Grabbed 26 inch at my local yard sale

Started by hangyu82, October 06, 2017, 12:52:24 PM

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Damn good find!!! Killer price

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Quote from: KettleKing on October 06, 2017, 08:26:33 PM
Any know how much extra fuel is burned on a 26 vs a 22?

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If I'm cooking say chicken on my 26 I usually still start out with a full chimney full of coal and use the Weber charcoal holders and put half on each side and chicken down the middle and do the same on the 22 when I'm done I close all the vents and snuff out the coals I usually still have coal left on both but it's definitely burned down more on the 26" maybe by a 1/3 but I can put twice as much chicken on the 26" as on the 22" so if I didn't use the 26 I'd have to use 2 -22" grills to cook the same amount and then I'd be starting with 2 full chimneys that's cooking with all vents wide open others may have different results with different methods

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I'd agree with northwestkettle on fuel consumption. It uses a little more but not by a lot and you have the capacity to cook the whole meal including sides.
Most meals that I use the 26" for would require 2 22's and that would be less efficient as he pointed out.

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Thank you all!  I was very fortunate to find this.  Learning a lot through this forum.  Bought a bag of hickory and cherry wood chunks today.  My goal is to do a brisket one day 😀

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