New grate for the Smokey Joe arrived.

Started by dbhost, July 06, 2018, 08:09:51 PM

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The condition of the cooking grate on my little Smokey Joe was to the point where I just didn't want to cook on it anymore. I was a bit surprised going into Walmart Lowe's and Home Depot to not find replacement cooking grates for this particular Grill although replacement charcoal grates are plentiful.

I was going to order a replacement on Amazon but the only ship is part of the add-on program and I didn't really need $25 of additional stuff just to get my cooking grate. I found that Home Depot would do free ship-to-store and my horses Home Depot Stars about a mile and a half away from the house so I did a simple ship-to-store from Home Depot it took a couple of days but my cooking grate is now in and replaced. It's going to be nice to have a non Rusty cooking surface to work with on this little Kettle again. I can't wait to take this one to the beach grow up some dogs and bratwurst with the wife and just have a good ol time of it
3 Kettles. 1998 Daisy Wheel 22.5, 2010 Smokey Joe Silver 14, 2018 Jumbo Joe Premium 22.5.