Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, so please move if necessary.
I've noticed (while searching locally for kettles) that there are certain areas of the country that seem to have a larger population of older Webers. I even read a recent post where a member from Alaska says they're everywhere up there. I'm trying to make sense of this. I'd have thought the southeast US would have tons of them, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Has anyone ever charted kettle sales geographically? Is there a simple explanation why Webers are concentrated in certain areas?
Just a noob trying to get educated....
If I have to point to two locations where you might get the most older kettles, any area within a 300 mile radius of Chicago and the far west, California.
I think when it comes to traditional BBQ the south stuck with barrel and pit BBQs for a long time.