SnS Charcoal Basket - Back in Stainless!

Started by 56MPG, March 11, 2020, 02:04:28 PM

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I like using the SnS charcoal basket in my 22.5, despite that it's technically designed for the 18.5. (That's a bonus by the way.) Add the EZ Spin SS grate and a couple fire bricks as a heat shield, and it's as good as it gets. (Well, if you don't have a Marty basket that is.) Plenty of charcoal capacity for most everything I cook. Anything longer and I'll use the 26er or the smoker. Now that it's back in stainless, I might just have to buy another one, and I'm Marty for pete's sake!

Available now while supplies last:



Ordered one today for my '73 18.5 Easterner....

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Scott Zee

I have the original run SS and it's a must for anyone running a 18.5. It rarely leaves my current cooker. And if I remember correctly,  the orig. price on the original SS was quite a bit higher than the $39.95 of this version.

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drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke    8)
It's not just a grill, it's a WEBER


I almost choked on my coffee when @56MPG said he may buy another one
Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


Quote from: Scott Zee on March 11, 2020, 08:52:01 PM
I have the original run SS and it's a must for anyone running a 18.5. It rarely leaves my current cooker. And if I remember correctly,  the orig. price on the original SS was quite a bit higher than the $39.95 of this version.
+1, this is a great accessory and the original SS basket was $55+ shipping. 


Quote from: JEBIV on March 12, 2020, 03:17:37 AM
I almost choked on my coffee when @56MPG said he may buy another one

It's OK if you cheat on yourself.  ;)  And yes, I did order one, but I already have a mod in mind...

Foster Dahlet

I like my Kettles like my coffee....strong and black.

2019 Black 26" OKP; 2015 Black 22" OKP; 2004 Black SJP; mid 70's Statesman; mid 70's Gourmet, 2017 Black CGA; 2000 Black GGA;


I don't have an Outrider close by, but if there is more than 3 3/8" between the grates, the answer is yes.


   Got two when they first came out, and yes they do fit the outrider. Killa Grilla makes a flip up grate for the outrider which is a must have.

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Radio station WEFUNK 50,000 kilowatts of PFUNK power.

Foster Dahlet

thank you @56MPG and @Filibuster .  I am grateful.  ordered one.
I like my Kettles like my coffee....strong and black.

2019 Black 26" OKP; 2015 Black 22" OKP; 2004 Black SJP; mid 70's Statesman; mid 70's Gourmet, 2017 Black CGA; 2000 Black GGA;


I also just ordered one.  Looked into getting one quite awhile back when they were still available but no longer were making S.S. versions. Was told they wouldn't be putting out a stainless version again so I didn't order one.  Glad I held off and glad they changed their mind!

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"The Fairway" '74, 22" Turquose, 18" Red C code, 18" Blue DU code x2, Gen 2 Grass Green Performer, 26" Glen Blue, Spring Green, "Bone", Turquose, Blue Wave, Wedgewood Blue, "Smoke", Crimson and Homer SJGs.  14" and 18" WSM



Looks good in the 73 Easterner....

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Mike in Roseville

That can't be 304 SS??

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IDK, but very shiny..... time will tell.  My 2.0 has rust on it and the rivets are rusting.

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My prediction is China cheap...

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