Another true grillfella comes through #2

Started by zavod44, September 07, 2013, 04:04:53 PM

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I got the heads up from Thin Blue Smoke yesterday that a 26 was right near me for $50...Well who could pass up a 26 for $50.  I'm not sure there is anything wrong at all with this grill.....

Thanks to TBL......
Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


That's a helluva price for a 26!! Nice teamwork!

Thin Blue Smoke

Sweet! I am glad that worked out and I could help get that into good hands.


bob hope

Because Here we are Friends. Here we are Brothers.
A family in the name of Weber.


Sweet! Good work guys. I am keeping my eyes peeled for a 26 myself. ;)
A bunch of black kettles


Good job guys! I got a minty one recently off of CL recently too, but I had to fork out $125. Great score you got there, Brian!

Marty came through for me the other day and sent me a NIB condiment holder for a very reasonable price. I hope the members of this club continue to look out for one another well into the future. It is one of the things that makes this forum so special.


That is a GREAT score.  A 26" is one thing, but great condition AND a screaming price tag?  Awesome...
If a 26'er ever pops up on the DC Craigslist, it's going to be a frenzy.  Especially if it's red.  ;D
I've always had gas...  And now a bunch of kettles because of this place.  Thanks!


Fantastic!  I felt fortunate to find mine for 50, but you deal is sweeter.  No handle to bend!


Quote from: Thin Blue Smoke on September 07, 2013, 04:33:15 PM
Sweet! I am glad that worked out and I could help get that into good hands.

Thanks TBS, for demonstrating the WKC community spirit!


Great work, Grillfellas!

(and Bman, if you need help securing your 26, I hope you'll text me!)
One of the charcoal people.



Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......

Weber MD


This is how it works! Great ind and an outstanding price.