We are compiling some more information for the history page and we are researching when Weber made the two tone red or "red mist" kettles. It is believed that during the 1980s and 1990s, Weber went back and forth with this. This is a red kettle appreciation thread of sorts, what we are looking for are the following: Photos of two tone red kettles, the date code (lid vent photos too please) AND if you OR anyone else here has a kettle from the same year in a non two tone (no fade/solid red) please share it with us here.
Example: An EO code (1995) two tone red kettle and if you OR anyone has an EO code in a non fade. Show those too. As of now, there are no known two tone red kettles made before the 1980s. So for research purposes, this does eliminate red kettles made before 1980. Sad, because MBH reds are my favorite! So, show us your two tones and one tone reds from the 1980s and 1990s!!
1995 EO code Red two tone 22 (converted to GOLD)
Lid Vent
No cheating! ;D Like this frankenkettle. A '79 red with a '95 lid. Though I kind of like this.. It looks like a Brownie and a Red had a hookup. Ok if your gonna cheat, say it's a frankenkettle...
1992 O code MT Non Fade/mist
Anyone have an O code kettle WITH the fade, OR WITHOUT TOO, please share. :D
Not much range in my sample but might help confirm all fades for 99?...
Starting lineup for the Weber 1999 "EE" All-Stars ;)
EE MasterTouch, EE Performer, EE One-Touch:
Ee, Mt, fade
E, ot, solid
F, ot, solid
EO, performer, fade
Just beautiful.
1998 EZ MT...some fade
Is it only 22's you looking for? What about 18's?
18s also!! Any red that was made in a fade or non fade in the same years. I've heard of fade/mist reds as old as 1984-85 and as late as 1999...
For the record: 1999 was the last year of bright red (solid or fade) officially.
"O" Mastertouch and "DO" two tone. I'll get vent pics later.
Don't be shy folks!! Keep em coming!!
I have a red mist EE code MT. No pix but it looks like that's already covered.
Great topic, Craig!
Here is my M code. Hard to tell if it's got a fade or not. May be the lighting.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2672.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2672.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2639.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2639.jpg.html)
My EO code has a fade.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_3149.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_3149.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_1602.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_1602.jpg.html)
Here are the two side-by-side.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2675.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2675.jpg.html)
And my P code 18" does not have a fade.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2477.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2477.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2406.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2406.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2400.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Cookers%20and%20Build%20pics/IMG_2400.jpg.html)
EZ jumbo joe with pronounced fade.
EZ Performer with a nice fade:
Sideways K OT+ (converted to MT) that is hard to call... I will say no fade, but the lid is definitely darker than the bowl:
...plus a Grillfella in a vintage polyester shirt (Peaspurple finds corn-n-tater rings at the thrift store, and all I find are shirts).
Dang, I had a fine example of a Red Mist that I passed on. Memory fails and I don't remember the date code.
The red fade Jumbo Joe is memorizing!... and so is the polyester shirt! :)
Here's a question I've always wondered. Why did Weber even makes fades? We see them on grills as early as the late 50s- early 60's on some Wooddale Chestnut Coppertons, Westerners, and "White Whales". Then through the years with Avacados, Brownies, then into the reds.
Why, why, why??? :)
Quote from: Jeff on August 04, 2014, 11:18:30 AM
Here's a question I've always wondered. Why did Weber even makes fades? We see them on grills as early as the late 50s- early 60's on some Wooddale Chestnut Coppertons, Westerners, and "White Whales". Then through the years with Avacados, Brownies, then into the reds.
Why, why, why??? :)
Imagine for a moment...................a world with only solid colored kettles.......
......or, even just Black kettles..........that's why....... 8)
Here's my 18" L (1989) and my SS Performer N (1991). Unfortunately, neither have a fade... but they're still beauties!
(http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w667/BobBQ13/CAM00632_zpssq1iga0s.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/BobBQ13/media/CAM00632_zpssq1iga0s.jpg.html)
(http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w667/BobBQ13/CAM00634_zpsnvotm5uf.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/BobBQ13/media/CAM00634_zpsnvotm5uf.jpg.html)
(http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w667/BobBQ13/CAM00629_zps8uqzbfvl.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/BobBQ13/media/CAM00629_zps8uqzbfvl.jpg.html)
(http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w667/BobBQ13/CAM00630_zps4u0jpgrs.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/BobBQ13/media/CAM00630_zps4u0jpgrs.jpg.html)
Quote from: Jeff on August 04, 2014, 11:18:30 AM
Here's a question I've always wondered. Why did Weber even makes fades? We see them on grills as early as the late 50s- early 60's on some Wooddale Chestnut Coppertons, Westerners, and "White Whales". Then through the years with Avacados, Brownies, then into the reds.
