Freak Storm misses my cookers by inches

Started by Idahawk, August 19, 2014, 08:21:11 PM

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I help coach my sons junior tackle football team and about an hour into a beautiful 87 degree sunny day of practice a huge lighting rain and wind storm came up forcing us into the rigs for about an hour , when I got home I found my patio table flipped, glass smashed of course my performer blown 10 ft into the grass , yes the grass and my WSM moved away from the house 5 ft yet still standing upright, lol not a scratch on either one , just amazing ...

Sorry for the dark photos

Edge of my patio in the foreground the shiny thing in the dark is my performer in the lawn .
Wanted plum/burgundy 18.5
WTB Color Copies of old Weber Catalogs


Wow that looks bad. But the cookers survived. Too close for comfort.


Wow! That was some wind.

Weber beats Mother Nature.  ;)
hopelessly, helplessly, happily addicted to a shipload of Webers


Glad all came thru unscathed. Those quick, not expected storms are the worst.
A Wonderful Family!!!