal every cook.
eng3, I can only speak to my experience so far, but I get longer burn times and a bit better temperature consistency using the SnS than the ring/snake method or minion method on a stock Kettle. I always found on the stock kettle that behavior changed a bit depending on where the lit part was with respect to the vent holes, how densely the briquettes were packed, etc. Also, I can use lump in the SnS without even wilder temp swings, that was a challenge for me with a ring/snake/fuse method or even minion method in the stock kettle. I got 9 good hours last time out on what chimney worth of KBB. I topped out around 7 hrs stock, sometimes less.
I wouldn't walk away from the Kettle or leave the home, if that's the kind of set it and forget it you're looking for.
Thanks to you both. I think that explained it pretty well and I'll go ahead and place an order.
I have a wireless thermometer so I'd monitor it that way. I would like to be able to leave the house for an hour or two if I need to without worrying about it.
kexodusc, did you get 9hrs using lump? I typically use lump, but assumed I would need to use briquettes to get enough time.
Quote from: eng3 on August 23, 2015, 06:17:27 PM
Thanks to you both. I think that explained it pretty well and I'll go ahead and place an order.
I have a wireless thermometer so I'd monitor it that way. I would like to be able to leave the house for an hour or two if I need to without worrying about it.
kexodusc, did you get 9hrs using lump? I typically use lump, but assumed I would need to use briquettes to get enough time.
Awesome! We leave our kettle by itself for an hour or three all the time.
Lump or briquets work great with the Slow 'N Sear. I typically use Kingsford Blue Bag or Ozark Lump.
Quote from: eng3 on August 22, 2015, 06:33:41 AM
I've read through this thread. I'm considering purchasing this item, but the cost is more than my kettle and I could get a separate cheapo (brinkmann) smoker and modify it for the same cost so it makes me pause. I've never smoked on my kettle before so I have trouble understanding the main advantage to the slow n sear over snake method or firebrick/rails/metal plate to pile up coals on the side (which seems equiv to the smokenator). I know there's the WR that lets you only use 1Qt of water, but I could just get a larger pan of water. It has the "sear" ability, but I can easily raise my charcoal grate closer to the cooking grate. Does the slow 'n sear allow better "set it and forget it" ability so you dont have to mess with the vents or add more coals versus the other methods, that might justify the cost for me? When I read about the snake method or the pile up on side method, I often see a wide range of comments between people saying they dont need to make any adjustments to people saying they have to mess with the vents every hour. Or is it equiv to the other techniques in terms of "set it and forget it" and just provide easier setup?
If you've never smoked on your kettle before, you should at least try before investing in any contraptions.
A standard kettle will already hold temps much better than those el cheapo brinkmanns.
Try a standard snake and see what it does. A snake should be able to go 6+ hours without fiddling. The slow'n'sear isn't going to give you temp control, it just provides a home for a nest of fuel.
If you want to set it and forget it, get a stacker and use a full minion method. With that, you'll get 12+ hours of burn time without any serious fluctuations.
If cost is a "primary" consideration, then get some cooks on your kettle. Many cooks in this forum can run a "fuse" for longer than 7 or 8 hours. What are you cooking ??? Baby back ribs, 4-5hrs; St Louis ribs, 5-6 hrs; Pork Shoulder (for pulled pork), 9+hrs w/o crunching. These can all be done on your kettle w/ a fuse. Brisket is another story, but it's also another story on the SnS. However, reloading coal on a fuse IS more difficult than a SnS. At least cook on your kettle a little.
eng3, I used briquettes for the 9 hour run. I've used lump too but for Ribs and steaks and such so far, so it didn't run to empty for a time measurement. But more importantly, there's some sage advice above from members Troy and SmokeyJoe - you should cook on the kettle a few times at least. In fact, if you haven't mastered dialing in temps for extended time on a Kettle, you might even find doing it on a SnS a challenge at first. Mine is very sensitive to vent adjustments, if I had no experience my first time using it I'm sure I would have been over and undershooting temperature targets. Maybe you would master it first try, but after smoking on a Kettle you'll be in a better position to decide if the purchase is right for you.
I had already ordered the slow n sear prior to reading the last few messages so I just tried using it to do a pork butt. I got a 7lb bone-in. I cut it in half per the instructions. It wasn't specific so I assumed splitting it down its longest edge to reduce thickness.
I didn't have a drip pan so I just foiled up the whole bottom under the pork. I figure this will redirect more air toward the charcoal anyways.
