**Off-Road Shorty Midget - WSM???**

Started by swamprb, March 31, 2017, 04:37:09 PM

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Yeah- ol' swamprb jumps headfirst into the Shorty Midget Mod. Never thought I would go there, but what the hell - here we go!

My nephew has been smoking on an old No Date Coded 18" WSM that I rescued many years ago from some ashholes that used  it for a firepit!

I had RRR'd it and added a WSM thermo & bezel a Cajun Bandit door and did the "prop mod" and used it for Hot 'n Fast cooks.

Over the holidaze he mentioned that the bowl had rusted out and Santa was bringing him a shiny new 22" WSM.

It was time and the family is growing, he is cooking a lot more and the 22" WSM will be a welcome change, but he still wanted something portable AND something extra around the house.

So the plan began! My first choice was to use a SJP, but I realized that the cook grates for them are specific to them with the molded holder and the 18" WSM or kettle grates are useless - we all know that - right??

Plan B: I had an 18" Silver "AH" from a fellow comp cook (Thanks Diane!) that gets the call! Salvaged two pair of wheels and went Dually on this baby! I wanted a gap between the wheels and a brace between the rear legs and the A-frame - so I cut some clear tubing to do the job.

Wanting this to be a multi-use cooker, no parts go to waste, so I get the trusty 'ol China Freight 3" Cut-off wheel of Doom and go to town on the WSM bowl to make the "soon to be patented swamprb lid flange"!!

Used some FireBlack adhesive gasket and some RTV silicone from BBQGaskets.com(food safe) and a tube gasket for a tight seal for the flange to use the kettle lid on the WSM center.

Go BIG or stay on the deck! Kettle lid versatility.

WSM lid with "flange" removed. Door inverted for High Temp cooking - Hot 'n Fast baby!

So there you have it! I'll leave it up to Sean if he wants to add an ash can assembly (my recommendation) or not?

Extreme RRR is my game!  Moving right along.....stay tuned!
I cook on: Backwoods Gater, Lang 36, Hunsaker Smokers, Pellet Pro 22" WSM, BGE's, WSM's, Cajun Bandits, PK Grills, Drum Smokers, Genesis Silver C, Weber Q's, Cookshack 008, Little Chief, La Caja China #2, Lodge Sportsman...oh yeah! Weber Kettles! Kamado restoration and pit modification hack!

pbe gummi bear

"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


Looking for Blue Mastertouch or Blue Performer. 

Currently have: Performer (Green); 22.5 Mastertouch (Red); 26.75 OTG;  22.5 WSM; 18.5 WSM; Jumbo Joe; SJS (Green Uline); SJG (used for Mini WSM); Blue SS Performer; Blue MBH; Summit


Nice work! That shorty looks great. Like the spacer between the wheels  idea.


I cook on: Backwoods Gater, Lang 36, Hunsaker Smokers, Pellet Pro 22" WSM, BGE's, WSM's, Cajun Bandits, PK Grills, Drum Smokers, Genesis Silver C, Weber Q's, Cookshack 008, Little Chief, La Caja China #2, Lodge Sportsman...oh yeah! Weber Kettles! Kamado restoration and pit modification hack!


Fantastic!!! I think it looks great. Nice work

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johnny 2 shack

fascinating mod , a smoker/cooker hmm .


That is AWESOME!!!!
Make one radio controlled with power wheels!!


Jesus. That shit is crazy.  Like the mad scientist of the kettle world. 

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Smokey Joe Black, Smokey Joe Lime Green, Original Kettle Premium Black,'92 Red OTS, Yellow Simpson's 22, 78 Red MBH, '80 Black MBH, '10 Brick Red Performer,'12 Grass Green Performer, '03 Blue SSP, '97 Blue SSP, 18 inch WSM


WGA, Uline Green SJ, '95 Red M/T, '88 Red 18", '01 Plum SSP, Patent Pending Yellow


"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


Awesome man!
There are no words...

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I love it and Troys idea of an RC kettle is awesome.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


Great pics! Cool version of a mobile smoker.

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Wife said I better not get another grill or she'll leave me. I sure am gonna miss her. 🃏


When I first started reading this, I was WTF is going on here?! Then it registered. Grate post bro. Grate job!  8)
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.