Found this gem today( kudos to JCNAZ)

Started by AZ_MIKEY, March 16, 2014, 12:54:39 PM

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Okay so JCNAZ and me met for a little trade yesterday and we get to talking grillfella stuff and he gave me the inside scoop on a store that has some of the one touch platinums as floor models. So I say to myself I have never seen those in person I want to go see some. Me the girlfriend out running around town. Other plans got cancled and we end up in the area of the valley of the store JC mentioned. I twist her arm and we go in.  I get a good look at the one touch platinums decide they are nice. They have 2 black colored kettles and one in maroon, all of them marked down. Orginal price $249 and on sale for 22% off. Then low and behold what do I see but and older green performer.

Sadly no sell on this one and I didn't purchase it.:'(

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Looking for--- a yellow mbh any size, sequoia ( I know I am dreaming), avocado any size, brownie any size.


Also wad abke to pic this up whike at that store.

Any body ever use this type of lump coal.

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Looking for--- a yellow mbh any size, sequoia ( I know I am dreaming), avocado any size, brownie any size.


22% off the OTPs but nuthin' off of the Performer? It is beautiful!
A bunch of black kettles


Amazing, the Performer is 5 yrs old and they still have it!
I would find the manager and make an offer.
Its costing them money by just sitting there..  8)

I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Our Ace HW is selling their floor models.   75.00 off a WSM 22.5 .  Not quite as good as 22% off. 

I like the Green enamel.  :D

SSP '00-WSM 18.5-WSM 22.0-'90 MT-Hasty Bake Cado