I didn't have the starter cubes so I just used a chimney starter and then place the 12 briquettes in. I then added charcoal and 3 wood chunks. I couldn't fit an entire fullsize chimney starter, I could only fit about 75 more with the wood. A full size chimney starter seems to be able to fit about 100 bruquettes. I guess my kettle is leaky because with all the vents closed, except the top vent cracked open so my temp sensor wires could come out, the temp kept going up settling near 280F. Using some binder clips, I was able to seal it better and get it down to around 250. Around this time, I noticed my probe clip had come loose from the grill so who knows what the real temp was. I had to open it up to fix that. After that it was still settling around 250. When the meat go up to around 180, it seemed like it was in the stall so I wrapped it up. But then it actually went up to 190 and stayed there for quite some time. Around the late afternoon, there was no longer direct sunlight on the bbq and I noticed the temp dropped about 25F. After a while, it seemed like the meat temp was starting to drop. I opened it up to take a look, ended up adding some charcoal and relighting the jack up the temp. Overall it took about 10hrs, charcoal lasting about 9hrs. I'm not sure how much cutting it in half really helped.
I think next time should go more smoothly now that I have a better idea of the vents. I think I can maintain like 250 +/- 25F pretty easily without adjusting too much. I don't know about 225, maybe if its a cold day or no sun.
Here's a graph of my temps: ( (
@eng3 if your grill is new or extra clean it tends to leak easier.
Cheap trick, try burning some chicken skin/fat directly over the coals, the resulting thick smoke will stick to the lid/vent seams & reduce this.
Also maybe starting with fewer coals (8-10) to keep the temp lower.
eng3, I'd say you did pretty good for a first spin and with experience you'll get better. One of my old kettles is fairly leaky as well and I completely close the bottom vent while just opening the top one maybe a quarter or so, If that. My biggest challenge right now is adjusting to the outdoor conditions. It doesn't get above 85 F here very often but it has the last few weeks, I've had to tweak my start-up process a bit to not overshoot temps. Similarly, the few overnighters I've done, temps are in the low 60's or high 50's even, it's taken longer to get things hot enough. Throw in a bit of wind and things get tricky. I just take notes and making adjustments for next time.
One of the videos the SnS guys published talks about spraying a bit of water on the coals if you need to cool things down, that might be an option.
And I agree with the above poster - leaks will reduce a bit over time as the stuff sticks and chokes them off a bit.
What type of charcoal did you use?
i just did my first smoked ribs , ever, and they were amazing.
I was able to maintain the temperature between 225 and 240 for 5 hours easily with only very few vent adjustments.
when i tried to maintain that temperature before i got the SNS, it was not that easy.
I am happy with the SNS, thank you!
@eng3 you can potentially have much better results on your next cook. As some of the other folks have suggested, you had to have had an air leak for your temps to be that erratic. To maintain 225F your top vent should be at most 1/3 open, and possibly much less. Your bottom vent should be about 1/4 open. These settings vary based on a lot of variables (temp, humidity, sun, etc...) but should help get you closer to 225F, then tweak as needed. When first heating up, start closing your vents down once the temp passes 180F and you'll be much less likely to zoom past 225F. The binder clips will really help keep temps in check next time and will improve your smoke (reduce airflow is conducive to thin blue smoke). The water bottle spritzing is good if things get overheated.
Finally got the Amazon gift card I was waiting for, so I just placed my order. Hope it's here by next weekend.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree, had some lessons learned so next time should go much better.
I followed the lighting instructions, closing down the vents around 175. But I guess I needed to close them down more. I guess it was a hot day and the sun was shining directly on the kettle causing it to be a little hotter.
I forget if I mentioned, but I don't actually have a WEBER kettle, its a generic brand one with the same dimensions, same output vent. The only difference is there's a ash catcher can at the bottom with two holes and metal sliders on each side for air intake. The sliders don't give any sort of seal. So maybe too much intake air. I can figure out a way to improve the seal. Maybe the weber kettle is made of thicker metal so it isnt affect as much by direct sunlight. However, I can't tell from comparing at the store.
Regardless of any of this, I average above 225 (around 240) and it lasted me about 8hrs but it took me 9-10hrs to finish a split 7lb shoulder (and it was wrapped mostly through the stall). It seems like it took longer than usual especially for such small pieces. Should I bother trying to get the temp down to 225? or should I perhaps go at a higher temperature. I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes. Would lowering or raising the temp affect cook time by much?
"I forget if I mentioned, but I don't actually have a WEBER kettle, its a generic brand one with the same dimensions, same output vent"
Um WHAT??????
Quote from: eng3 on September 04, 2015, 06:14:50 PM
I agree, had some lessons learned so next time should go much better.
I followed the lighting instructions, closing down the vents around 175. But I guess I needed to close them down more. I guess it was a hot day and the sun was shining directly on the kettle causing it to be a little hotter.
