pics of my 56 ash pan and bottom bowl.

Started by zorknards2, June 12, 2013, 12:08:25 PM

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HER ARE SOME PICS OF MY 56 THAT I'm in process of cleaning need some advise on welding one socket to fix a hole on the side

i almost have all my grails but waiting for that yellow to miraculously appear maybe in ny.


Thanks for sharing these! I haven't seen that design on the leg sockets before. 0000 Steel wool should work wonders on the porcelain and the vents. Mother's Mag works great for cleaning the legs and pans. As for the socket, I defer to socket experts in the group. It's really interesting how Weber did the early ash triangles.

Big B


Welding a leg socket is very easy to do.....I, I always have my mechanic buddy weld them for me. I would suggest welding from the inside, but it can be done on the outside if your good....Make sure you get the spot to be welded, down to metal and weld away... a little at a time so as not get the surrounding porcelain to hot. It's an easy fix if you or someone you know is good at welding
I wish I had some before pictures, but I had to get all three sockets welded on this great now
Just have fun with it

Hope this helps

Wood Worker by day, Wood night!


Thanks again Zork, those pictures explain a lot. Any idea what gauge the metal is?


"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


duke I don't know the gauge of it don't have the tool to check all I know is it feels like a tank compared to my newer 22.5. will see if a buddy has the tool I can use.

1buckie what do you mean is this where the bowl is going?
I dissasembled it and I'm in the process of cleaning and fixing the dents and will have more pics when it is all cleaned up and shiny
i almost have all my grails but waiting for that yellow to miraculously appear maybe in ny.


Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant the ash pan. Is it thick like it would be difficult to just bend by hand or is it thick like the bowl?


"1buckie what do you mean is this where the bowl is going?
I dissasembled it and I'm in the process of cleaning and fixing the dents and will have more pics when it is all cleaned up and shiny"

Sorry, that question was aimed at Duke...I sent him a bowl for aproject....should have been more specific..... :-[
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


no problem I checked the pan looks thinner then the bowl but I can't bend it with my hand all the sides on at are just 90 bends with NO double folds for extra strength or support
i almost have all my grails but waiting for that yellow to miraculously appear maybe in ny.


zorknards, really appreciate the pics & the care you're taking in this.....a very importanmt piece of history....I was 1 yr. old when this thing was built !!!

That ashpan looks still pretty stout, even if not as thick as the kettle material.....
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


thank you my boss won't stop bugging me about selling it to him. I told him no its way to cool to sell and where would I get anothe r one lol. I am trying to only use original parts and not by anythi g for it. such as taking a lll the screws to a wire wheel and even re using the caps on the wheels.
i almost have all my grails but waiting for that yellow to miraculously appear maybe in ny.


Thanks again Zork, please have your boss join us. :)


Yeah zork, you know not to let go of this once you have it!

Personally, I really like the idea of not putting any part on it unless you can verify them as original. 


I've got to believe that not only is the kettle itself probably heavier than newer ones, but this leg sockets look like mini tanks compared to even the 60s kettles. Zorknards.... Please do a "show and shine" on this beauty when you get 'er all put back together. :D

Have you cooked on it since you've had it? How hot does that metal lid handle get?


I have used it a coupl e times and boy did I burn my hand the first time not thinking lol
i almost have all my grails but waiting for that yellow to miraculously appear maybe in ny.