Kingsford Limited Edition Cherry in stock....

Started by GoAnywhereJeep, April 12, 2018, 02:57:51 PM

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Looks like Kingsford Limited Edition Cheery is back on the market. I have never seen it before but as of today or yesterday, my local supermarket has it on the shelf.

I've used the Kingsford Mesquite and Apple briquettes before but never the Cherry.  Not sure the Cheery is worth $13.99 for the 14# bag when the others on the shelf are $9.99 for the same 14# bag. And even that is not cheap.

Still, I might end up grabbing a bag to try out.
YouTube channels: GringoBBQ & RubiconFI


Got some last year and liked it. Didn't pay over $10 for it at Walmart

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


I'll wait and see if it goes down to $9.99 then I'll try a couple of bags. Maybe I'll mix it up with some cherry and apple like i do with wood chunks and regular briquettes anyway.
YouTube channels: GringoBBQ & RubiconFI