What is a 18.5 Kettle challenge you ask? Good question!
The 18.5 Kettle challenge is cooking a whole meal on
one 18.5 kettle or Jumbo Joe/Smokey Joe Platinum.
The idea is to push yours and the Kettles limits on what and how much you can cook on one 18.5 Kettle.
Ideally doing a whole meal would include, an appetizer, the main course to include sides and dessert.
The challenge will be in rotating foods to evenly cook them so they get done together, also when to add fuel and fire configuration for each portion of the meal (low and slow/two zone etc.) throughout the cook.
If you dont have an 18.5 Kettle search CL or go down to your local dealer and buy one! If you have one great, get it out and shine it up!
We want to show how versatile the 18.5 Kettle is for every day cooking.
When is you ask? The plan is to run between the 25th of July till the 8th of August right between mine and buckies birthdays!