I forget if I mentioned, but I don't actually have a WEBER kettle, its a generic brand one with the same dimensions, same output vent. The only difference is there's a ash catcher can at the bottom with two holes and metal sliders on each side for air intake. The sliders don't give any sort of seal. So maybe too much intake air. I can figure out a way to improve the seal. Maybe the weber kettle is made of thicker metal so it isnt affect as much by direct sunlight. However, I can't tell from comparing at the store.
Regardless of any of this, I average above 225 (around 240) and it lasted me about 8hrs but it took me 9-10hrs to finish a split 7lb shoulder (and it was wrapped mostly through the stall). It seems like it took longer than usual especially for such small pieces. Should I bother trying to get the temp down to 225? or should I perhaps go at a higher temperature. I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes. Would lowering or raising the temp affect cook time by much?
I would start an hour or two earlier, cook at 225F, and skip the wrap. What brand kettle are you using?
Tonight's rib cook:
How much would the post and packaging be for a slow n sear to the UK, ABCbarbeque?
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on September 05, 2015, 08:40:09 PM
Tonight's rib cook:
Holy Moly that is a money shot right there.
Quote from: Thomas Andrews on September 06, 2015, 03:58:14 AM
How much would the post and packaging be for a slow n sear to the UK, ABCbarbeque?
Thomas go to our website and enter your shipping info and it will show you the options. We've been shipping to the UK for a few months now. 8)
I'm guessing it will be around $60 US.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on September 06, 2015, 04:03:15 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on September 05, 2015, 08:40:09 PM
Tonight's rib cook:
Holy Moly that is a money shot right there.
I just wish I knew how to make the pics smaller. Is there no resizing feature?
Used the slow and sear last night for the first time to cook KC strips 2" thick, followed amazing ribs approach for the reverse sear and his steak recipe and they turned out great with a good brown/crust after the sear. Took about 4 minutes for the coals to heat up for the sear with the lid open (2009 performer with the 2015 lid bale mod) and I just left the steaks on the indirect side. I also have grillgrates and set them up over the slow and sear side (the tines were over 600 degrees) for the sear.
Overall very pleased with the accessory, next is to try a brisket or ribs to try the slow side ;D
@ukfigs. Let me know the plan for your slow cook and I'd be happy to provide pointers to help make the SnS work for you. If you've used other techniques to cook low and slow with a kettle be ready to keep those vents more tightly closed than you're used to.
Well, I've spent the last month getting to know how to control temps on my 26.
After reading through this thread again, I may have to take the plunge on this.
Quote from: LaTuFu on September 10, 2015, 02:01:47 AM
Well, I've spent the last month getting to know how to control temps on my 26.
After reading through this thread again, I may have to take the plunge on this.
The SnS works great with the 26". It reminds me of a big offset because you need more heat to get things going and reacts more slowly than the 22".
Just got mine. Just in time to cook some ribs tomorrow.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've said it before but I think it's worth mentioning again that the SNS looks well made.
Gummi, it appears to be. It's heavy and feels rock solid. I can't wait to try it out.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Awesome pic
@JDLones. Can't wait to see how that cook turns out ;)
Quote from: JDLones on September 10, 2015, 03:14:12 PM
...It's heavy and feels rock solid. I can't wait to try it out... (
Rock Solid is the temp control, almost like it better than my UDS...
Quote from: Metal Mike on September 11, 2015, 07:46:24 AM
Quote from: JDLones on September 10, 2015, 03:14:12 PM
...It's heavy and feels rock solid. I can't wait to try it out... (
Rock Solid is the temp control, almost like it better than my UDS...
You're exactly right. Steady temps with almost no adjustments for three hours. I'm impressed so far.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Cooking a rack of baby backs from a VERY big pig 8)
Love it
( (
and one more
( (
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on September 10, 2015, 06:53:52 AM
Quote from: LaTuFu on September 10, 2015, 02:01:47 AM
Well, I've spent the last month getting to know how to control temps on my 26.
After reading through this thread again, I may have to take the plunge on this.
The SnS works great with the 26". It reminds me of a big offset because you need more heat to get things going and reacts more slowly than the 22".
I finally got around to ordering last night. Looking forward to cooking with it later this week.
Mine works great and I've found it very useful in other applications and with other kettle accessories.
This was my 5th shoulder (they were on sale cheap and I did a bunch of PP) and temps were steady for the entire 7 hour smoke with one refuel at 5 hours. The water lasted 4 hours at 225 degrees and never boiled away when temps spiked a bit at 280 (while the vents were opened more) for the last 2 hours.
