went for a drive out in the country...

Started by Stu Clary, October 04, 2015, 02:45:06 PM

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Stu Clary

...and found this gem on the side of the road.

I have three blueberries.  I'm thinking a second fire pit.


I only use kettles with lid bales.


Orange mums would work for this time of year .  You only found the bowl, no lid?


hopelessly, helplessly, happily addicted to a shipload of Webers

Stu Clary

Yeah, no lid.  I didn't even see it.  The wife yells out "hey!  a grill!".  Yeah, she's a keeper.


Quote from: Stu Clary on October 04, 2015, 08:09:05 PM
Yeah, no lid.  I didn't even see it.  The wife yells out "hey!  a grill!".  Yeah, she's a keeper.
;D ;D  8)
Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......


That screams for a Red lid!  A grill saved for sure!
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


This is the original Weber kettle. The most powerful bbq grill in the world and can blow your taste-buds clean off! So, you have to ask yourself one question: "Do you feel hungry? Well, do you punk?"

Red Kettle Rich

Looking for a RED 26" Kettle & a tabbed no leg RED 22" Kettle near STL. Copper Sam Adams SJ anywhere 8)


Plant flowers in it or make it a fire pit!!?? Blasphemy people!! ;) ;D

Nice find Stu! :D
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


Great find !!!   Clean it up good, some grillfella near you will probably contact you with the offer of a working lid  ...  SJ
"Too Beef, or Not too Beef" ...

Looking for Dark Blue MBH 22", Dark Green MBH 22", Yellow MBH 22", Glen Blue MBH 22", Avocado MBH 22".


Quote from: Stu Clary on October 04, 2015, 08:09:05 PM
Yeah, no lid.  I didn't even see it.  The wife yells out "hey!  a grill!".  Yeah, she's a keeper.
Nice! That'll make you proud!

Stu Clary

Thanks guys.  Haha!  I was waiting for some smart aleck to say "its not every day you find an F-150 with a grill in the bed". 


Quote from: Stu Clary on October 05, 2015, 03:33:51 PM
Thanks guys.  Haha!  I was waiting for some smart aleck to say "its not every day you find an F-150 with a grill in the bed".
And hey! a driveway and a house! Score!

There, your smart aleck answer.