Way overpriced Seville (?) cart for sale

Started by thoraudio, October 29, 2012, 10:41:05 AM

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Come on AJ get with the program...Try to keep up!

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


Wow Brian, don't be a downer today! Wanna get "High' today? Lol.. 8)
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Sorry AJ you'll have to go Colorado on your own.  I have to go to work today and be a productive member of society.  I just hope I can leave to go home by 8:00 tonight.  I generally start at 7:30 AM.  No time for your hammock and wacky tobacky. 

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


OK Brain, I understand that you got screwed by Obama nad the Democrats..
I feel exactly the same way..
Luckily, they made me so poor, they forgot about me..
I can now smoke and lay in my hammock all day.. 8)
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Nah all my money was taken by the moron who was there before......He seemed to give the big corporations the right to screw everyone and everything, not Obama.  Sounds like maybe your sleeping in that hammock with a shotgun and a white hood?

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


Really, the race card?  I hate the fact that our government favors big corp. Obama bailed out how many companies again? And after they took "Our"money, then proceeded to give us the proverbial "Finger" They got away with murder...
Washington is a whole lotta old school cronies slapping each other on the ass, saying, "Good Job"..
Lets do this agian for 4 more.. I just want the spending in check, our streets to be safe and Americans to be able to put in an honest days effort and be able to retire comfortably in the end..
OOOhhh I get so damn mad, I wanna just....arrrghhhh.
No white hood, no liberalism.. just want it to be "Fair" for all.
Hey everyone, have a great weekend!  8)
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


If anyone has any better ideas, I would be glad to listen..
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Well you got me there, I'm sure no one has better ideas than you or Rush Limbaugah a heroin addict....

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


I quit Rush years ago in favor of Dennis Miller, a favorite of mine since his days on Saturday Night Live. More in the mad middle like me and not full of himself. Meanwhile, back at the Ranch. Did anyone get this Seville cart?



Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X


Dennis Miller? Yeah, he never did any drugs when he was yournger..
Smart guy, but we need leadership, not sarcasm.  8)
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..