I'm very happy with the quality of the Slow N Sear and ecstatic with the results. Sure, I can smoke without it but it sure makes a smoke almost idiot proof.
I mentioned earlier that I've used it with other accessories for the kettles and had great results. Well, if you use one of the pizza kits the SNS is the ticket to get a super hot dome temp that gets there faster and holds longer. It also keeps the temp of the stone manageable to allow the upper crust time to brown before the bottom burns. My results have been fantastic.
Quote from: Tuberoller on October 01, 2015, 05:35:05 AM
I'm very happy with the quality of the Slow N Sear and ecstatic with the results. Sure, I can smoke without it but it sure makes a smoke almost idiot proof.
I mentioned earlier that I've used it with other accessories for the kettles and had great results. Well, if you use one of the pizza kits the SNS is the ticket to get a super hot dome temp that gets there faster and holds longer. It also keeps the temp of the stone manageable to allow the upper crust time to brown before the bottom burns. My results have been fantastic.
So glad you like it
@Tuberoller. Feedback like this keeps us going. 8)
Quote from: Tuberoller on October 01, 2015, 05:35:05 AMI mentioned earlier that I've used it with other accessories for the kettles and had great results. Well, if you use one of the pizza kits the SNS is the ticket to get a super hot dome temp that gets there faster and holds longer. It also keeps the temp of the stone manageable to allow the upper crust time to brown before the bottom burns. My results have been fantastic.
@Tuberoller I have done a couple pizzas on my kettle, with "OK" results, but not overly thrilled. I can cook them in the oven just fine, but prefer the "wood fired", if I have a choice.
@MrHoss posted a link for the Kettle Pizza and it has my wheels turning a bit. I wouldn't consider the Slow N Sear just for pizza, but your positive comments about the success with pizza, has me on the verge of moving forward with my plans of making pizzas on one of my kettles. I would make pizza yer round, not just when it's cold enough to use the oven lol! Are you getting consistent results with the SNS, specifically for pizza?
My results are more consistent when using the SnS and counting my briquettes and using uniform sections of wood.
The Kettle pizza is great to use but it certainly has a learning curve. The SnS helps.
This is a cook from our good friend Ernest. He gave wood fired chicken a try using the Slow 'N Sear. Text and photos below are all his, we're just sharing it. 8)
Got some cherry and mesquite small logs burnt down to coals. Let's do some Chikin
( (
Started at 400 degrees.
( (
Chikin on
( (
45 minutes later and right on time.... Coals running out
( (
Let me show you the back! Chikin was never touched after hitting the grill. Even cooking all around.
( (
That's good Chikin!!
( (
Long live SnS!!
That looks really good , I know I am really happy with my SnS.
I got mine a couple weeks ago and am very happy with it first thing I did was a small brisket and I have to tell you it was the best brisket I have cooked since then I have cooked chicken wings, hamburgers and today I did chicken breast with apple wood and they turned great, I'm going to cook another brisket in a couple days and I know it will turn out great.
@irv39 and
@jd for the shout outs. Much appreciated!
I don't know if you have liked our Facebook page, but you should check it out. We've developed a turkey recipe for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and we're giving away a Slow 'N Sear on Oct 25th. The details can be found here (
I recently bought one. Happened to cook the best butt ever. Have also done tri tip and ribs and they've been great. Very happy with the outcome.
Planning on trying a turkey as well for thanksgiving. I'm wondering if it makes sense to practice with a chicken first? Or if there's no comparison I may practice on a turkey itself.
Quote from: hoochiemama on October 18, 2015, 06:48:00 PM
I recently bought one. Happened to cook the best butt ever. Have also done tri tip and ribs and they've been great. Very happy with the outcome.
Planning on trying a turkey as well for thanksgiving. I'm wondering if it makes sense to practice with a chicken first? Or if there's no comparison I may practice on a turkey itself.
@hoochiemama! You should definitely try chicken. It cooks similarly, just more quickly. Also, check out our turkey recipe (!turkey/wctxl)page.
For anyone interested we're running a free giveaway this week. Winner gets a Slow 'N Sear and we will ship it worldwide. The contest is running on Facebook and you can find it here:
If you're not into Facebook here is the direct link to the contest:!lets-talk-turkey/e1db5
OK - Entered
Entered! Thanks for the non-Facebook link
Has the winner been announced? I need to know who's house I heading to for dinner ;D
I've had the Smokenator for about 1 1/2 years now and have had good success with it. On my first cook, the steel warped because of the heat exposure (followed manual exactly). The smokenator is now slightly twisted and I have to make sure the fit is good with the bottom grate before adding anything hot to the mix. The water container also requires hourly refills, making temp adjustment an hourly concern.
