Craycort vs. Napoleon Cast Iron Grate

Started by smokster, August 31, 2016, 05:20:03 PM

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I am looking for a cast iron grate -

Amazon has the Craycort for $96+$18 (shipping) + tax (~120 total)
A few other vendors have the Napoleon for $70 (no shipping or tax)

Any comments on ether of these ?
Or is the Craycort really worth an extra $50 ?
Lastly, any other currently available Cast Iron options for a 22.5 kettle ?

I am leaning towards the Napoleon - lower cost and handles.



Hey smokster. I've got the craycorts and they work beautifully, but if you go their route, you need to buy the grate lifter as well. I don't remember how much that cost, but it's a must.

Personally, I think if your going to eventually buy some of the other craycorts products that they sell, like the griddle insert etc.. then craycorts would definitely be the way to go.
If your just going for a set of cast iron grates, I would be looking at the napoleons. I've never seen them, but they already come with handles and looks to be well made and of course the price.

If I would have known of them a few years back I would have researched them definitely. Let's see some sweet CI grates!!

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Craycorts are quartered. Don't like that. The Napoleon grates are hinged like the fancy weber grates. And with the fancy wave, asparagus doesn't fall through.
I had Craycort grates once. They are in a landfill, or have been re melted into something else. I was not impressed.

It's not that they aren't a good product. I just didn't like them.


Thanks for all the info - for half the money I went with the Napoleon.
