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Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: Idahawk on September 12, 2014, 08:31:49 AM

Title: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 12, 2014, 08:31:49 AM
I'm trying to find a decent picture of the solid metal utility shelf ( triangle ) where it attaches to the front leg . It appears there were 2 styles early on ,one that was notched out to go around leg and one that didn't . I'm looking for images of the one that is notched out and how it attaches and what that looks like .

This is the one zorknards had , I believe he sold it , you can see its cut out to go around the leg


Here you can see part of the cut out , I think it's a tab/ flap that then attaches to the leg.


This is off my Weber Bros , it had been repaired with a hinge so it's got a few extra holes, but I can see I clean break where the tab was.


I also have this piece imbedded into the front  leg slightly off to the side of where the triangle would have attached . It also shows a break or a piece torn off .


Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: 1buckie on September 12, 2014, 11:04:16 AM
Pics on these are a little sparse, but I'll look......might be able to carefully cut out the area around those 1st two little holes & refit without throwing off the level of the kettle....

Interesting they welded those points on the leg, seem to recall bolted on in other views of these.....
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: dazzo on September 12, 2014, 11:29:24 AM
Are you thinking there was a tab tacked to the leg, and then the front of the pan sat on it, held on with a nut/bolt?

(That's my theory anyway)
Title: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 12, 2014, 12:05:40 PM
When you line up the front with all it's points of position

A) the dimple in the leg for the thumbscrew
B) the cut angle on the front keg
C) the hole where originally it attached to the leg .

Then the shelf would appear to have also been attached at this point as well and right at the tip of the triangle,  Im guessing to add support to keep the shelf from rocking side to side since they cut that area out to fit around the leg and weakened it ? As far as how it attached to the shelf , that I don't know .

Sure looks like this one has that piece ?
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: dazzo on September 12, 2014, 12:34:53 PM

Is the piece that's tacked on the leg close to the bottom of the leg?

I'm still thinking this (see image). Except the piece attached to the leg on the original goes "down the leg" below the shelf, instead of the example below where it goes up...


And screwed, not riveted. Should just be a simple task of finding the original assembly instructions    ::)

Again, just a theory. I find this interesting, but I'll be quiet now since I've never even been close to one.

Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: 1buckie on September 12, 2014, 03:58:13 PM
This is no help....looks like it completely rusted & was cut off & replaced with electrical hardware :

I think Rick's onto something here :

"Should just be a simple task of finding the original assembly instructions    ::)"

Winz is finding some old ads, maybe he'll come across some more detailed stuff.......... 

Looking at this picture :


the two bigger holes back away from the edge held the hinge, right?

The little one up near the edge, but off to the right is can tell because of the indentations of where either the bolt or washer was.....

The original hole must be the CENTERED one, right near the edge (which also looks like it may have cracked & been cut off a little bit at one tme).....
So, my bet would be that the "L" shaped bracket, curved to match the leg & welded onto the leg, had ONE bolt thru the other leg of the L which was not strong enough over time & broke just above the welds & maybe also across the other part of the L......

Probably wasn't much more complicated than that...Weber is known for simple & direct, until later on in history...........
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 12, 2014, 04:53:23 PM
The repair that used the hinge added 3 holes  to the pan and 3 more to the leg , I can tell because only one hole is straight the others not so much and because of the size of the holes I think the original design was much like today's with a hook or something in the front leg from the triangle but not going all the way through and the side piece helped to hold it ? I think I found another one to look at , thanks for the help , not much but speculation until you see one the way it was built. And that may never happen but I'd like to be as close to original as possible

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Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 12, 2014, 07:06:26 PM
So you're thinking this piece...


was originally a small "L" bracket (missing piece more or less identical to the one remaining) providing a horizontal tab to mount the triangle to, then it was fastened with a single bolt (from the top down) with the mounting tab on the top side of the triangle pan? *Man I hope that made sense*

That would be my best guess as well... Just the shape of that little tab on the leg looks to be Weber authentic. How far offset is it?

Nice work doing the research to do it right!
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: 1buckie on September 12, 2014, 07:12:20 PM

These pages contain some pics, but I don't know how much help they'll be as they are the curved up pans, not a straight bend like yours....

1/4 way down :

And, 3/4 way down :
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: dazzo on September 12, 2014, 08:10:28 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 12, 2014, 07:06:26 PM
So you're thinking this piece...
was originally a small "L" bracket (missing piece more or less identical to the one remaining) providing a horizontal tab to mount the triangle to

That's what I'm thinking.

Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 13, 2014, 07:01:52 AM
The problem with that theory or at least the problem I'm having is when you put the leg in the socket that piece sits off to the side and not where you think it would be . That's why I'm looking and asking , otherwise it's an easy fix
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: timleo on September 13, 2014, 08:15:49 AM
Calling Jeff...Jeff? Are you there?  I think he probably knows
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: 1buckie on September 13, 2014, 08:49:39 AM
Quote from: Idahawk on September 13, 2014, 07:01:52 AM
The problem with that theory or at least the problem I'm having is when you put the leg in the socket that piece sits off to the side and not where you think it would be . That's why I'm looking and asking , otherwise it's an easy fix

And, the leg can't go another way because it's got the thumbscrew up top?
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 13, 2014, 09:16:59 AM
Here's the front leg it has a machine made dimple all 3 legs have it .

So it's easy to determine the exact position the leg should be in .


This is in the proper position according to the facts and clues on the leg , the tab doesn't line up

Factor in the front leg being cut to meet the floor at the proper angle and everything lines up , except this tab, so I can't see how that's the primary attachment point .

And when you hold the ashpan to level it meets the tab perfectly on just off to the side.
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: dazzo on September 13, 2014, 09:29:00 AM
Factory caddywampus
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: 1buckie on September 13, 2014, 09:33:35 AM
This is in the proper position according to the facts and clues on the leg , the tab doesn't line up

That's so weird......looking at the two little divots below the welded tab in this pic, almost looks like something else was also welded there?

The legs being steel instead of aluminum creates all kinds of speculation........need to find somebody else with this exact style pan I think...........
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 17, 2014, 07:04:02 AM
Webers first response

Hi David,

Thank you for your email. I have attached a picture of our 50 years poster and your grill is the second grill on the left. There is a tab on the point of the solid triangle that folds up or down with a hole in it. There is also a hole in the leg. A screw is used to attach the hole to the leg.

If that tab is broken off, you will have to improvise.

Thank you for choosing Weber.

Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: dazzo on September 17, 2014, 07:09:46 AM
Tab on the pan, hmmm.

So, what's that offset piece on the leg?
Title: Re: Utility Shelf Questions
Post by: Idahawk on September 17, 2014, 09:12:18 AM

Quote from: dazzo on September 17, 2014, 07:09:46 AM
Tab on the pan, hmmm.

So, what's that offset piece on the leg?

I sent them the picture of that and asked that very question :)