I just got the Slow N Sear (arrived today) and the quality straight out of the box is impressive. The reason for the purchase was extended cook times. This item, just like the smokenator, is made out of stainless steel. The difference, when you pick up the Slow N Sear, you know you have something special. The smokenator is light weight, but when you pick up the Slow N Sear, the quality of build is evident. The open top design can only improve the searing capability (tough to do on smokenator). I can't knock the Smokenator but the Slow N Sear has serious potential. Will update with user experience.
I learned about the Slow N Sear on Amazing Ribs and after having used the site for a couple years, I trust the recommendations.
Seems like a solid product! I know you've had tons of R+D and a lot of great reviews from EXPERIENCED Qers. Howe about sending a SnS to a newbie for a review to judge how easy it is to use from a Newbs point of view! (wink wink)!!
In all seriousness though, This is on my wish list. What are the chances of getting a Group Buy discount?
Quote from: EricD on February 02, 2016, 07:50:43 AM
Seems like a solid product! I know you've had tons of R+D and a lot of great reviews from EXPERIENCED Qers. Howe about sending a SnS to a newbie for a review to judge how easy it is to use from a Newbs point of view! (wink wink)!!
In all seriousness though, This is on my wish list. What are the chances of getting a Group Buy discount?
@EricD we actually just did this very thing! We have a WSM user that loves to blog lined up to transition to the kettle/SnS. He's going to blog his journey.
Everyone is getting a group discount right now. 8) Talking to other retailers we are marking up the Slow 'N Sear much less than we should be. Our rationale though is that we're getting the word out better at our current price point and with time we'll get costs down and the margin will be there.
Sorry I know this isn't as cool as giving you folks a discount, but on the bright side you don't have to worry about it going on sale and feeling like you paid too much.
Picked one up this week! Can't wait to try it on some pork butt this weekend.
I have now used the Slow N Sear three times. I have now done 3 cooks, ranging from 3 to 12 hour cooks. Temp control is fantastic. This is the first kettle product I've owned wher I can walk away for a couple of hours and return to a grill, still locked in at temp. This is a fantastic product. Thanks Slow N Sear.
Mine was delivered today and will be using it this weekend. Can't wait. With a wedding to pay for last year I didn't want to splurge on myself much, but finally hit the purchase button at Amazon on Monday and it was delivered today. Seriously good for non-Prime shipping.
@CharcoalMan and
@BluesDaddy we're glad you're happy with the SnS. Do us a favor? We need all the great Amazon reviews we can get. They really help!
Hello! I read this thread and all the Amazon reviews and I really would like one of these. I have two kettles and cook once a week for the family. It seems like a couple months ago I read about a coupon code for the Slow n Sear. Is there one? I don't want to be a cheapskate, but I have 5 hungry children, plus Mama and myself that I am grilling for! Thanks!
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 28, 2016, 08:57:07 AM
Hello! I read this thread and all the Amazon reviews and I really would like one of these. I have two kettles and cook once a week for the family. It seems like a couple months ago I read about a coupon code for the Slow n Sear. Is there one? I don't want to be a cheapskate, but I have 5 hungry children, plus Mama and myself that I am grilling for! Thanks!
Sorry cnmg there's no coupon code. In fact, our costs have gone up this year. My people are telling me I need to raise the price. So, buy now before the price possibly goes up and I guess there is kind of a coupon code!
If anyone here works for FedEx maybe they can explain why they jacked up shipping costs 20%.
Ok, that's too bad! I need a bit more convincing I guess. Will it make my grill easier and quicker to use? I am busy and that's the one complaint I have about charcoal grilling is there's a bit more setup time in getting going. I do have a Performer with the gas assist and a chimney.
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 28, 2016, 01:13:21 PM
Will it make my grill easier and quicker to use? I am busy and that's the one complaint I have about charcoal grilling is there's a bit more setup time in getting going.
IMHO ... Maybe Yes, maybe No ...
You must look at what your cooking for your family.
Burgers, steaks, fish, etc. let's call these categories Med-High heat, some cooked directly & some cooked indirectly. Probably not needed regardless of how high a quality accessory it is ... and it is high quality.
Ribs, Pork-loin roasts, brisket, etc. usually called Low heat cooks (need extra time to break down fiber). Possibly useful since it takes less time to fill with coal, to start the startup coals, and far easier to re-fill water pan and/or coal holder.
