new bale for master touches or performer

Started by Ken Mc, June 25, 2016, 03:23:29 PM

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Ken Mc

hey all, just wondering if anyone knows the part number for the newer bale lid holder that sticks out further, and if it is adaptable to any other master touch or performer.
thanks in advance, Ken
Lookin' for a flat top 26"( not black)


I think it is not recommended for a MT, increases the danger of falling over.   It should fit any Performer.

Ken Mc

ty very much Club!!I may try this on one or all of my performers....
Lookin' for a flat top 26"( not black)


It's real nice. 

The downside is that the cover on an SSP no longer fits. 

I presume the latest covers would work on a Gen2 or newer.