OneGrill Heavy Duty(HD) Rotisserie Motor

Started by MANCHAS2020, September 01, 2020, 06:53:05 AM

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Recently purchased the Cajun Bandit Battery Operated Rotisserie Kit with the thought of now purchasing the OneGrill HD Motor that costa around $150 in order to spin a 20lb turkey during the upcoming Thanksgiving Day.

I will appreciate hearing pro/con comments form those WKC Members that are "spinning" with one of these HD Rotisserie Motors.


Quote from: MANCHAS2020 on September 01, 2020, 06:53:05 AM
Recently purchased the Cajun Bandit Battery Operated Rotisserie Kit with the thought of now purchasing the OneGrill HD Motor that costa around $150 in order to spin a 20lb turkey during the upcoming Thanksgiving Day.

I will appreciate hearing pro/con comments form those WKC Members that are "spinning" with one of these HD Rotisserie Motors.
I don't own HD OneGrill motor, but do have the electric 13w (120v) motor. It spins a turkey without issues.

Above model is rated for 50lbs balanced and 30lbs unbalanced.


Spun a 13 lb turkey last Thanksgiving using the same onegrill battery operated motor you have.  It did just fine!

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club
"The Fairway" '74, 22" Turquose, 18" Red C code, 18" Blue DU code x2, Gen 2 Grass Green Performer, 26" Glen Blue, Spring Green, "Bone", Turquose, Blue Wave, Wedgewood Blue, "Smoke", Crimson and Homer SJGs.  14" and 18" WSM



I use the motor that came with my Weber brand rotisserie.  It is stamped Weber on the front plastic cover of the motor but is stamped Taiwan on the back metal case.  I purchased the rotisserie ring and motor used about 5 years ago.  The motor probably has over 100 hours of use on it now by me.  I spin several turkeys each year.  On Thanksgiving I always spin a 20 lb or larger bird.   The motor is rated to loads up to 20 lbs but I spun a 24 lb bird a couple of years back.  It handled it no problem.

Your Cajun Bandit motor will handle spinning a 20 lb turkey no problem  Once you spit the turkey, the most important thing is to test spin your bird on the rotisserie prior to adding lit charcoal.  That way you can adjust the bird if it is to far out of balance. Heavily unbalance loads will burn out rotisserie motors.

The One Grill HD rotisserie motor is designed for loads up to 85 lbs.  It is more for spinning a whole lamb, pig or side of beef.  IMHO, it is not needed for a 20 lb turkey.   If it gives you piece of mind having and using the One Grill motor, go for it.

This was last years Thanksgiving turkey (19.25 lbs).  Note the charcoal basket placements with the turkey somewhat offset.  It puts the legs and thighs closer to the heat and the breast meat further away from direct heat.  Helps keep the breast meat from drying out.

"Chasing Classic Kettles"


Quote from: Cellar2ful on September 01, 2020, 03:21:55 PM

I use the motor that came with my Weber brand rotisserie.  It is stamped Weber on the front plastic cover of the motor but is stamped Taiwan on the back metal case.  I purchased the rotisserie ring and motor used about 5 years ago.  The motor probably has over 100 hours of use on it now by me.  I spin several turkeys each year.  On Thanksgiving I always spin a 20 lb or larger bird.   The motor is rated to loads up to 20 lbs but I spun a 24 lb bird a couple of years back.  It handled it no problem.

Your Cajun Bandit motor will handle spinning a 20 lb turkey no problem  Once you spit the turkey, the most important thing is to test spin your bird on the rotisserie prior to adding lit charcoal.  That way you can adjust the bird if it is to far out of balance. Heavily unbalance loads will burn out rotisserie motors.

The One Grill HD rotisserie motor is designed for loads up to 85 lbs.  It is more for spinning a whole lamb, pig or side of beef.  IMHO, it is not needed for a 20 lb turkey.   If it gives you piece of mind having and using the One Grill motor, go for it.

This was last years Thanksgiving turkey (19.25 lbs).  Note the charcoal basket placements with the turkey somewhat offset.  It puts the legs and thighs closer to the heat and the breast meat further away from direct heat.  Helps keep the breast meat from drying out.

In your provided photo I quite can's see where you placed the charcoal baskets.  I assume they are on both sides of the turkey with the drip tray in the middle?? 

Also, how much charcoal Briquettes or Lump did you start with and every hour how many lit or unlit charcoal Briquettes or Lump did you add??  Thanx for your reply!

You and the other Forum Members are right-on with your comments regarding the Heavy and Costly Motor and I now think it is OverKill Thinking on my part.  Thanx to all that have replied to this subject.


Here is a thread from 2018 with better photos of the charcoal basket placement.  The third comment in the thread I cover how many briquettes to start with and how many briquettes to add each hour.
"Chasing Classic Kettles"


Quote from: Cellar2ful on September 03, 2020, 10:00:53 AM

Here is a thread from 2018 with better photos of the charcoal basket placement.  The third comment in the thread I cover how many briquettes to start with and how many briquettes to add each hour.
Your photo really is outstanding and thanx for your quick reply!


With respect its balance, not weight that is the major problem. Not sure with your unit (I have the a/c one) but the C/B rotisserie comes with a sliding, rotating adjustable weight for just that reason.
Put the bird on as closely balanced as you can & slide & rotate the weight to make it as balanced as possible.


Quote from: Stoneage on September 03, 2020, 11:08:40 AM
With respect its balance, not weight that is the major problem. Not sure with your unit (I have the a/c one) but the C/B rotisserie comes with a sliding, rotating adjustable weight for just that reason.
Put the bird on as closely balanced as you can & slide & rotate the weight to make it as balanced as possible.

I have the CB Battery Operated motor with AC Adapter and thanx for your good advice.


Quote from: MANCHAS2020 on September 03, 2020, 12:23:18 PM
Quote from: Stoneage on September 03, 2020, 11:08:40 AM
With respect its balance, not weight that is the major problem. Not sure with your unit (I have the a/c one) but the C/B rotisserie comes with a sliding, rotating adjustable weight for just that reason.
Put the bird on as closely balanced as you can & slide & rotate the weight to make it as balanced as possible.

I have the CB Battery Operated motor with AC Adapter and thanx for your good advice.
Thanx for your advice!