One side note: The current cost of this accessory is probably less than the cost of a pair of bone-in rib eye roasts. The SnS, along with a good Maverick 732 would cook those roasts to perfection :) SJ
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 28, 2016, 01:13:21 PM
Ok, that's too bad! I need a bit more convincing I guess. Will it make my grill easier and quicker to use? I am busy and that's the one complaint I have about charcoal grilling is there's a bit more setup time in getting going. I do have a Performer with the gas assist and a chimney.
are you cooking foods that have ZERO prep time?
Light the grill first, then prep your food. By the time your food is ready to be grilled, the charcoal will be ready.
The Slow 'N Sear is made from 5 pounds of stainless steel. It doesn't rust and it doesn't wear out. You'll only need to buy one, ever. They're made in the USA and each one is manually welded by hand.
And all that would mean nothing if the Slow 'N Sear didn't work amazingly well. Luckily, it does! OK, it wasn't luck, it was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that went into the design.
Anyway, look at our reviews to get an idea what our customers think, and know that we are on the internet pretty much around the clock to answer any questions you have. We'll teach you how to cook if need be. 8) We enjoy that part of it so don't feel like it's an inconvenience to ask us anything.
When you put that all together I think the Slow 'N Sear is a very strong value.
Quote from: Troy on March 28, 2016, 02:33:49 PM
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 28, 2016, 01:13:21 PM
Ok, that's too bad! I need a bit more convincing I guess. Will it make my grill easier and quicker to use? I am busy and that's the one complaint I have about charcoal grilling is there's a bit more setup time in getting going. I do have a Performer with the gas assist and a chimney.
are you cooking foods that have ZERO prep time?
Light the grill first, then prep your food. By the time your food is ready to be grilled, the charcoal will be ready.
Agreed. Sorry to be offtopic, but if your using a chimney starter and lump charcoal... The only reason your waiting for it to be ready is your doing things in the wrong order.
Quote from: MeatAndPotatos
Agreed. Sorry to be offtopic...
I'm not really sure there's an off topic for this thread ;)
I am a new Slow n Sear owner, used it for 3 cooks so far, a pork butt, a brisket and leg of lamb and it's fantastic. When I first learned of it, I wasn't completely sold, but I pulled the trigger and don't regret a thing, solid product, works great, couldn't be more pleased.
Quote from: SoupDogg77 on March 29, 2016, 04:31:37 AM
I am a new Slow n Sear owner, used it for 3 cooks so far, a pork butt, a brisket and leg of lamb and it's fantastic. When I first learned of it, I wasn't completely sold, but I pulled the trigger and don't regret a thing, solid product, works great, couldn't be more pleased.
@SoupDogg77! If you haven't already, would you mind leaving us an Amazon review? They really help!
Had some Amazon cash and went ahead and pulled the trigger. I have been using the good old snake method for quite some time so I am looking forward to seeing if this will give me the consistent temps and long "low and slow" cook times as it does. Looks really well made so hopefully it will arrive in time for the weekend so I can give her a test run on Sunday.
@indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Thanks @indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
@ABCbarbecue . I am actually in Ohio, Indy is for my Indy Pace Cars I used to have..
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Thanks @indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
Let us know how it goes. I am still in the debating stage. I use the snake method and get along pretty good with it. So am interested how much you like it! I do a lot of grilling chicken also.....and I think it might make the indirect grilling a bit easier. I would just leave it in there.
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 29, 2016, 10:17:21 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Thanks @indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
Let us know how it goes. I am still in the debating stage. I use the snake method and get along pretty good with it. So am interested how much you like it! I do a lot of grilling chicken also.....and I think it might make the indirect grilling a bit easier. I would just leave it in there.
Will do...I am really looking forward to it. The worst thing about the snake method is the time it takes to layout the charcoal so if this works as well, it appears as though it will definitely save some time with that. I plan on doing a pork butt on Sunday so as long as it arrives in time, I will report back with the results.
Quote from: indy82z on March 29, 2016, 10:40:31 AM
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 29, 2016, 10:17:21 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Thanks @indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
Let us know how it goes. I am still in the debating stage. I use the snake method and get along pretty good with it. So am interested how much you like it! I do a lot of grilling chicken also.....and I think it might make the indirect grilling a bit easier. I would just leave it in there.
Will do...I am really looking forward to it. The worst thing about the snake method is the time it takes to layout the charcoal so if this works as well, it appears as though it will definitely save some time with that. I plan on doing a pork butt on Sunday so as long as it arrives in time, I will report back with the results.
Yeah you guys are in for a nice surprise. The SnS is so much more than just a kick butt smoking accessory.
Quote from: indy82z on March 29, 2016, 09:09:32 AM
Awesome..thanks @ABCbarbecue . I am actually in Ohio, Indy is for my Indy Pace Cars I used to have..
If your initials are RB it shipped today. FedEx estimate 1 day transit to Ohio, so you might get it tomorrow!
