St Louis Weber Grill restaurant visit

Started by Brain_STL, August 31, 2018, 11:19:51 AM

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Every time I went to the Weber Grill in St Louis it always bugged me that the first kettle on display, an 18" Fireplace Barbecue Kettle, did not have a handle so I picked up a double rivet handle from Brian at the Chicago Meet Up. I was finally able to swing by there for lunch today and after a yummy brisket sandwich I located the manager to get permission to handle the lid and was able to do a little RRR to it. This display is to the right of the hostess counter after you walk into the front door.

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Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


Very cool my friend

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I like how you 'handled' the situation, props!

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Nice Job!!! That should be worth a free meal!


Radio station WEFUNK 50,000 kilowatts of PFUNK power.


Awesome Brian!!!  I'm glad they let you do that!

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"The Fairway" '74, 22" Turquose, 18" Red C code, 18" Blue DU code x2, Gen 2 Grass Green Performer, 26" Glen Blue, Spring Green, "Bone", Turquose, Blue Wave, Wedgewood Blue, "Smoke", Crimson and Homer SJGs.  14" and 18" WSM



I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Thanks fella's! I made sure to do it on my way out of the door so nothing was gained. Now it looks like it should...but with a beautiful zavod handle!

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Thanks Brian! That's super cool! We all thank you from ! The best handles on the planet made by ZAVOD44!!

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Grill on! and Go CUBBIES!!!


That is awesome - I like your style Brain_STL

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