The NIB 1992 SS Performer: the unbox...

Started by tattooedant, September 25, 2013, 09:51:22 AM

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Very cool pickup Tattoo and it looks great with your gasser... a little time warp action going on! That original cover is badass too.
Uncommon sense seeker


The "Performer" cover is the bees knees.  The SS looks awesome.  I'm thinking I need a new Manchester tank as well as mine is date stamped "97" so I don't think anyone will fill it.  I'd like to get an exact replacement so please post whatever you find out from Manchester.
That genesis is also a looker.  Nice job on that. 
WTB 18 fruit

Weber MD

That's great.  Where did you find a 1992 SS Performer still in the box? I have the new green Performer but admit that yours is stunning.


Quote from: MartyG on September 25, 2013, 10:11:09 AM
BTW, interesting bail on the tank. Can you show us how that is fitted to the bracket under the SS lid? My original tank did not have that feature.

Here's the shot looking down into the bracket. Does anyone know if Manchester made these tanks specifically for the performer? It's a really cool simple  idea to give the tank a handle to lift it out of the frame. Once I slid the tank in, the handle just folded down out of the way.

handle up

handle down

it looks like it'd be a real easy thing to make with a vice and some steel wire. I can take measurements if you want to make one.
NYC Kettle Hunter (where <30 min drives do not exist)


Nice! Might have to try that, but my tank doesn't have the flat on the back. Wish it did.


Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 25, 2013, 11:21:17 AM
  I get original tanks like that filled all the time, and the guy who filled mine the other day confirmed that they all have the OPD feature.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.  Yeah, they all have the OPD valves ~ now.  Not in 92'-93'
Still, if it were mine, I'd absolutely try and get it filled.  I'm certain my local lumber yard would hook me up with it.

Tatoo ----- thanks for all the pics.  The charcoal and the included cover are simply amazing!  I'm in the need of a cover, so if you wanna sell the other one for fiddy bucks shipped, I'll take it.  (That's what getting one from Weber would cost)
I've always had gas...  And now a bunch of kettles because of this place.  Thanks!


If it breathes, we can cook it!


This is so awesome! Great score! I know most of us have great looking SS performers but this absolutely pristine! So cool to see it from the beginning. Congrats again!
MH Copper mist, Daisy Wheel P, Homer Simpson OTG, Blue 18, Blue Mastertouch, SJS, Genesis Sliver B, Red 18 Bar-b-q-kettle Pat Pending, Copper performer


            I'm not a gasser head at all.....BUT those two sitting together way makes it, man !!!!

                                                     They're dang well perfect !!!!

                                   This is a Kettle Club doubt about it !!!!

"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


Quote from: Bman on September 25, 2013, 05:20:10 PM
Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 25, 2013, 11:21:17 AM
  I get original tanks like that filled all the time, and the guy who filled mine the other day confirmed that they all have the OPD feature.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.  Yeah, they all have the OPD valves ~ now.  Not in 92'-93'
Still, if it were mine, I'd absolutely try and get it filled.  I'm certain my local lumber yard would hook me up with it.

Good point.  I think the tanks I got filled were all 1995 or later.  Sorry if I'm misleading anyone.
One of the charcoal people.


Gorgeous!! I didn't know they showed a red one on the main box art. Very nice find!  8)


Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......



Ted B

Yep, my new grail is a NIB ss performer.  I don't care about color just need to have that experience.  So incredibly awesome!! Congrats.

As far as the tank goes, I had a problem getting mine done.  It had to be re-certified but they would only do it if it was used for work purposes only.  So...I told them its for the shop at work, like sweating pipes etc. and they re-certed it and fill it.  If they know its for a grill around here they won't fill it. 


I am having a bitch of a time getting this tank recertified. No one around here will even touch it. Thing is clearly stamped 1992. so everyone I spoke to said they can't do anything on a tank older than 12 years. There was this one shady welding guy who said he could do it "this one time"...

I called Manchester, and customer service over there said the replacement tank for the Weber grills is sold at ACE Hardware, the part # is 10054 for the new style and #10052.3 for the quick disconnect. I asked if the tank had a flat back on the top and she said yes, both have the flat back.

Here's the link, but it is $55. Of course to save money I'd have it shipped to the store, but at this point, its looking like I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and buy a new tank if I want to use the 5lber. Unfortunately the picture of the tank doesn't show the flat back.

Another option is that  I have the adapter to refill 1lb tanks from a 20lb, but I don't know if you can do it the other way around. I would have to put the 5lb in the refrigerator overnight to get it really cold and hook up a room temperature 1lb tank. The difference in temperature pulls the LP out of the warmer tank into the colder tank. Works great with a 20lb tank into a cold 1lb. Anyone ever try it backwards and can you do multiple tanks?
NYC Kettle Hunter (where <30 min drives do not exist)