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 11:45:51 AM
Quote from: indy82z on March 29, 2016, 10:40:31 AM
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 29, 2016, 10:17:21 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 29, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Thanks @indy82z! Should ship today. If indy is for Indiana you might get it Thursday.
Let us know how it goes. I am still in the debating stage. I use the snake method and get along pretty good with it. So am interested how much you like it! I do a lot of grilling chicken also.....and I think it might make the indirect grilling a bit easier. I would just leave it in there.
Will do...I am really looking forward to it. The worst thing about the snake method is the time it takes to layout the charcoal so if this works as well, it appears as though it will definitely save some time with that. I plan on doing a pork butt on Sunday so as long as it arrives in time, I will report back with the results.
Yeah you guys are in for a nice surprise. The SnS is so much more than just a kick butt smoking accessory.
Quote from: indy82z on March 29, 2016, 09:09:32 AM
Awesome..thanks @ABCbarbecue . I am actually in Ohio, Indy is for my Indy Pace Cars I used to have..
If your initials are RB it shipped today. FedEx estimate 1 day transit to Ohio, so you might get it tomorrow!
Nope...not me...
Quote from: indy82z on March 30, 2016, 12:56:25 AM
Nope...not me...
OK well you should have your tracking # and ship notification emails by now anyway. 8)
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 30, 2016, 09:45:47 AM
Quote from: indy82z on March 30, 2016, 12:56:25 AM
Nope...not me...
OK well you should have your tracking # and ship notification emails by now anyway. 8)
Is it better to order off of your website or off of Amazon?
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 30, 2016, 09:45:47 AM
Quote from: indy82z on March 30, 2016, 12:56:25 AM
Nope...not me...
OK well you should have your tracking # and ship notification emails by now anyway. 8) them. Says it will deliver today so fingers crossed...
Thanks again!
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 31, 2016, 03:41:55 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 30, 2016, 09:45:47 AM
Quote from: indy82z on March 30, 2016, 12:56:25 AM
Nope...not me...
OK well you should have your tracking # and ship notification emails by now anyway. 8)
Is it better to order off of your website or off of Amazon?
I just ordered off of Amazon. It was too easy.
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 31, 2016, 08:34:51 AM
Quote from: cnmg432 on March 31, 2016, 03:41:55 AM
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on March 30, 2016, 09:45:47 AM
Quote from: indy82z on March 30, 2016, 12:56:25 AM
Nope...not me...
OK well you should have your tracking # and ship notification emails by now anyway. 8)
Is it better to order off of your website or off of Amazon?
I just ordered off of Amazon. It was too easy.
We love Amazon sales because the reviews help drive more business, but we make a few dollars more when folks use our website. So basically either spot works great! Regardless of the way you purchase, all Slow 'N Sears ship Fedex Ground from our warehouse in Louisville.
Here's a question. Is it important to use water in the slow & sear or could I leave it empty?
Quote from: Darko on March 31, 2016, 10:34:46 AM
Here's a question. Is it important to use water in the slow & sear or could I leave it empty?
Most of the time I cook with the reservoir empty because most of my cooks don't need a water pan (think steaks, chicken thighs, burgers, etc...). For low and slow smoking at temps up to 300 F I'll use water in the reservoir. Temps above that I usually don't fool with it even if I'm cooking a big piece of meat like a turkey or chicken.
Thank you.
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you a heads up that tomorrow we're changing the price of the Slow 'N Sear from $79.95 to $89.95. We're facing the usual culprits... several increasing fixed costs that have made the old price point impossible. We feel the Slow 'N Sear is still a great value at the new price. It's still made from 5 pounds of 304 stainless steel and it doesn't rust or wear out. For anyone on the fence that wants to buy at the old price, today's the day! ;)
April Fools???!!! :-\
Nope this isn't an April Fools joke. Price goes up tomorrow, but you still have a little time to purchase at the old price. We're giving you a heads up as you guys have been great to us and we want to give any WKC regulars that were "in the market" a chance to get in while the price is still $79.95. 8)
I'm happy with mine! Thanks for a great product! It's definitely been worth the price of's made me question the need for my WSM....naaaah...but it has been very cool indeed.
As promised, my test is going on. I received the SnS on Thursday (thanks again
@ABCbarbecue for the quick shipping to allow it to arrive on time). First impression was how solid and heavy this thing was. I read that it was 5lbs of stainless and I guess until I actually had it in my hands, really didnt realize what that really meant. Now, to the cook..I had planned on getting up early this morning but had a late night and didnt crawl out of bed until around 7a with all the prep on the pork butt still to do (I trim, inject and rub right before it goes on). With that being said, I really did appreciate how much quicker it was to get this thing going as opposed to the snake method I usually do. I followed the instructions that came with it starting to start with a starter cube and a dozen briquettes in the corner and wait for them to white over before adding a full chimney of unlit charcoal to the remainder of the area. I also added the quart of hot water to the water reservoir.
