Asking your opinion re:1956/7 CaddyWampus

Started by charred, August 20, 2014, 06:56:15 PM

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Quote from: 1buckie on August 21, 2014, 05:13:14 AM
Quote from: AZ_MIKEY on August 20, 2014, 08:13:58 PM
Try a product called "S' ok" ! Trust me it works. I deal with bolts that are in and out of water all the time and have to take them apart. If you can't find that try another product called "Tri flow".

There's WATER in the addition to Galley-Q's ?

Yes there is some water here.

While I haven't removed thumbscrews on a kettle yet, my job requires me to overhaul water pumps for fire and brush trucks on a regular basis and also water valves. Then add in all the rusted, seized and corroded metal bolts on the engines and frames and I have a had a lot of fun removing them and cussing at them. Torches work as long as they get the metal hot fast and you are heating the outside metal and not the screw portion. Most penetrants  are flammable so keep that in mind and some of them actually gel up and harden when heat is added.
Looking for--- a yellow mbh any size, sequoia ( I know I am dreaming), avocado any size, brownie any size.