Why, why, why??? :)
Because they could? And it looks cool? :)
A Chestnut Copperton is on the bucket list... Those are either more "pepperoni" or "Canadian bacon" depending on the amount of misting they did..
I got some pics today.
O Mastertouch - Slight Two Tone
EE SS Performer - Two Tone
18" Single color
EO - Two tone
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 02, 2014, 09:43:32 AM
Not much range in my sample but might help confirm all fades for 99?...
Starting lineup for the Weber 1999 "EE" All-Stars ;)
EE MasterTouch, EE Performer, EE One-Touch:
I love this thread. Just finished cleaning and fixxing a Mastertouch I picked up last week. Pics will be posted today.
Here is my L Code Red Mastertouch I just Finished.
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/r1_zps4fbd8f42.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/r1_zps4fbd8f42.jpg.html)
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/r2_zps8a5665bf.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/r2_zps8a5665bf.jpg.html)
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/r3_zpsc6235581.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/r3_zpsc6235581.jpg.html)
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/r4_zps18550e37.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/r4_zps18550e37.jpg.html)
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/r5_zpsfea8ab66.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/r5_zpsfea8ab66.jpg.html)
(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/Bob_Whitney/rb2_zpsc58fc430.jpg) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/Bob_Whitney/media/rb2_zpsc58fc430.jpg.html)
Still need wood handles and the wheels should be here on Friday.
Sweet reds, everybody!! Keep 'em coming! FedEx, what year is your blue 22?
Quote from: Craig on August 14, 2014, 08:50:15 PM
Sweet reds, everybody!! Keep 'em coming! FedEx, what year is your blue 22?
"E" 1983
Not a two tone, although it may look as such. This is a 1995 red master touch.
P code on this one
Tell me boy, what is the riddle of steel?
G'day, booma from Australia, first post here, stumbled across this post from a friend
I've been trying to find an older weber and the folks happened to find this for me
A 1998 two tone red
(http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f189/378ute/73F3A5B8-57DA-4F55-A4C9-CF090AE94281_zpsx65bbiip.jpg) (http://s47.photobucket.com/user/378ute/media/73F3A5B8-57DA-4F55-A4C9-CF090AE94281_zpsx65bbiip.jpg.html)
(http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f189/378ute/D33D77DE-65F3-4397-A100-56E0999EC4B6_zpszti0u8v4.jpg) (http://s47.photobucket.com/user/378ute/media/D33D77DE-65F3-4397-A100-56E0999EC4B6_zpszti0u8v4.jpg.html)
Yipes, Booma !!!!!
If you had to get one, that would be it !!!
That's pert near perfect, as my Granny used to say.......did the table come along with it? Looks familiar somehow?
Welcome here !!! Way to make an entrance ....... ;D ;D ;D
your Booma handle seems familiar too......from way back on Smoke Ring? (or am I just dreamin' stuff up ?)
Haha Yep the same booma, forgot about that forum,on so many bbq ones that I lose track of them all haha.
The table was a seperate purchase from a weber collector, think he has a dozen or so vintage webers
The owner can only remember cooking Xmas lunch on it 3-4 times and then it's been in storage for the last 7 years I think
Welcome along, mate !!!
Throw in a thing in the "Introduce Yourself" section too, if you'd like.....great to have another from the Magical Land of OZ !!!!
What end of the island are you, I forget?
Will do, melbourne, Victoria, South East
Will get some pics up asap. Until then-
Been flat out with work but couldn't help myself tonight, got another redhead
(http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f189/378ute/7A5C5361-8BE8-48A1-BAAE-1B84D70D1495_zpsh9wybs4g.jpg) (http://s47.photobucket.com/user/378ute/media/7A5C5361-8BE8-48A1-BAAE-1B84D70D1495_zpsh9wybs4g.jpg.html)
Sweet reds!
EZ Code (1998) Red Mist Two Tone SSP