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Once I hit the desired temp (book says between 150-175) I closed the bottom vent down a little and closed the top vent 1/2 way)
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(Excuse the mess, this is my dedicated "Smoking" lid as I got tired of cleaning vents.
I will update the post with how it is going and will continue to monitor it. So far it seems to have settled around 235 or so (which is where I am wanting it). Lets see how long it holds it and if I need to refuel during the cook.
So far pretty impressed. but wont be able to tell if it will replace the snake method for me or not just yet.
About three hours in and the meat is at 120 degrees and the kettle is running 237. Good consistent temps for sure so far.
The butt went on at 850a this morning and just had temps start to drop near 200 degrees so (at 325p) I had to add more fuel. Not bad at 6+ hours, but the meat is only at 160 so refueled half a chimney and hopefully that will take it home to being done. I like the ease of this, but with the snake I can go the whole cook usually (about 8-10 hours normally). For smaller cuts (this one is 10lbs) or going a little hotter and faster, this thing would be a no brainer. Will continue to update as the cook progresses and comment how quickly it gets temp back after refueling and how it holds temps from there.
Just pulled it. looked like it had about an hour or hour or so of charcoal left in it. Butt is resting in a cooler for an hour or so. Will post some pics and final conclusions when I pull it.
Quote from: indy82z on April 03, 2016, 11:36:54 AM
The butt went on at 850a this morning and just had temps start to drop near 200 degrees so (at 325p) I had to add more fuel. Not bad at 6+ hours, but the meat is only at 160 so refueled half a chimney and hopefully that will take it home to being done. I like the ease of this, but with the snake I can go the whole cook usually (about 8-10 hours normally). For smaller cuts (this one is 10lbs) or going a little hotter and faster, this thing would be a no brainer. Will continue to update as the cook progresses and comment how quickly it gets temp back after refueling and how it holds temps from there.
8 hours is the minimum you can expect on a full load of Kingsford Blue Bag. 10+ hours is typical and 12+ hours can happen on really good days. I'm betting you had more fuel left than you realized. That said, it's so easy to refuel the Slow 'N Sear that I ask folks not to worry too much about how long a load of charcoal lasts. 8)
Quote from: indy82z on April 03, 2016, 02:26:04 PM
Just pulled it. looked like it had about an hour or hour or so of charcoal left in it. Butt is resting in a cooler for an hour or so. Will post some pics and final conclusions when I pull it.
WELL, where's the pics? ;)
Quote from: ABCbarbecue on April 03, 2016, 03:14:29 PM8 hours is the minimum you can expect on a full load of Kingsford Blue Bag. 10+ hours is typical and 12+ hours can happen on really good days. I'm betting you had more fuel left than you realized. That said, it's so easy to refuel the Slow 'N Sear that I ask folks not to worry too much about how long a load of charcoal lasts. 8)
Ease of refuelling is absolutely true. I use the SnS on a 26", so it takes a little more to keep that size at temp. But on my recent brisket cook I didn't add any fuel until about 6 hours in, and really could have gone longer but I was check it and decided while I had the lid open to go ahead and fill it back up. Of course, you really need a hinged lid, which if you don't have, is a must get if you're going to smoke on a kettle in any shape or form.
Ok, my slow n sear is showing up today. Just set out a bag of boneless chicken thighs to thaw, and have a bunch of asparagus to grill with it. Any suggestions? Will the thigh instructions on your website work with boneless thighs?
Quote from: cnmg432 on April 05, 2016, 05:26:20 AM
Ok, my slow n sear is showing up today. Just set out a bag of boneless chicken thighs to thaw, and have a bunch of asparagus to grill with it. Any suggestions? Will the thigh instructions on your website work with boneless thighs?
Yep! Check out our techniques (!drumsticks-thighs/p29xs) page and if you have any additional questions let me know. 8)
please start new threads for specific questions and topics related to the slow'n'sear.
Quote from: Troy on April 06, 2016, 12:08:27 AM
please start new threads for specific questions and topics related to the slow'n'sear.
and if you want ABC to respond please mention me (
@ABCbarbecue). Thanks!
I really like the sound of this product but with a shipping cost to Toronto of $51, I think I'll have to live without it.
Looks like I was asleep at the wheel while the price bumped ...
No worry, I'll hold out for the 26" version (soon?)