New From Illinois' first SS performer

Started by joness105639, August 03, 2015, 03:29:19 PM

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Removed the handles yesterday.  Its amazing how much crud was underneith the aluminum thermometer guard.  Anyway.  I figued I'd have my brother make up some custom wood handles to replace both the one on the lid and on the ss top.  This way they match in style and in wood and finish.  I found these plans to give him on another website.

My main reason for doing this is because 1 I like the look of wood, and 2 the woodan handles for the performer ss top that someone on the WKC site makes match the originals a little too closely for my taste.  I would prefer something a bit more rectangular that matches the shape of the one on the lid and in miniature.  The third reason is that DPO (dear previous owner) set down a hot tool on the plastic handle on the ss top therby melting a groove in it.  It looks bad.  I suppose I could fix it with some epoxy paste or bondo, or just replcing it with a weber part, but I like the personal touch my brother might bring to it.  He's going to make it out of osage orange.