Preferences in a Wireless Thermometer?

Started by ventana, March 12, 2020, 04:21:18 PM

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Looking into purchasing a wireless thermometer set up for my First Gen Performer.  Does anyone have a preference? Would like up to 6 leads.  Will be used for both smoking and searing.  Who here has one and is pleased with its performance.  Thanks in advance for your responses.

Have Fun;


6 leads will limit your choices. I like the 2 lead smoke. They just came out with a 4 lead smokex + 1 fan port.

Much better battery life than the signals.

It doesn't have WiFi, but it wouldn't surprise me if the came out with a gateway similar to what they have for the smoke.

I also have and really like the MEATER. It has 4 probes with dual thermometers. That might suit your needs with 4 meat temps and 4 ambient.


Agreed, needing 6 probe ports will limit your choices.  I've been researching the FireBoard Labs temp/control unit and it looks pretty cool.  6 probe ability, cloud connected, variable speed fan control if you plan on using a stoker and a nice app that keeps tabs on your cooks with temp and fan speed data with history.  Also, it appears that FireBoard is a US company in Kansas City, MO and have started manufacturing their own printed circuit boards here in the US.  I'd salute that move and support them going forward.  Will probably be my next thermometer purchase when it's time.

Another option is much cheaper, has 6 probe ability and connects to your smartphone via bluetooth....  It's the InkBird IBT-6x which can be had for around $50.  I actually have this one and have used it once.  It's ok if all you need is live data and you're going to be around the house within bluetooth range.  No stoker fan control option for this one, but again it's budget friendly.  Appears to be a Chinese company and the product support is lacking.

The unit I've used the most is my Maverick XR-50 which is a 4 probe unit, no app, but it comes with two units - one by the grill with full functionality and display and one remote unit which shows all 4 probe's stats and will alarm when temps are out of your set parameters.  I like this unit because I can carry around the remote and get an instant update with a glance.....

Many folk here and elsewhere like a unit called "Smoke".  I have no experience with that one but seems to be present in a lot of videos I've seen.

Best of luck and hope this helps!


BamaKettles and Chapin;  Appreciate your input.  I will investigate all of those options.
Interesting point on the Made in the USA printed circuit board. My partner recently got some bids for having a security camera system installed in a 120 unit apartment complex she manages.  One of the companies that submitted the highest bid told her all they spec are U.S. built components as all of the Chinese components that they have tested come with a spyware function that is masked but can be implemented wirelessly if you have the passcode. Big brother may not be watching but Big Chang certainly wants to. 


Thermoworks is the best quality out there. I have the smoke (2 probes ) for going on 3 years now with zero issues and upgraded to the smoke x4 this week (4 probes ) . The smoke x receiver has a line of sight range that's over a mile . I also have the maverick xr50 (4 probes ) and it's decent . Only down side with it is the probes are shorter. One big advantage of having the Thermoworks is all the different style probes you can buy. They even sell waterproof sous vide probes .

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Looking at the new Smoke x4 as recommended by sonofabutcher it looks like it also will control a stoker, so that looks like a very good option!



One thing I didn't mention about the thermoworks (Smoke and I presume SmokeX, and Signals) is that the probes are hands down the nicest of any that I have used.  They are durable and have not stopped working due to being washed.  Stoker and iGrill probes died pretty early after getting wet being washed.  For the most part not fully submerged even.

The units that have less nice probes that I have owned include: Stoker, iGrill, & Maverick.


    Thank you all for your input.  I have shopped this one to death and decided on the Fireboard FBx11. Purchased the basic thermometer that comes with two probes and a grill probe but is expandable to six food probes.  Also purchased two short probes since I am planning on doing ribs and fish in the future.  My decision to go with the Fireboard came down to the following.
1) They posted the level of accuracy of their probes and product.  If you want it evaluated and certified by an outside lab you could pay for that, $50 extra.  An instrument manufacturing company that was the slightest bit unsure as to the accuracy of their product would not offer that service.
2) They are here in the Midwest (KC) and only a phone call away if I need support.
3) The basic unit is expandable and additional probes are priced from $15 - $17. The specifically tout their probes as robust and durable.
4) I can live with the cloud connection as opposed to a direct wireless connection to my phone.
I intend to do my first brisket next week after the red oak arrives.  I will post back here on how the Fireboard performs.  I am hoping for an above average result.
Have Fun;


It's a great looking unit!

5) can power a fan down the road if you want it to.


Very cool, can't wait to hear your feedback on the unit.  Cloud is one thing I'd love to have - leaving to go to the store and being able to monitor/control while away would be amazing IMO.

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I really like my Thermoworks smoke and some x4. Top notch quality.

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