For about the last week, I can view the main page but when I click on the forums the pages lock up. Troubleshooting and found if I turn off JavaScript in Ipad settings then I can view the forums. There are also a few other websites that this happens with, YouTube being the only one I can remember. Is this my only solution (turning JavaScript on/off as needed)? I am not very techie, probably just enough to get me in trouble, and was hoping there might be an easy answer.
i guess I should have tested the site before selling my ipad.
site works great on my android tablet. I'll see if i can find someone with an ipad to test the site again.
I don't really mind now that I figured out a fairly easy way to get around it. It was kind of frustrating for the week or so I couldn't view the forums at all (not knowing where the problem was and repeatedly trying the same thing hoping it was going to change).
could it be possibly related to the ios7 update?
I'm using an iPad as we speak. No issues from here so far. Not sure what OS release I'm using, but I have a notice to download 7.1.1
I use tapatalk on my Ipad, no issues so far.
I don't remember updating IOS but maybe someone else in the house did. I don't know where to find when it was updated to see if it was in same time frame of problems but it is currently running IOS 7.1.1.
I've had an issue on my iPad mini.