GrillEye - Anyone tried this thermo?

Started by MikeRocksTheRed, July 05, 2017, 08:21:18 AM

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Has anyone tried the GrillEye thermo?  It allows up to 6 probes at a time, and apparently the iGrill probes work with it.  Just curious.  Looks pretty cool.

GrillEye Amazon Link

GrillEye Website

62-68 Avocado BAR-B-Q Kettle, Red ER SS Performer, Green DA SS Performer, Black EE three wheeler, 1 SJS, 1 Homer Simpson SJS,  AT Black 26er, 82 Kettle Gasser Deluxe, "A" code 18.5 MBH, M Code Tuck-n-Carry, P Code Go Anywhere, 2015 RANCH FREAKING KETTLE!!!!!!


@Lemans -  Saw a pic of a Ranch Kettle you posted with a GrillEye sitting next to it.  Is that yours?  If so, how are you liking the GrillEye?
62-68 Avocado BAR-B-Q Kettle, Red ER SS Performer, Green DA SS Performer, Black EE three wheeler, 1 SJS, 1 Homer Simpson SJS,  AT Black 26er, 82 Kettle Gasser Deluxe, "A" code 18.5 MBH, M Code Tuck-n-Carry, P Code Go Anywhere, 2015 RANCH FREAKING KETTLE!!!!!!


Great love it. Easy to setup great iPhone interface ( has droid too)
Lots of programable functions
So much better than my 732maverick

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app
I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!


Big Dawg

That would replace all three of my Mavericks ! ! !

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna

Mark Schnell

Dang, it has all five star reviews on Amazon, and most of them are verified purchases. How have I not seen this thing yet?


(i dont own it but...)it's 89.99 on Amazon with 2 probes included, space for 6, apple and Android interfacing, additional probes are 15-19. I grill 2, 99.99 with 2 probes, Apple and Android interface, 4 probe access, each additional probe is 19. the igrill 2 with a 4 pack of probes is 130. could have 6 probes for about the same price. and it doesn't seem to have the connection issues the igrill sometimes has. once I habe some funds I'm probably gonna pick one up


Think I saw it on BBQ Pit Boys.  Cool looking unit.
OKP Crimson, 22" H Code Brownie, SJS Lime, 22" CB Stacker, Red Q2200, Performer Deluxe CB slate blue

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"  H. Simpson


I sent an email to Malcom Reed after he posted the review on the GrillEye. He liked it and his one complaint was he felt the 2 probes that come with it are a little too large. From the email it seemed like he prefers his Thermoworks Smoke. I think this device can use Thermoworks probes. I sent the email because I was dead set on the Smoke and this review had me considering the GrillEye.


I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!



That grill of yours is such a beast. It must be a blast to cook on!

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


My DeathStar. Is awesome paid $100 for it 2006 model

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app
I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!


Yeah the prob Head are a little bulky. But very useable

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!


Everyone still happy with this? Anyone else tried the Grilleye?

I got a gift certificate for a retailer that carries this. Thinking about grabbing one.
Seeking: 26 rotisserie