How did I do on my pit for the year?

Started by Kettle Krazy, April 02, 2013, 06:16:16 PM

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Kettle Krazy

Finally got a photo of all the grills in one spot.  Working on putting the the pit together for spring.  Wondering what you guys think about my winter finds.

Silver A gasser = $20
Silver B gasser = $50
SS performer = $60
Vintage 22.5 kettle = $10
New cast iron grates, flavorizor bars, charcoal grate, hinged cooking grate = $100
Lodge cast iron grittle = $12 at goodwill
Weber gourmet BBQ cooking grate and griddle =$30
Vintage kabob set = $0

Total spent = $282
This years pit for my family and me = Priceless

Vintage 22.5 Gray/Black Kettle, 95 Performer Stainless Blue, Genesis Silver A, Genesis Silver B


I'm only 2 or 3 kettles away from being that creepy guy down the street with all the Webers
                            WKC Collaborator
                        Viva La  Charcoal Revolution


Great looking food and awesome grills! Love that 70s black 22!  8) Bravo on the scores!


Man, a blue SS is my holy grail...
I picked up 2 red heads, a blackie, & a stainless Gold C gasser this winter. 

I'd have to say ya done good...
I've always had gas...  And now a bunch of kettles because of this place.  Thanks!


Money well spent.  And I am really loving the bottle opener upgrade on the blue Preformer.  Well done, well done


"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook"
   ~Julia Child


Nice grills, but i'm just a little impartial to the old faded black.  :)

Hell Fire Grill

If the blue SS comes up missing, it wasent me!

I'm gona need your address so I can send you a christmas card.
You can't always get what you want....but if you try sometimes you get what you need