Snagged a 22.5 Simpsons w/ a few extrees

Started by charred, June 14, 2015, 08:02:46 PM

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Roti. set (sans spit prongs), warming rack, veg(?) basket (is it even a Weber item?)and a utensil hanger.

Kettle in overall nice shape, especially the lid. Previous owner added a small therm.

The front leg and bowl handle are misaligned- I guess the welder was hungover at some point?  :D

This is my 2nd Simpsons....I'm going to make a better one using the two and will sell the other.

Can you spot the hose clamp?

hopelessly, helplessly, happily addicted to a shipload of Webers


Nice score, that is a cool looking basket.
Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......

Uncle JJ

Well done - great accessories!

I do see the hose clamp - funny.